Updated for 2019 General Election! A short unit of 4 hours of fully resourced lessons and a quiz. All very detailed and well differentiated, complete with starters, worksheets, clips, with challenge levels to three grades throughout.
- What is democracy? How does the voting system work in the UK and what are general elections?
- Who are Parliament? What do they actually do and how are the Houses of Parliament split up?
- How are laws created and passed? How does an act become a law?
- What are the origins of UK democracy? How did our political system come to be?
- What are MPs and constituents? What do they do? What are all the roles that make up the UK government?
- A fun political quiz to see where your political sympathies lie and which party you would be likely to vote for.
Suitable for KS3/4 but could be adapted.
I use all of these myself as a Head of Citizenship and I really hope you find them excellent value.
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It's OK - it follows the usual EC format so differentiated questions etc. A few gripes though - the resources aren't labelled or organised in a particularly user friendly way, a few odd bits and pieces of info are out of date for 2023 (e.g. lots of references to the queen instead of the king) some are easily remedied but the resource of the political party mix and match is not only out of date (previous political party leader names and photos), but the table is also on there as an IMAGE so couldn't be easily edited to swap one pic for another, or just retype a name. So I just had to make another one. No biggie but if I'd wanted to make my own resources I wouldn't have come on here and paid money for one. Likewise with the files not being organised into folders, or named up so it's easy to see which resource is for which lesson with it being a bundle - took a long time to organise when I'd paid for something to save myself some time.
Fantastic bundle, has saved me hours and hours thank you!
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