This outstanding resource is designed to help students evaluate how successful the New Deal was at putting the USA back to work through the alphabet agencies by looking at the problems facing farmers and how successful the Agricultural Adjustment Administration was at solving them.
When you buy this resource you will receive a card sort and a twenty three slide PowerPoint that includes information, sources, links to video clips and eight activities. Activity 1 is a snowballing starter. Activity 2 is based around a class discussion of FDR’s inauguration speech the aims of the New Deal. Activity 3 is a discussions around an animated diagram about how consumer fear was undermining the US economy and making unemployment worse. Activity 4 looks at ‘pump priming’ and why certain groups opposed it and is linked to a source analysis question. Activity 5 is based around a class or pair discussion about a key quote by FDR on the role of agriculture in the recovery. Activity 6 looks at the achievements of the AAA and gets students to think about why some groups would oppose its work. Activity 7 gets students to evaluate how successful the AAA was at increasing farm prices, whilst activity 8 is based around the card sort that gets students to evaluate how successful the AAA was a solving the problems facing US farmers. Finally, activity 9 is a cartoon source analysis and includes an student mark scheme.
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
Theme: How successful was the New Deal 1933 – 1939?
Know: What were the aims of the New Deal?
Understand: How did the AAA try to help the problems facing farmers?
Evaluate: How successful was the AAA?
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Identify & describe: What action did FDR take to end the Depression?
Explain: How did the AAA try and help farmers?
Analyse: How successful was the New Deal 1933 – 1939?
This resource is designed as a teaching aid. It is supplied in Microsoft PowerPoint and can be fully edited and customised for your students. It would also make a great teaching resource.
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Thank you - I ebjoyed teaching this lesson!
A brilliant resource, this is not an easy topic to teach in an interest way, but this resource is fab. Thank you!
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