AQA Hydrocarbons Snakes and Ladders Revision Game FTQuick View

AQA Hydrocarbons Snakes and Ladders Revision Game FT

AQA Hydrocarbons Snakes and Ladders Revision Game FT<br /> <br /> I used this to occupy my foundation students while doing HT content on the combustion calculations. <br /> <br /> Person A - Easier questions<br /> Person B - Harder questions<br /> <br /> Rules explained on the side of the board. <br /> MWB's or paper will be needed for drawing out displayed formula, as is dice and pieces to move.
AQA C.1.3-4  Separating mixtures --> Paper chromatography. Double lesson.Quick View

AQA C.1.3-4 Separating mixtures --> Paper chromatography. Double lesson.

Recap of atoms, molecules, mixtures and physical separation methods. <br /> Students get into groups of 5, each student researches a different technique. LA students could research filtration while MA students research fractional distillation. <br /> Provision of additional books etc can add depth to research. <br /> After students have done research, they teach their team what they have discovered. <br /> Resources included for you to make five stations around the room where each technique can be demonstrated.<br /> Following this is team quiz. <br /> Homework is to make revision cards / posters from the probably scruffy rushed notes made in class and answer past paper questions.