txt, 745 Bytes
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txt, 930 Bytes

Bha Van Goug torrach.

A ‘tòiseachadh gu mì-chinnteach, cha b’ fhada gus an do leig e sìos cuingealachaidhean.

Paris; gu math buailteach do stoidhlichean, rinn e sealladh perfunctory air
ealain aige agus chuir e cùl ris.

Bha Van Goug den bheachd gu robh an ealain aige fìor.

Cha toireadh an Institiùd cead dha anns na cruinneachaidhean aige.

Dh’fhalbh Van Goug gu neo-eisimeileach gun neach-taic;
beatha àmhghair.

Bha Van Goug cinneasach.

A’ tòiseachadh gu stad, cha b’ fhada gus an do leig e stadan air.

Paris; gu math buailteach do stoidhlichean, thug e sùil èigneachail air
ealain aige agus dhiùlt e i.

Bha Van Goug den bheachd gu robh an ealain aige fìor.

Cha bhiodh an Institiud a’ fulang leis anns na cruinneachaidhean aige.

Dh’fhalbh Van Goug gu neo-eisimeileach gun duine a 'ceannach na h-ealain aige;
beatha fhulangais.
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Van Goug was prolific.

Starting out tentatively, he soon dropped constraints.

Paris; highly susceptible to styles, made a perfunctory look at
his art and repudiated it.

Van Goug held the contention that his art was pure.

The Institute would not condone it in its collections.

Van Goug went off autonomously without a patron;
a life of adversity.

Van Goug was productive.

Starting out haltingly, he soon dropped restraits.

Paris; highly prone to styles, made an obligatory look at
his art and rejected it.

Van Goug held the belief that his art was pure.

The Institute would not suffer it in its collections.

Van Goug went off independently without a person buying his art;
a life of suffering.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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