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AQA A-level Sociology Families: Theories of the family – Personal life perspective of the family

AQA A-level Sociology Families: Theories of the family – Personal life perspective of the family

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines and evaluates Liberal (Somerville​), Radical (Greer), Marxist (Ansley) and Difference feminist views and functions of the family. Lesson explores the concepts: The personal life perspective​, Donor-conceived children Lesson makes links to other key terms students might have previously been taught: Interactionism vs Structuralism​, Family diversity, Same-sex families Main activities makes reference to AQA A-level Book 1 by Townsend ***** ANSWERS FOR SOME ACTIVITIES INCLUDED **** Starter assesses prior learning on functionalist, Marxist and feminist theories of the family ***** Starter sheet at the end of PPT****
SOCIOLOGY Research methods - Sampling methods

SOCIOLOGY Research methods - Sampling methods

Detailed and differentiated student-led lesson that explores sampling methods, sampling frame, representative (sample), generalising (findings) and the relationship between these and positivism vss interpretivism and theoretical issues. LESSON COMES WITH ANSWERS Catered for AQA A-level Sociology but can be used for ANY SPEC and GCSE without being edited. Comes with key term sheet for the lesson.
Research methods - Practical, ethical and theoretical issues

Research methods - Practical, ethical and theoretical issues

Detailed and differentiated student-led lesson that explores practical (time, cost, research opportunity, requirements of funding body & subject matter), ethical (informed consent, confidentiality, harm to participants, vulnerable groups & covert research) and theoretical issues (validity, reliability, representativeness, methodological perspective). Catered towards A-LEVEL AQA sociology but if main activity can be replaced, the rest can be used for GCSE and ANY SPEC. Main activity uses pages 92-94 of the AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend Comes with key term sheet for the lesson.
Introduction to Sociology QUIZ

Introduction to Sociology QUIZ

Includes: small revision activity 25 min quiz (on nature vs nurture, key functionalist, Marxist, feminist’s ideas and terminology) —LESSONS CAN BE FOUND ON MAIN PAGE. answers/ mark-scheme scaffolding for students to peer assess (but quiz can also be marked by teacher) Can be used for any spec Made for A-level students but can be differentiated down for GCSE.
AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 4 ‘Demography’ Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 4 ‘Demography’ Revision lesson

Detailed and differentiated (up and down), student led lesson created to help students recap key ideas examined in the demography topic of the family unit, make revision materials based on this content and be able to apply this knowledge to exam questions, particularly 10 markers that makes links between topics - This lesson is very helpful for developing the skills students need for to answer ‘Outline and explain’ 10 markers which requires students to demonstrate the ability to connect two elements, aspects, subtopics, or topics to answer the question. Lesson also recaps the assesment objectives (but can be used to introduce students to the assessment objectives) (AOs – AO1, AO2 & AO3). The lesson requires students to answers questions based on each AO and then provides guidance and support for students to use the AOs to make flashcards (with questions and answers). **RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. **
AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 7 ‘Families and Social policy’ Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 7 ‘Families and Social policy’ Revision lesson

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that: briefly recaps the main theories (Feminism, The New Right, Conflict theory, Functionalism) and theorists (Donzelot,Murray, Fletcher, Land & Leonard) and their views on the function of social policies and the relationship between families and social policies and. models and supports students in using this knowledge to plan (using a planning success criteria) and answer (using a paragraph success criteria) a 20 marker USING THE ITEM. RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. **ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE **
Introduction to feminism

Introduction to feminism

Detailed and differentiated student-led lesson that explores sex, gender, gender roles, patriarchy, socialisation, gender inequality as a way to introduce students to the main feminist views of society and ideas. Can be used for ANY SPEC. Catered towards A-level students but can easily be simplified and/ or for younger students.
WRITING FRAME  - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic  2 Childhood 20 marker

WRITING FRAME - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic 2 Childhood 20 marker

Detailed writing frame that scaffolds (from introduction to conclusion) a full answer for a 20 marker on divorce (family -topic 2 childhood. Models how to use the item to select points or arguments to answer the question. *** Based on AQA specification** *Outlines the success criteria and provides sentence starters for the full essay (intro, main body and conclusion). Success criteria used for paragraphs in main body of essay is PEELE/A Outlines the key terms, sociologists, theories that can be used when answering the question. Supports students who need support and guidance with writing essays whilst providing students who are already good at writing essays opportunities to further improve their essay skills. PAGE NUMBERS From Webb et al Book 1 textbook included for 3/4 of paragraphs in main body.
Sociology Research Methods - Introduction to research methods

Sociology Research Methods - Introduction to research methods

Detailed and differentiated student-led lesson that explores primary vs secondary methods, quantitative vs qualitative methods, validity and reliability as a way to introduce students to the main main research methods. LESSON COMES WITH ANSWERS Can be used for ANY SPEC and GCSE but catered towards A-LEVEL AQA sociology** . Comes with key term sheet for the lesson.
Introduction to Yr 13 Sociology

Introduction to Yr 13 Sociology

Introduction lessons that outlines the AQA A-level course, expectations, revision resources and guidance. Rest of lessons enables students to recap the AOs, ways they might develop and/ or demonstrate in. Students are directed to create AO specific goals and action plans to meet each. Lesson also teaches students how to highlight with purpose. Comes with worksheet and ANSWERS for activities. Can be differentiated down for GCSE and can be edited to make applicable for ANY SPEC.
AQA A-level Families - Couples: Money management and decision making

AQA A-level Families - Couples: Money management and decision making

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines and analyses the following key terms to examine how money might be managed and how decision-making might be organised in families : Power, The allowance system, Pooling, Cultural/ Ideological explanation (of decision making), Material/ Economic explanation of inequality (of decision making),Personal life perspective (of money) Examines the views of the following sociologists: PAHL AND VOGLER (1993), Barret and McIntosh, Kempson, EDGELL, Laurie and Gershuny, CROMPTON AND LYONETTE, Pahl ***** Makes reference to other key terms students might know that link. ** ***** ANSWERS for MAIN activities INCLUDED**** Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook
AQA A-level Sociology Families: Theories of the family - Murdock’s four functions of the family

AQA A-level Sociology Families: Theories of the family - Murdock’s four functions of the family

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that recaps the functionalist view of society and examines and evaluates functionalist Murdock’s four functions: Sexual function ​, Reproductive function , Education function ​, Economic function. Lesson makes links to other functionalist and family key terms that students might have previously been taught. Main activity makes reference to AQA A-level Book 1 by Townsend but an alternative book that covers this content can be used. MAIN ACTIVITY INCLUDES ANSWERS Starter assesses prior learning on Childhood topic. WORKSHEETS AT THE END OF THE PPT
AQA GCSE Sociology: Families - Domestic violence

AQA GCSE Sociology: Families - Domestic violence

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how might power in the family be abused. Cover the following key terms: Domestic violence Covers the following organisations:The (BCS) British Crime Survey, NSPCC (National society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Icon for visual learning Enables students to look at how power imbalance between adults and children can lead to different forms child abuse. Includes 3 marker on power as starter with detail scaffolding. INCLUDES ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITIES (excluding starter and plenary) Includes discussion activity to encourage oracy.