This bundle contains all the content relevant to AQA Triple Chemistry students in the new 9-1 syllabus.

Includes 4 LESSONS worth of teaching materials:

This includes the standard tests and characteristic results/colour changes for:

  • positive metal ion flame tests (Li, Cu, K, Na, Ca),
  • positive metal ion precipitate tests with NaOH (Fe(III), Fe(II), Cu(II), Mg, Ca, Al)
  • sulfate test with barium nitrate/chloride
  • halide tests (Cl, Br and I) with silver nitrate
  • carbonate tests with dilute acid and lime water

These lessons contain full powerpoints, student worksheets, complete answers, risk assessments/technician order forms, stretch and challenge tasks, relevant exam questions, and AfL plenary activities

Lesson 1-2: Identifying positive metal ions (flame tests and precipitate tests)
Lesson objectives:

  • Carry out simple flame tests to identify positive metal ions
  • Carry out simple precipitate tests to identify positive metal ions
  • Describe how to carry out a flame test and a precipitate test, including the names of any important reactants
  • Describe the problems and limitations of using flame tests and precipitate tests to identify positive metal ions

Lesson 3 - Identifying negative non-metal ions
Lesson objectives:

  • Carry out simple precipitate tests to identify halide, sulfate and carbonate ions
  • Describe how to carry out precipitate tests to test for halide, sulfate and carbonate ions, including the names of any important reactants
  • Write balanced symbol and ionic equations for the reactions taking place in precipitation reactions

Lesson 4 - Instrumental Analysis and Flame Emission Spectra
Lesson objectives:

  • Know what instrumental techniques are
  • Describe advantages and disadvantages of instrumental techniques over other analysis techniques (e.g. flame tests)
  • Interpret flame emission spectra to identify unknown elements in a mixture

Lesson resources include:

  • Complete and full powerpoints - including starter activities, challenge activities, tables of results, practical instructions, questions with complete answers
  • Student worksheets and practical sheets with instructions and tables for results (PDF and editable word versions)
  • Student worksheet answers (PDF and editable word versions)
  • Practical risk assessments/order forms (up to date with CLEAPPS data as of Oct 2023)
  • Relevant practice exam questions with mark schemes and examiners reports.



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7 months ago

Only one lesson in included (test for non metal ion) as oppose to 4 lessons worth mentioned. I paid £5 for this. Could you rectify this? Thanks

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