This Fiction Close Reading Activities Bundle contains ALL of the fiction close reading activities from my store. As new fictional close reading activities are added to my store, they will be added to this bundle. When new items are added, the price of this bundle will increase as well, although it will always be a discount over purchasing each close read individually. If you purchase this bundle now, all new updates with new close reads will be available to you, free, with a re-download from your My Resources page.
The sooner you purchase the bundle, the better the price! Currently, the discount is at 17%.
9 close reading activities are currently included in this download, ready to print and go!
These close reading activities have students focus first on reading the passage multiple times while searching for unknown words, new concepts, and key points. Then, the students answer questions ranging from Knowledge to Synthesis on Bloom's Taxonomy.
The nature of close reading, as well as the passage and questions lend this activity to Standardized Test Practice as well. The questions and activities are designed to help students practice analyzing a difficult, technical nonfiction text and respond to a variety of questions in preparation for similar techniques used in ACT Aspire and PARCC testing, as well as on the SATs. Close reading is a strategy that is encouraged through Common Core and most state standards, and is best completed with short passages such as the ones provided here.
Files currently included (Some are in sets of 2):
* A Face for a Pumpkin
* Back To School - How I Spent My Summer Vacation & Back to School
* The Lighthouse & The Camping Trip
*Pardon Me! A Turkey's Story
*The Perfect Christmas Tree
*Space: Jack's Asteroid Adventure & The Sky's the Limit