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AQA GCSE Sociology - different stages of education and types of schools

AQA GCSE Sociology - different stages of education and types of schools

Detailed student led lesson on the different stages of education, the different types of schools and the state vs independent divide in education (including arguments for and against private schools). Lesson has been planned to stretch and challenge the most able and includes scaffolding to support all pupils with meeting the lesson objectives. This lesson also goes through the different types of schools for different ages: Nursery, Primary, Secondary, Sixth form and Higher education. PLEASE NOTE - Progress check activity requires students to think about the types of schools that apply to their school so you will need to edit it to make it relevant. covers the following key terms: Nursery school and classes, Primary Schools, Secondary schools, Sixth form, Higher education, State schools, Academies, Free schools, Special schools, Faith schools, Grammar schools, Independent/ private schools, Specialist schools, National curriculum, Public schools (extension), Local Education Authorities (LEAs) (extension), Admission policy (extension), Ofsted (extension) Answers included for main activities (excluding the plenary) Includes a 3 marker with a success criteria and student-friendly mark-scheme. Resources can be found at the end of the PPT
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: Intro lessons

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: Intro lessons

4 Resources
L1 - How do sociologisrs collect their data? Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how sociologist collect data for sociological research (e.g. difference between primary and secondary methods, quantitative and qualitative data. Covers the following key terms: research methods, sociological research, data, research process, Primary methods vs Secondary Methods, qualitative vs quantitative data, closed vs open questions, validity and reliability. L2 - How do sociologists begin their research? Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how sociologists begin their research (e.g. what is meant by research design, hypothesis, research questions, aims , pilot study, the first two stages of research process and assessing its usefulness. Covers the following key terms: Research design, Hypothesis, Research questions, Research aims and Pilot study Makes links to key terms that students should have already covered the following key terms: Respondent, Response rate, Participants, Sociological research, Research process and Data Answers to all activities included L3 - How might sociologists collect their sample? Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how might sociologist select their sample for sociological research (e.g. the sampling method, consequences sampling methods may have on social research, the different types of sampling methods and how they are used. Covers the following key terms: Target population, Sample, Sampling frame, Probability (or random sampling) vs Non-probability sampling, Simple random sampling, Systematic random sampling, Stratified random sampling, Snowball sampling, Quota sampling, Representative sample vs unrepresentative sample, Generalise; Generalisability; To make generalisations, Opportunity sampling extension), Cluster sampling (extension) and Positivists vs interpretvivists (extension) Answers to most activities are included L4 - What PET issues might sociologists need to consider when conducting research? Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand what are PET issues that sociologists consider when designing and conducting research (e.g. define and identify possible practical, ethical and theoretical (PET) advantages and disadvantages of social research and explaining PET’s differences Covers the following key terms: Practical issue, Ethical issues, Theoretical issues,Anonymity, Confidentiality , Informed consent, Covert research (extension), Pseudonym (extension), Mixed method (extension) Findings (of research) (extension). Key bodies, laws and theories we will cover: British Sociological Association, Data Protection Act 1998, Positivism, Interpretivism Answers to most main activities are included RESOURCES FOR ALL LESSONS CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT IF NOT INCLUDED AS A SEPARATE DOCUMENT.
AQA GCSE Sociology - Education:  Alternative forms of education

AQA GCSE Sociology - Education: Alternative forms of education

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand alternative forms of traditional education (e.g. describe the alternative forms of educational provision, explain how the different forms of educational provision differ to traditional forms of education, analyse and evaluate the alternative forms of educational provision. Covers the following key terms: Home education/ home-schooling, Democratic education/ de-schooling, Vocational education and training Key sociologists mentioned that students should already be aware of: Illich (extension) Answers to all main activities included Resources can be found at the end of the PPT
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: What PET issues might sociologists consider for research?

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: What PET issues might sociologists consider for research?

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand what are PET issues that sociologists consider when designing and conducting research (e.g. define and identify possible practical, ethical and theoretical (PET) advantages and disadvantages of social research and explaining PET’s differences Covers the following key terms: Practical issue, Ethical issues, Theoretical issues,Anonymity, Confidentiality , Informed consent, Covert research (extension), Pseudonym (extension), Mixed method (extension) Findings (of research) (extension). Key bodies, laws and theories we will cover: British Sociological Association, Data Protection Act 1998, Positivism, Interpretivism Answers to most main activities are included Resources can be found at the end of the PPT
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How do sociologists begin their research?

