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Great visual resources suitably differentiated for year 1. Read the Blue Balloon and sequence the pictures and use time connectives to retell. Write a list and captions using words to describe the balloon changing shape. Link to the new curriculum and used expanded noun phrases and or adjectives. Use phonics and sounds to match words to pictures. As creative starters to the unit -teachers can write a message on a helium balloon from each child and release in outdoor playground - ‘This balloon is indestructable. Please look after it!’ Wait and see if anyone replies to the message. Blow up a balloon and release in hall for inspiration to dance and movement in P.E. Also includes ideas for problem solving in maths using balloons as inspiration.



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9 years ago

Thank you.


9 years ago

Thanks for sharing - saved lots of prep time!


11 years ago

Fantastic resource. Thanks for sharing.

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