I am a second in department currently responsible for Key Stage 3. As a result of this I have been creating in depth booklets which provide detailed units of work for my teachers. These booklets provide all the extracts/worksheets a teacher needs for a unit of work. I offer these at £3 a booklet and then have created bundles at 30% off with 3 booklets costing only £6.30.
I also have a lot of GCSE AQA revision materials, most of which are offered freely.
There are 2 lots of 4 quizzes with different text combinations (Macbeth, Jekyll and Hyde, An Inspector Calls, Conflict Poetry AND Romeo and Juliet, A Christmas Carol, An Inspector Calls, Conflict Poetry) and the answers on the following slide.
All questions are interleaved and each quiz is worth 20 marks - I plan to use them simply as quick starters in the run up to the exams, which are immediately peer-assessed so students know where the gaps are in their knowledge.