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How do sociologists begin their research?

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how sociologists begin their research (e.g. what is meant by research design, hypothesis, research questions, aims , pilot study, the first two stages of research process and assessing its usefulness. Covers the following key terms: Research design, Hypothesis, Research questions, Research aims and Pilot study Makes links to key terms that students should have already covered the following key terms: Respondent, Response rate, Participants, Sociological research, Research process and Data Answers to all activities included resources can be found at the end of the PPT
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How might sociologist select their sample?

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How might sociologist select their sample?

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how might sociologist select their sample for sociological research (e.g. the sampling method, consequences sampling methods may have on social research, the different types of sampling methods and how they are used. Covers the following key terms: Target population, Sample, Sampling frame, Probability (or random sampling) vs Non-probability sampling, Simple random sampling, Systematic random sampling, Stratified random sampling, Snowball sampling, Quota sampling, Representative sample vs unrepresentative sample, Generalise; Generalisability; To make generalisations, Opportunity sampling extension), Cluster sampling (extension) and Positivists vs interpretvivists (extension) Answers to most activities are included
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How do sociologists collect their data?

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How do sociologists collect their data?

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how sociologist collect data for sociological research (e.g. difference between primary and secondary methods, quantitative and qualitative data, the strengths and weaknesses of primary and secondary methods, standardisation and social process Covers the following key terms: research methods, sociological research, data, research process, Primary methods vs Secondary Methods, qualitative vs quantitative data, closed vs open questions, validity and reliability. Answers to all main activities included Resources can be found at the end of the PTT
AQA GCSE Sociology Different family structures introduction

AQA GCSE Sociology Different family structures introduction

Detailed lessons with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand different family structures Covers the following key terms: family, cohabitation, household, family form, family diversity, nuclear family,lone-parent family, same-sex family, reconstituted family, extended family and empty-nest family. Answers to main activities are included Students should know the following key terms prior to reading: contemporary society, homosexuality, heterosexuality Resources can be found at the end of the PPT Made to meet the AQA spec but can be used (and edited if needed) for other exam boards.
AQA A-level Sociology -Developing AO3 skills - Explicit criticisms and explained analysis

AQA A-level Sociology -Developing AO3 skills - Explicit criticisms and explained analysis

Detailed student led lesson on what is meant by explicit (vs juxtaposed) criticisms and explained analysis and how to demonstrate these high level AO3 skills needed for A*-A answers for AQA exams. The lesson is adapted to stretch and challenge the most able whilst scaffolding to allow pupils who need support the opportunity to access higher level thinking. INCLUDES: SIX MODEL PARAGRAPHS- from theory and methods (postmodernism and Marxism), methods in context, crime (punishment), media and family. THOSE WHO DO NOT TEACH FAMILY OR MEDIA will have 4 model paragraphs in total) ANSWERS FOR ACTIVITIES AfL A 7 page information sheet on explicit criticisms and explained analysis from the skills booklets (can be bought separately - includes other guidance and skills for preparing for exams) that explain the two different skills, success criteria with sentence starters of how to demonstrate each and provides brief examples (of explicit criticisms, juxtaposed criticisms, explained analysis, analysis that is limited to an isolated statement). Also includes analysis guidance and sentence starters for research methods paragraphs and guidance of how students might go even further by explaining their criticisms. **NOTE **- Activity on slide 8 is challenging. If students struggle too much with it, show answers on slide 9 and move onto the progress check activity that will make clearer how explicit criticisms are written. **NOTE ** -The focus of evaluations are criticisms for this lesson RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT (AND INFO SHEET FROM SKILLS BOOKLET IS ATTACHED AS A WORD DOC)
AQA A-level Sociology Education: Topic 5 The Role of education  - Functionalist, Marxist and the New Right views

AQA A-level Sociology Education: Topic 5 The Role of education - Functionalist, Marxist and the New Right views

