The Follow Me cards are numbers 1-30 with the numeral on the left and the French equivalent on the right. They are on a loop so that wherever you start you will always get through the whole set - tried and tested!
The Ordinal numbers set include all of the numbers from 1-30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 set on a background of the French flag. Numeral is on top of the card with the written French equivalent on the bottom. A lovely, colourful display resource.
The interactive calendar had all of the months of the year in pink, days of the week in green and the dates in purple. This resource is designed to be used as a display item where children can set the date each day and then can be used to copy the date in the books.
I'm certain you will find this resource bundle useful with a saving of 17% - £1.50 altogether. Your feedback would be appreciated.