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Simply enter the scores for each child for each question for the 2016 SPAG test, their gender, SEN and PPg status and the spreadsheet will give you:

a breakdown of each question percentage

the percentage overall, boys and girls for each area and overall percentages for each of these areas for gender, PPG, non PPG, SEN and non SEN

in GAPS - grammar, sentence strructure, phrases, verb forms, punctuation, vocabulary and standard English

Maths - number, place value, calculation, geometry, ratio, fractions, decimals, percentages, measurement, statistics and algebra

Reading - meaning, retrieval, inference, prediction, content, words and phrases and comparison.

ideal for school and subject leaders as well as teacher analsysis of strengths and areas for development

Links to resources




All 3 spreadsheets



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8 years ago

Hi there,<br /> I got this resource last year and am now using the SPAG analysis again this year however there are issues with certain questions on the input screen - they will not accept 2 marks. Is there an update for this? Many thanks


8 years ago

Children's details do not always populate through the spreadsheet. Charts do not reflect the data, particularly the SPAG one. Spent hours entering data to very little avail. Waste of £5.


9 years ago

Hi, we downloaded this to analyse our results and we are finding many glitches, such as; no totaling on the arithmetic page, SPAG paper 1 not accepting more than one mark although some questions are worth more than one. Please can you let us know of updates so we can make use of the resource properly and not have wasted time putting data in.


9 years ago

On the SPAG link I can use the spelling data for analysis but not the rest. The formulas do not send the data through to the graphs. Please could you contact me so I can edit this. Otherwise a fab resource.


9 years ago

Seems to be a few glitches to be sorted<br /> I was unable to record 2 and 3 marks for some of the maths questions <br /> Also a few issues in the summary of specific areas<br /> I would appreciate being contacted in order to have these rectified <br /> Many thanks

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