4 Resources
Includes: lessons on the functionalist, Marxist and the New Right view (see below for more detail) and key term sheet for the topic which can be set for home-learning or be filled out during the course of the lessons. L1: Functionalist view of the role of education Detailed student led lesson on functionalist views of the role of education adapted to stretch and challenge the most able whilst scaffolding to allow pupils who need support the opportunity to access higher level thinking. Covers the following functionalist key functions of education: installing social solidarity, bridging the gap between the family and wider society through secondary socialisation, teaching specialist skills needed for work and role allocation. Covers the following functionalist sociologists: Durkheim, Parsons and Davis and Moore. Covers the following key term: Function or role (e.g. of an institution) Social solidarity Formal curriculum Hidden curriculum Ascribed status  Achieved status   Universalistic standards Particularistic standards Meritocracy Socialisation  Role allocation Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught that link to this lesson. Promotes, facilitates and scaffolds Oracy. Develops the skills needed to answer 10 markers with items - allows students to apply knowledge to an item 10 marker with guidance and includes a detailed success criteria to help them answer this. Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook DETAILED ANSWERS INCLUDED FOR MAIN ACTIVITIES NOTES -RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. L2: Marxist view of the role of education Detailed student led lesson on the Marxist views of the role of education adapted to stretch and challenge the most able whilst scaffolding to allow pupils who need support the opportunity to access higher level thinking. Covers the following Marxist key functions of education: reproducing class ienquality, legitimising class inequality, correspondence principle, Covers the following functionalist sociologists: Althusser, Bowles and Gintis and Willis Covers the following key term: State apparatuses Ideological state apparatuses Repressive state apparatuses Ideology Correspondence principle Hierarchy Alienation Fragmentation Extrinsic reward Competition Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught within the education unit and for Marxism as a theory that link to this lesson. Promotes, facilitates and scaffolds Oracy. Provides guidance for answering 4 markers. Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook DETAILED ANSWERS INCLUDED FOR THE MAIN ACTIVITIES ON THE FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION ONLY NOTES -RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. L3: The New Right view of the role of education Detailed student led lesson on the New Right critique and view of the purpose state education adapted to stretch and challenge the most able whilst scaffolding to allow pupils who need support the opportunity to access higher level thinking. Covers the following key terms: Neo-liberalism The New Right Conservatives Voucher system One-size-fits-all approach League tables Ofsted reports National curriculum Marketisation Privatisation  Academies Free schools State schools Social policies Covers the following key sociologists: Chubb and Moe Uses and refers to ’AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook BRIEF ANSWERS TO THE MAIN ACTIVITY INCLUDED NOTES -RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. Key term sheet for the role of education Alphabetical key term sheet for AQA A-level Sociology Education Topic 5 Role of education that requires students to fill out the definitions themselves. *** Includes some sentence starters to model to students how to incorporate key sociologists into their definitions. ** *** Key terms separated into Functionalist, New Right and Marxist key terms. ** *** Includes a section with key terms that students should know from previous learning (intro to sociological theories and topic 1-4 of education) that link to this topic. ** Good form of revision for students and can be used as a revision resource to develop AO1 once filled out. **BASED ON CONTENT in textbook - AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook
AQA A-level Sociology Education Topic 5 Role of education - The New Right view

AQA A-level Sociology Education Topic 5 Role of education - The New Right view

Detailed student led lesson on the New Right critique and view of the purpose state education adapted to stretch and challenge the most able whilst scaffolding to allow pupils who need support the opportunity to access higher level thinking. Covers the following key terms: Neo-liberalism The New Right Conservatives Voucher system One-size-fits-all approach League tables Ofsted reports National curriculum Marketisation Privatisation  Academies Free schools State schools Social policies Covers the following key sociologists: Chubb and Moe Uses and refers to ’AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook BRIEF ANSWERS TO THE MAIN ACTIVITY INCLUDED NOTES -RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT.
AQA A-level Sociology Education Topic 5 Role of education - Marxist view

AQA A-level Sociology Education Topic 5 Role of education - Marxist view

Detailed student led lesson on the Marxist views of the role of education adapted to stretch and challenge the most able whilst scaffolding to allow pupils who need support the opportunity to access higher level thinking. Covers the following Marxist key functions of education: reproducing class ienquality, legitimising class inequality, correspondence principle, Covers the following functionalist sociologists: Althusser, Bowles and Gintis and Willis Covers the following key term: State apparatuses Ideological state apparatuses Repressive state apparatuses Ideology Correspondence principle Hierarchy Alienation Fragmentation Extrinsic reward Competition Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught within the education unit and for Marxism as a theory that link to this lesson. Makes links to methods in context 20 marker - provides scaffolding and possible questions that link to Willis’ study. Promotes, facilitates and scaffolds Oracy. Provides guidance for answering 4 markers. Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook DETAILED ANSWERS INCLUDED FOR THE MAIN ACTIVITIES ON THE FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION ONLY NOTES -RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT.
AQA A-level Sociology Education Topic 5 Role of education - Functionalist view

