Hello. I've been teaching for 24 years and I'm still learning! I have become a primary maths specialist teacher (MaST) and NCETM accredited PD Lead, as well as long-time maths lead at my school. In September I started using the excellent White Rose Maths Small Steps and Guidance to plan maths for the Year 1 children at my school, along with the White Rose section on Craig Barton's brilliant Diagnostic Questions website. I share it in the hope that it will save you time. Thanks for looking.
Hello again. This is all of my planning and resources for fourth week to go with the White Rose Maths scheme of learning for Year 1, Autumn Block 1, Place Value within 10. All of the resources are in word so you can adapt it for your children. The flips are in activprimary, smartboard and a pdf version too. As always, I hope they save you some time, and that your children enjoy them. Thank you.
Fantastic resources and planning. Thank you! do you have the planning and resources for Autumn Yr 1 block 4 place value?
5 years ago
Hello. Thank you for your lovely review. I'm so pleased that you found it useful. Here is a link to my block 4 planning. Sorry it's taken me a while to get it on here for you. Tracy https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/y1-all-my-planning-and-resources-for-white-rose-maths-block-4-place-value-to-20-weeks-1-and-2-11783534
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Great resources, as always. Thank you. Quick question re Addition and Subtraction Block 2 Have downloaded it but cannot find the sheet you refer to in Week 2 Session 1 - Planning says - Green challenge: R and P/S Continue the pattern - sheet Is this included or is it a suggestion? Thanks for your help.
6 years ago
Hello. It's called 'session 1 challenge'. I hope you can find it now. Thank you for your review though. I'm pleased you have found this helpful.
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Hi, I am really liking these resources. Please can you let me know if you have already planned the Year 1 Autumn 1 Block 1 Addition and Subtraction week 5 to 8. I would really like to buy them as they give me good ideas and stop me taking too long over the lessons. Thank you, Debbie
6 years ago
Hello. Thank you for your review. All of block 2 is on here, spread over 5 weeks of four days, which is why the first one is still free: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/y1-planning-and-resources-for-white-rose-maths-block-2-addition-and-subtraction-week-1-11736141
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