doc, 216 KB
doc, 216 KB
This year I'm teaching music to the whole school every week and am creating a scheme of work as I go along. I&'d be interested in what you think - can you follow it? Could you use it and be successful? etc I don&';t know if it's in too much &'me speak&'; or whether it's ok for others... ta! Y4 - 6 followed the same plan so they could all learn the same musical terminology as a base for next half term - next half term they will be having different plans. Ta :)
Tes classic free licence



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11 years ago

As others have said this is fantastic thank you so much. Did you do a second one?!!! :-)


11 years ago

Hi this is great - any chance I can have a peek at anymore you have put together?


12 years ago

Great. I do the same, teaching music throughout the school but have never made such a comprehensive plan - will be able to work with this for my school. Thank you


12 years ago

Thank you for this very comprehensive scheme of work. I am DH Curriculum in a new school and planning ahead for Key Stage 2, this will be very useful as guidance


12 years ago

Thanks this is really helpful. It's brilliant that you have shared your expertise! Looking forward to anymore you can share.

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