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A series of seven lessons from Global Youth Charity Ditch the Label, in partnership with Maybelline New York aimed to empower young people to take control of their own mental health journey and access the individual support they need. This Brave Together module is designed to promote positive mental health outcomes by helping you understand mental health better and breaking down the barriers to speaking up and seeking support. The lessons comprise:

  1. I am Understanding
    An introduction to the concept of mental health as a continuum and a core element of our overall health. This lesson aims to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness, before focusing on how to give ourselves a regular ‘Mental Health Check-up’.

  2. I am Balanced
    An exploration of how hormones and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine cause our emotional state to fluctuate. Followed by a discussion of healthy ways to navigate and express emotions.

  3. I am Calm
    A lesson in releasing emotional tension; giving students the opportunity to acknowledge their stress or anger, how they express it, and what they can do to direct that energy in a safe and productive way.

  4. I am in Control
    A lesson on worry where students have the opportunity to explore some of the more common thinking traps, equipping them with the skills to reframe the negative thoughts they cause.

  5. I am Imperfect
    A lesson exploring the negative impact comparing ourselves to those around us has on our self-esteem, especially on social media and the benefits of focusing on the strengths and abilities that make us the best at being ourselves.

  6. I am Happy
    A lesson built around the Five Ways to Wellbeing – an evidence-based mental health initiative which was developed by the new economics foundation for a Government Wellbeing Project.

  7. I am Brave
    A lesson built around Maybelline’s Brave Talk framework aimed at empowering young people to be able to spot signs in and have a conversation with someone who might be facing a mental health challenge whilst prioritising their own wellbeing.

This is a complete module ready to download and deliver containing a comprehensive module introduction, teaching guides, lesson resources and PowerPoint.

Creative Commons "NoDerivatives"



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