I'm an English Teacher based in Northern Ireland, with extensive experience of delivering the CCEA Specification for GCSE and A-Level Literature and Language. I'm passionate about making resources that are effective, engaging and lesson-ready. I also teach a little bit of KS3 Maths!

pptx, 48.21 MB
pptx, 48.21 MB

This detailed 26 slide PowerPoint explores several contextual areas of Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” to support teachers’ and students’ understanding of the novel.

This PowerPoint is aimed at A-Level students, but can also be used for high-ability GCSE students. I have used this in my teaching of CCEA’s AS Unit 2 module to help enhance students’ use of AO3 in their written responses.

Areas of Contextual Study include the following:

Biographical Context: Mary Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, William Godwin, Percy Shelley.

Literary Context: The Gothic Novel, The Science Fiction Novel, Literary Allusions (Paradise Lost and the Prometheus Myth).

Social/Historical/Cultural Context: Age of Enlightenment, The Romantic Period/Romanticism, Scientific Discoveries and Ideas (Galvinism), Social Unrest, Gender.

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Creative Commons "Attribution"



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5 months ago

This is wonderful. Thank you so much.


3 years ago

This is a superb and incredibly detailed resource. Thank you so much for sharing!


5 years ago

A brilliant, detailed resource. Thanks for sharing.


5 years ago

An in-depth powerpoint.


5 years ago

A detailed PowerPoint with lots of contextual information. Thank you 😃

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