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PRIMARY FRENCH IMMERSION FRENCH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER FRENCH HOW TO TELL TIME IN FRENCH HALF PAST THE HOUR ANALOG WORKSHEETS FREEBIE I like to have sets of super simple worksheets that I can give to my young / beginner French students, not only when they’re new to the target vocabulary, but also for refreshing and revising language they’ve learnt some time ago. Students can generally more easily assimilate new language and vocabulary when they are able to link it in their memory with a visual image, and it’s particularly important to match a clock time with the corresponding clock face when learning how to tell time. I give my students these worksheets at the same time as introducing the time set, so that they can practice and embed both recognizing the time, and writing the time phrase itself. Students really enjoy the opportunity to test their recall too.

The worksheets are useful in a number of contexts: I use them for sub lessons, as starters, plenaries, five-minute refreshers and home learning activities. I occasionally use them for more formal assessment purposes too.

Students find this How to tell the time in French half past the hour list freebie helpful:

Have a look at this reference guide for telling time in French, every analog clock time with matching clock faces ($3):

Have a browse in my store for more French super simple worksheets, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning materials, with French dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies.

The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom. The license is a single-user license only. The resource is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply.


Creative Commons "Sharealike"

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**PRIMARY FRENCH IMMERSION TELLING TIME ELEMENTARY FRENCH TELLING TIME FRENCH FOR CHILDREN TELLING TIME BEGINNER FRENCH TELLING TIME TASK CARDS 3 SETS OF 60 TASK CARDS @ $3.75 EACH** ***All files are non-editable, in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.*** ***Set 1***: o'clock & half past ***Set 2***: quarter to & past ***Set 3***: range of analog times I generally work with ***telling time in French*** quite quickly with my ***beginner French*** students, as it lends itself really well to promoting speaking in the classroom, discussing daily routines for example. There are two questions: ***Quelle heure est-il ?*** with a particular clock face, and students write the response on their recording sheet or in their workbooks. The second question is ***Vrai ou faux ?*** and students write either ***vrai*** or ***faux*** - where the answer is ***faux***, remind students to write the correct time for additional consolidation. ***Each set comprises the following non-editable files:*** = 60 question cards, 10 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper = answer key & recording sheet Laminate the cards if you can - they're far more learner-friendly, and remain in excellent condition for years. ***Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.*** **MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !**




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