Hello. I've been teaching for 24 years and I'm still learning! I have become a primary maths specialist teacher (MaST) and NCETM accredited PD Lead, as well as long-time maths lead at my school. In September I started using the excellent White Rose Maths Small Steps and Guidance to plan maths for the Year 1 children at my school, along with the White Rose section on Craig Barton's brilliant Diagnostic Questions website. I share it in the hope that it will save you time. Thanks for looking.
My planning and all of my resources to go with the whole of White Rose Maths Block 4, Place Value within 20, including activprimary, smartboard and PDF versions of my flipchart. I hope it is helpful and saves you some time. Thank you.
Fab!! Clear, easy to follow planning. SMART and resources are just right for the children as they mirror. AfL clear and has received positive feedback from SLT . Fantastic time saver and well worth money. Good CPD tool. Thank you for your hard work most appreciated!
6 years ago
Wow! Thank you for your lovely review. I am thrilled that you have found this useful.
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This resource is fantastic! Thank you. Have you posted the whole of Autumn Term Block 1 -Place Value within 10. I can only find week 1. Would be very interested in the other weeks too.
7 years ago
Thank you so much for your lovely feedback. I have only posted week 1 of the first autumn block because that is all I have done so far! I started sharing my plans at the start of Block 2, which I need to revisit, but I will be doing this and the rest of Autumn Block 1 at the start of the holidays. I have too much else to do right now as I am moving schools and have a cupboard to empty and a home to pack up!
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