Hi! I'm Miss Poole and my resources are all focused on FUN! I am a private tutor and I teach online via Skype. I'm trained in primary and I specialise in Spanish as a foreign language. Lots of my resources are appropriate for multiple age ranges and include multi-level differentiation. I'm happy to accept requests for new resources and I welcome all feedback on current ones. Contact info@misspoole.es

pdf, 2.6 MB
pdf, 2.6 MB

A simple yet engaging ‘trick’ for any age or ability, I’ve used this worksheet with KS1, 2 and 3. All the child needs to do is write any number in the star and then double and halve it according to the instructions, so this can be easily differentiated with different sizes of numbers.

Why not challenge the more able pupils by giving special conditions for the starter numbers they come up with? ‘Must be odd’, ‘All the digits must add up to 17’, ‘No zeros’ etc. Hours of fun!

If you love it, please leave me a review!

Creative Commons "Sharealike"



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7 years ago

Fabbo idea


9 years ago

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