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txt, 674 Bytes
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txt, 876 Bytes

Mar thoradh air an aithris mu chleachdadh seasmhach feachd an airm thàinig buaidh.

B 'e an ùine neo-ghluasadach mus deach Breatainn a ghluasad a-mach, sheall an t-arm bacadh.

Bhuannaich neo-ionannachd sage Washington agus deagh ghnìomh mar òraidiche an latha.

Tha an dìoghaltas aige dha na mutineers gu h-èifeachdach a’ dèanamh dìmeas air na miannan aca

faigh am pàigheadh le feachd.

Mar thoradh air an sgeulachd mu bhith a’ cleachdadh feachd an airm fada, thàinig buaidh.

B’ e an ùine ghoirid mus do dh’fhalmhachadh Bhreatainn, sheall an t-arm fèin-smachd.

Bhuannaich dealachadh glic Washington agus deagh ghnìomh mar neach-labhairt an latha.

Tha na frith-argamaidean aige an aghaidh luchd-ceannairc gu h-èifeachdach a’ cur às do na miannan aca

faigh am pàigheadh le feachd.

The narrative of the sustained application of military force led to victory.

It the transient period before British evacuation, the army showed restraint.

Washington’s sage nonchalance and great act as an orator won the day.

His rebuttal to the mutineers effectively deprecate their desires to

get their pay by force.

The story of the prolonged application of military force led to victory.

It the short period before British evacuation, the army showed self-discipline.

Washington’s wise composure and great act as an speaker won the day.

His counter-arguments against the mutineers effectively defuse their desires to

get their pay by force.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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