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It’s trite to say the U.S.S. Constitution is archaic. So, I’ll

The advantages of any warship are ephemeral.

The vigor and bravery of the crew are negated by its being obsolete.

A superficial look at the ship in Boston Harbor is expository.

It was built in a formulaic way with eclectic elements in 1796.

After a distinguished career it became obsolete and was used for nebulous uses
after that.

It’s tired to say the U.S.S. Constitution is a relic. So, I’ll
keep from doing that.

The advantages of any warship are temporary.

The strength and bravery of the crew are canceled out by its being obsolete.

A surface look at the ship in Boston Harbor will explain.

It was built in a standard way with this and that elements in 1796.

After a honored career it became outmoded and was used for unclear uses
after that.

Tha e gòrach a ràdh gu bheil na SA Tha am bun-reachd àrsaidh. Mar sin, nì mi

Tha buannachdan bàta-cogaidh sam bith gun samhail.

Tha spionnadh agus gaisgeachd a’ chriutha air an àicheadh ​​leis gu bheil iad air a dhol à bith.

Tha sealladh farsaing air an t-soitheach ann am Boston Harbour gu math follaiseach.

Chaidh a thogail ann an dòigh foirmleach le eileamaidean taghaidh ann an 1796.

Às deidh neach-cùraim cliùiteach chaidh e à bith agus chaidh a chleachdadh airson cleachdaidhean neo-shoilleir
Às deidh sin.

Tha e sgìth a ràdh an U.S.S. Tha bun-reachd na àite. Mar sin, nì mi
cùm bho bhith a’ dèanamh sin.

Tha buannachdan bàta-cogaidh sam bith sealach.

Tha neart agus gaisgeachd a’ chriutha air an cuir dheth leis gu bheil iad air a dhol à bith.

Mìnichidh sealladh uachdar air an t-soitheach ann am Boston Harbour.

Chaidh a thogail ann an dòigh àbhaisteach le seo agus na h-eileamaidean sin ann an 1796.

Às deidh neach-cùraim le urram dh’ fhàs e seann-fhasanta agus chaidh a chleachdadh airson cleachdaidhean neo-shoilleir
Às deidh sin.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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