AQA A-level Sociology Education Topic 5 Role of education - Functionalist view

Detailed student led lesson on functionalist views of the role of education adapted to stretch and challenge the most able whilst scaffolding to allow pupils who need support the opportunity to access higher level thinking. Covers the following functionalist key functions of education: installing social solidarity, bridging the gap between the family and wider society through secondary socialisation, teaching specialist skills needed for work and role allocation. Covers the following functionalist sociologists: Durkheim, Parsons and Davis and Moore. Covers the following key term: Function or role (e.g. of an institution) Social solidarity Formal curriculum Hidden curriculum Ascribed status  Achieved status   Universalistic standards Particularistic standards Meritocracy Socialisation  Role allocation Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught that link to this lesson. Promotes, facilitates and scaffolds Oracy. Develops the skills needed to answer 10 markers with items - allows students to apply knowledge to an item 10 marker with guidance and includes a detailed success criteria to help them answer this. Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook DETAILED ANSWERS INCLUDED FOR MAIN ACTIVITIES NOTES -RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT.
AQA A-LEVEL Sociology Education: Topic 3 - Ethnic differences - LESSONS, REVISION & KEY SHEETS

AQA A-LEVEL Sociology Education: Topic 3 - Ethnic differences - LESSONS, REVISION & KEY SHEETS

7 Resources
INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: 1. LESSONS: L1 - Cultural deprivation Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that introduces students to ethnic differences in achievement and explores how different aspects of cultural deprivation (language, attitudes and values, and parental structure) might cause ethnic differences in achievement. To do this, the lesson explores the following key terms: ethnic group, ethnic differences in achievement, cultural deprivation, compensatory education and makes reference to other key terms students should have previously learnt (restricted code, working-class subculture, meritocracy, internal vs external factors, cultural vs material factors) Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITY CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE *STUDENT FRIENDLY MARK-SCHEME FOR 4 MARKER INCLUDED L2 - Material deprivation and racism in wider society Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson on how a. material deprivation and b. racism in wider society might cause ethnic differences in achievement. Makes reference to key terms material vs cultural factors, external vs internal factors, the meaning/ patterns of ethnic differences in achievement. Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE INCLUDES ORACY ACTIVITY L3 - Negative labelling and teacher racism Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that explores the following so students are able to understand and explain how negative labelling and teacher racism might cause ethnic differences in achievement: Ideal pupil​ identity , Pathologised pupil​ identity, Demonised pupil​ identity, Colour-blind​ teachers, Liberal chauvinist​ teachers, Overt racist​ teachers, Rebels subcultures, Conformist​ subcultures, Retreatist​ subcultures, Innovators subcultures Differentiates between Gillborn and Youdell (or Bourne or Olser), Sewell, Mirza’s view of how teachers might be racist and how this might affect achievement for different groups. Lesson makes links to the following terms that students should have covered before completing this lesson: Labelling, Self-fulfilling prophecy, Streaming, Streams ​​A-C economy, Educational triage, Interactionism vs Structuralism, Stereotype, Ethnicity Cultural deprivation Collectivism vs individualism. **NOTE – Students will need to have basic to reasonable knowledge of labelling and the self-fulfilling prophecy. ** Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook L4 - Institutional racism Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that explores the following so students are able to understand institutional racism and explain how it might cause ethnic differences in achievement: Institutional racism, Marketisation (extension), The New IQism, Ethnocentric, Ethnocentric curriculum, Model minorities, The foundation stage profile (FSP), Aim Higher initiatives/ programmes Covers the ideas of Troyna and Williams Gillborn, David, Ball, Sewell (as a criticism) Covers criticisms of Gillborn’s arguments Includes answers for MOST activities - NOTE - NO ANSWERS FOR ‘DO NOW’ but can be done on the board with students. Makes some links to the following key terms students should know: Internal vs External factors, Cultural vs Material factors, Social processes, Labelling, Streaming, Self-fulfilling prophecy NOTE: **** RESOURCES FOR LESSONS CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PPT **USE and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook **2. REVISION LESSON ** Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that: uses scaffolding to guide students in making a mind-map of the topic as a revision material -recaps the success criteria for 10 markers with item -provides a model paragraph for a 10 marker item on this topic -uses scaffolding to help students write their own 10 mark (item) paragraphs or full answers. -includes 4 different 10 markers (with item). for this topic 3. KEY TERM SHEETS Alphabetical key term sheet for AQA A-level Sociology Education Topic 3 ethnic differences in achievement that requires students to fill out the definitions themselves. *** Includes scaffolding, e.g. some sentence starters (to model to students how to incorporate key sociologists into their definitions) and prompts to help students remember how key term links to the topic. ** *** Includes a section with key terms that students should know from previous learning(links to key terms covered in class differences in achievement, e.g. labelling, pupil identities, material deprivation, speech codes etc) that link to this topic. ** DOES NOT INCLUDE IN TABLE key terms covered in Topic 1 & 2 Class diff key term sheet, e.g. labelling and the self-fulfilling prophecy Good form of revision for students and can be used as a revision resource to develop AO1 once filled out. **BASED ON CONTENT textbook - AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook **4. KEY SOCIOLOGISTS SHEET ** Alphabetical list of sociologists who attempt to explain ethnic differences in achievement. SOME scaffolding with some sentence starters, prompts to help students with what some sociologists might says and put into external vs internal factors categories . Requires students to write done what key sociologists from the topic ethnic differences in achievement (external and internal factors). Good form of revision and revision resource for the students. **BASED ON CONTENT in textbook - AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook
KEY SOCIOLOGIST SHEET - AQA A-level Sociology Education: Topic 3 Ethnic differences in achievement

