Halloween poetry - 7 types of poemQuick View

Halloween poetry - 7 types of poem

<p>7 Halloween poems: a Haiku, Acrostic, Ode, Triolet, Limerick, Clerihew and CInquain. In one version, the poetry type is named and these could be used for models or performance. In the second the type is not named so could be used as an investigation or identification of poetry types. A simple description/deifinition of the poetry types is also included.</p>
Simple Phonics Poems Phase 2,3,4.Quick View

Simple Phonics Poems Phase 2,3,4.

<p>Poetry for early readers. Each poem has a focus on 1,2 or 3 key phonemes with other words from earlier phases. For reading, spotting sounds and as a model for writing simple poetry. These poems have been carefully written to use known common exception words and sounds to enable independent reading of poetry for learners who are at the early stages of learning phonics.</p>
Phonic story/resources - ay ai  a_eQuick View

Phonic story/resources - ay ai a_e

<p>A set of resources for alternative spellings of the ay/ai phoneme: A sound story with key uses 7 common graphemes; choose the correct homophone in sentences; a list of common words using the spelling. The text only uses words readable for pupils at Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds. Answers are provided.</p>
KS1 Seaside Phase 2-6 texts: The CoastQuick View

KS1 Seaside Phase 2-6 texts: The Coast

<p>5 versions of a text for KS1 on coasts. Key vocab is illustrated so each text is decodable for a pupil at the specified Letters and Sounds phase. The text covers key content and vocabulary from the Geography National Curriculum and aims to simplify the words not the content. The texts are specific to Phase 3,4 and 5 with a" beginner" and “confident” version. They could be used equally for topic work or guided reading. It is hoped that more of these can be produced and the author would be glad for feedback or requests.</p>
KS1 Weather: Phase 2-6 textsQuick View

KS1 Weather: Phase 2-6 texts

<p>5 versions of a weather text for KS1. Key vocab is illustrated so each text is decodable for a pupil at the specified Letters and Sounds phase. The text covers key content and vocabulary from the Geography National Curriculum and aims to simplify the words not the content. The texts are specific to Phase 3,4 and 5 with a" beginner" and “confident” version. They could be used equally for topic work or guided reading. It is hoped that more of these can be produced and the author would be glad for feedback or requests.</p>
Collection of Phase 5 Sound StoriesQuick View

Collection of Phase 5 Sound Stories

<p>This set of 4 stories had been written using only sounds and tricky words learned in Letters and Sounds Phase 2-4. Each story in turn adds a new set of graphemes for reading which from Phase 5 and some new tricky words from that Phase. For example a pupil who has completed Phase 4 will be able to read Story 1 - Colin the raindrop - once they have learned Phase 5 graphemes ay, ou, ie and ea. The next story builds on these, adding 5 new ones. A key for each story highlights the new sounds. The stories could be used for identifying, listing and sorting words containing sounds and for indivisual or group reading.</p>
Simple poems for Mother's Day, Easter, SpringQuick View

Simple poems for Mother's Day, Easter, Spring

<p>Original poems for early readers (Up to Phase 5). Each poem has a cloze version to complete with rhyming words. Mother’s day has a version for Dad or Gran. These poems are intended for independent and shared reading, phonics practice and for performance.</p>
Simple Phonics Christmas Poems with ClozeQuick View

Simple Phonics Christmas Poems with Cloze

<p>3 winter poems using simple phonics and common words. Could be used for phonics practice, reading, or as models for writing. Each is also presented as a cloze activity with 4 or 5 simple word replacements.</p>
Phonics story oa/aiQuick View

Phonics story oa/ai

<p>KS1 phonics activity to read and identify sounds in a story. The text is written to be decodable for most children who are learning the focus sounds and requires the active engagement of highlighting and then listing the words found. It is based on the RWI sequence of sounds. It is suitable for individual or group activity or homework.</p>
Phase 3 soundspot sentences: ar or ur owQuick View

Phase 3 soundspot sentences: ar or ur ow

<p>This is a KS1 phonics activity for independent or group work. Decodable sentences are read, phonemes recognised and the identified words are sorted. The activity is based on Letters and Sounds Phase 3 phonic progression.</p>
Phase 3 sound sentences: oi igh er earQuick View

Phase 3 sound sentences: oi igh er ear

<p>This is a KS1 phonics activity for independent or group work. Decodable sentences are read, phonemes recognised and the identified words are sorted. The activity is based on Letters and Sounds Phase 3 phonic progression.</p>
Phase 4 Sound StoryQuick View

Phase 4 Sound Story

<p>This story only contains words which are decodable by pupils who have completed Letters and Sounds phase 4. All vowel sounds are from Phase 2 and 3, with tricky words from Phases 2, 3 and 4. The key highlights Phase 3 and 4 focus sounds. It can be used for phoneme identification and listing and sorting words containing phonemes and also for reading practice.</p>
Phase 3 sound storyQuick View

Phase 3 sound story

<p>This story is decodable for pupils who have completed Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds. It can be used for finding, highlighting, listing and sorting any or all of the Phase 3 phonemes or for a reading activity. There is a key which highlights the relevant words.</p>
Phase 4 Sound story: sc scr crQuick View

Phase 4 Sound story: sc scr cr

<p>This story is decodable for pupils working at Phase 4 of letters and sounds. It has the 3 similar consonant clusters sc, scr and cr as the focus and includes only “tricky” words taught up to the end of Phase 4. It can be used for finding, highlighting, sorting and listing focus words and also for reading practice.</p>
Sound spot sentences oo/oy/ouQuick View

Sound spot sentences oo/oy/ou

<p>This is a KS1 phonics activity for independent or group work. Decodable sentences are read, phonemes recognised and the identified words are sorted. Three similar looking phonemes are used in this activity to allow specific practice.</p>
soundspot sentences ai/ee/oa/ooQuick View

soundspot sentences ai/ee/oa/oo

<p>This is a KS1 phonics activity for independent or group work. Decodable sentences are read, phonemes recognised and the identified words are sorted. The activity is based on Letters and Sounds Phase 3 phonic progression.</p>
Phase 3 soundspot sentences: ai/r ur/eQuick View

Phase 3 soundspot sentences: ai/r ur/e

<p>This is a KS1 phonics activity for independent or group work. Decodable sentences are read, phonemes recognised and the identified words are sorted. This gives extra practice for visually similar sounds ai and air and ur and ure. The activity is based on Letters and Sounds Phase 3 phonic progression.</p>
Phase 5 sound sentences: new pronunciationsQuick View

Phase 5 sound sentences: new pronunciations

<p>14 sound spotting activities to practise alternative pronunciations of known graphemes. They are carefully written to include the new and known pronunciation and ONLY words decodable for pupils who have reached this stage of Phase 5. Target words need to be spotted, read and sorted according to the pronunciation.</p>