Is e dìreach daoine gòrach aig an robh an creideamh gun adhbhar a dhèanadh Hitler
gabh ris agus bi air do shocair.
Às deidh na h-uile, bha iad mothachail gun do rinn e iomarcach
aithrisean gràineil.
Bha e cinnteach gun robh smachd-bhannan aig na Versailles
cha b’ urrainn an cùmhnant a leigheas ach le cogadh.
Is e dìreach daoine a bha furasta an mealladh aig an robh an creideamh neo-iomchaidh a dhèanadh Hitler
thoir a stigh agus bi toilichte.
Às deidh na h-uile, bha iad mothachail gu robh e air cus a dhèanamh
aithrisean searbh cruaidh-cheann.
Bha creideas daingeann aige mu bhacadh nan Versailles
cha b’ urrainn an cùmhnant a leigheas ach le cogadh.
Only gullible people had the unwarranted faith that Hitler would
acquiesce and be appeased.
After all, they were cognizant he had made superfluous
obdurate acrimonious statements.
He had the conviction the sanctions of the Versailles
treaty could only be remedied by war.
Only easily tricked people had the unjustified faith that Hitler would
give in and be satisfied.
After all, they were aware he had made too many
hard-headed bitter statements.
He had the firm belief the resrtictions of the Versailles
treaty could only be cured by war.
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