KEY SOCIOLOGIST SHEET - AQA A-level Sociology Education: Topic 3 Ethnic differences in achievement

Alphabetical list of sociologists who attempt to explain ethnic differences in achievement. SOME scaffolding with some sentence starters, prompts to help students with what some sociologists might says and put into external vs internal factors categories . Requires students to write done what key sociologists from the topic ethnic differences in achievement (external and internal factors). Good form of revision and revision resource for the students. **BASED ON CONTENT in textbook - AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences Revision

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences Revision

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that: uses scaffolding to guide students in making a mind-map of the topic as a revision material -recaps the success criteria for 10 markers with item -provides a model paragraph for a 10 marker item on this topic -uses scaffolding to help students write their own 10 mark (item) paragraphs or full answers. -includes 4 different 10 markers (with item). for this topic NOTES -RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT.
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences - Institutional racism

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences - Institutional racism

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that explores the following so students are able to understand institutional racism and explain how it might cause ethnic differences in achievement: Institutional racism, Marketisation (extension), The New IQism, Ethnocentric, Ethnocentric curriculum, Model minorities, The foundation stage profile (FSP), Aim Higher initiatives/ programmes Covers the ideas of Troyna and Williams Gillborn, David, Ball, Sewell (as a criticism) Covers criticisms of Gillborn’s arguments Includes answers for MOST activities - NOTE - NO ANSWERS FOR ‘DO NOW’ but can be done on the board with students. Makes some links to the following key terms students should know: Internal vs External factors, Cultural vs Material factors, Social processes, Labelling, Streaming, Self-fulfilling prophecy NOTES: -Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook -RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT.
AQA A-level Sociology Families: Topic 1 Couples - LESSONS, KEY TERM SHEET & REVISION LESSON

AQA A-level Sociology Families: Topic 1 Couples - LESSONS, KEY TERM SHEET & REVISION LESSON

