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docx, 10.17 KB

I created this planning after I attended the Understanding Christianity Ks1 course.

Covers 6 questions across 6 lessons:

  1. Where does salvation fit into the big story?
  2. To know the Easter story and how it links with the ideas of salvation. (What is the Easter story? )
  3. What instructions does Jesus give on how to behave?
  4. Think, talk and ask questions about whether the story of Easter has anything to say to them about sadness, hope or heaven, exploring different ideas. (What emotions are shown through the Easter story? )
  5. How do Christians show their beliefs about the Easter story?
  6. Give at least three examples of how Christians show their beliefs about Jesus’ death and resurrection in church worship at Easter.



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3 years ago

Thanks for sharing. I'm wondering what the "big frieze" is that you refer to?


5 years ago

This looks really thorough and clear to follow. Thank you so much for sharing. Do you have any other planning for any of the other Understanding Christianity units? Our school have just started using this and I'm feeling a bit confused by it all at the moment. This helped to make it a little more clear. I'm after planning for Creation for KS1. If you have this, I would be grateful and would help save me lots of time. Many thanks.

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