7 Resources
Bundle for AQA A-level Sociology Couples topic in the Families unit. Bundles includes 5 lessons, a key term sheet (for students to fill out) for the topic and a revision lesson (see below for more information on each): **LESSONS ** Most answers to main activities included. Refers to key terms from previous lessons and units students might know that link and uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook. ALL RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END ON THE PPT L1 - Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines and analyses the following key terms to introduce students to the main family structures: Family, Household,Family structure/ type, Nuclear family, Lone-parent family, Same-sex family, Reconstituted family (or blended family) , Beanpole family, Extend family (horizontally and vertically) , Empty-nest family, Cohabitating couples, Contemporary society, Traditional, Family diversity, Living Apart Together/ LATs (extension) L2 - Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines and analyses the following key terms to introduce students to the traditional functionalist (Parsons) view of the domestic division of labour: Domestic labour , Domestic division of labour, Conjugal roles Conjugal (extension), Conjugal relationships (extension), Joint conjugal roles, Segregated conjugal roles, Instrumental role, Expressive role, Conjugal relationships (extension), Pre-industrial society (extension), Industrial Revolution (extension), Consumption (extension) L3 - Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines and analyses the following key terms to examine march of progress and feminist views of how women’s involvement paid work has had an impact on the domestic division of labour: Dual‐earner couples, The New man, The ‘march of progress’ view Double shift / dual burden, Triple shift, Emotion work, Cultural/ Ideological explanation (of segregated conjugal roles), Material/ Economic explanation (of segregated conjugal roles)  Ideology, Geographic mobility (extension), Commercialisation (extension) Examines the ideas of :Young and Wilmott, Oakley, Hochschild , Gershuny/ Sullivan, Ferri and Smith, Crompton and Lyonette L4 - Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines and analyses the following key terms to examine how money might be managed and how decision-making might be organised in families : Power, The allowance system, Pooling, Cultural/ Ideological explanation (of decision making), Material/ Economic explanation of inequality (of decision making),Personal life perspective (of money) Examines the views of the following sociologists: PAHL AND VOGLER (1993), Barret and McIntosh, Kempson, EDGELL, Laurie and Gershuny, CROMPTON AND LYONETTE, Pahl L5 - L5 AQA A-level Families- Couples: Domestic violence Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines and analyses the following key terms to examine patterns and explanations of domestic violence: Domestic violence/ abuse, Radical feminists, Materialism, Marxist feminism, Radical feminist explanation (of domestic violence) Marxist feminist explanation (of domestic violence),Materialist explanation (of domestic violence) Examines the views of the following sociologists: Dobash and Dobash, Millet and Firestone, Wilkinson and Pickett, Ansley **KEY TERM SHEET ** Key term sheet for AQA A-level Sociology Family Topic 1 Couples that requires students to fill out the definitions themselves. Includes some sentence starters for more difficult topics. Good form of revision for students and can be used as a revision resource to develop AO1 once filled out. **BASED ON CONTENT in textbook - AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook **REVISION LESSON - ** Detailed and differentiated (up and down), student led lesson that teaches exam skills and recaps ‘Couples’ content of AQA specification; recaps the main sociologists and themes in the ‘Family’ unit, Topic 1 – Couples WHILST teaching students how to use the Assessment Objectives (AOs) -AO1, AO2, AO3- to further develop their answers using MODEL ANSWERS and examples. NOTE – Students will need to have gone over or have a basic understanding of using a set success criteria or writing format for their paragraphs TO BE ABLE TO GAIN THE MOST OF OUT THIS LESSON – this lesson using set success criteria PEELE/A (for 20 markers) and PERD (for 10 markers). **RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. ** **ANSWERS FOR MOST OF THE ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE **
L5 AQA A-level Families- Couples: Domestic violence

L5 AQA A-level Families- Couples: Domestic violence

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines and analyses the following key terms to examine patterns and explanations of domestic violence: Domestic violence/ abuse, Radical feminists, Materialism, Marxist feminism, Radical feminist explanation (of domestic violence) Marxist feminist explanation (of domestic violence),Materialist explanation (of domestic violence) Examines the views of the following sociologists: Dobash and Dobash, Millet and Firestone, Wilkinson and Pickett, Ansley ***** Makes reference to other key terms students might know that link. ** ***** ANSWERS to MAIN activities INCLUDED**** Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook
AQA A-level Families - Couples: Money management and decision making

AQA A-level Families - Couples: Money management and decision making

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines and analyses the following key terms to examine how money might be managed and how decision-making might be organised in families : Power, The allowance system, Pooling, Cultural/ Ideological explanation (of decision making), Material/ Economic explanation of inequality (of decision making),Personal life perspective (of money) Examines the views of the following sociologists: PAHL AND VOGLER (1993), Barret and McIntosh, Kempson, EDGELL, Laurie and Gershuny, CROMPTON AND LYONETTE, Pahl ***** Makes reference to other key terms students might know that link. ** ***** ANSWERS for MAIN activities INCLUDED**** Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook