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Lesson plans and training materials for schools and businesses. We also have a range of free downloadable resources and special promotions for certain events. Our aim is to work with organisations, helping to foster a positive atmosphere conducive to learning and to assist businesses with staff training. Discount codes contained within certain products.

Lesson plans and training materials for schools and businesses. We also have a range of free downloadable resources and special promotions for certain events. Our aim is to work with organisations, helping to foster a positive atmosphere conducive to learning and to assist businesses with staff training. Discount codes contained within certain products.
Healthy Eating (lesson plan)

Healthy Eating (lesson plan)

This lesson plan covers healthy eating, different food types and how to develop a healthy diet. Topics covered include: The benefits of different food groups How to eat healthily Reducing sugar in our diet
Bullying (lesson plan)

Bullying (lesson plan)

This lesson plan covers what bullying is and the different types of bullying. It discusses the bully and the targets of bullying and how to tackle the problem. Topics covered include: Why bullying goes unreported The role of the bully The role of the target The role of the bystander Tackling cyberbullying
Bullying and Cyberbullying (lesson plan)

Bullying and Cyberbullying (lesson plan)

A lesson plan on bullying and cyberbullying. It examines how to deal with bullying and cyberbullying and contains handouts for the classroom. The topics covered include: What is bullying? How to tackle bullying What is cyberbullying?
After COVID-19 — Science (lesson plan)

After COVID-19 — Science (lesson plan)

This lesson plan discusses the medical impact of COVID-19 and examines viruses in general. It also covers vaccines and protection against coronaviruses. Some of the topics covered include: PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and Covid-19 The difference between viruses and bacterias How vaccines help combat disease How viruses transfer from person to person
After COVID-19 — PSHE (lesson plan)

After COVID-19 — PSHE (lesson plan)

The personal, social, health and educational issues of COVID-19 are examined in this lesson plan. Topics covered include: The effect of Covid-19 on our social lives How Covid-19 affected education Covis-19 and personal hygiene The effect of Covid-19 on family life
After COVID-19 — English (lesson plan)

After COVID-19 — English (lesson plan)

A lesson plan that covers individual activities and experiences during the coronavirus through reading and writing. Topics covered include: Keeping a journal during Covid-19 Anne Frank’s Diary Changes we made during lockdown The impact of social change
After COVID-19 — Maths (lesson plan)

After COVID-19 — Maths (lesson plan)

Looking at COVID-19 from a maths and statistical point of view, this lesson plan examines data and figures connected to the coronavirus. Topics covered include: How infection can multiply and spread The positive impact of social distancing How immunisation can reduce infection rates
Media Literacy — Part 1 (lesson plan)

Media Literacy — Part 1 (lesson plan)

This lesson plan covers the media and the skills linked to media literacy. It contains media literacy definitions and handouts for the classroom. Topics covered include: The effect of the media on the transfer of information How to differentiate truth from lies in the media The hidden agenda behind media messages How advertising affects our buying decisions
Problems with Alcohol (lesson plan)

Problems with Alcohol (lesson plan)

This lesson plan uses role play to examine some of the problems alcohol can cause among young people. Topics covered include: What are some of the** dangers associated with alcohol?** How does alcohol affect the body? Does alcohol cause depression?
Introduction to Loneliness (lesson Plan)

Introduction to Loneliness (lesson Plan)

A lesson plan that introduces loneliness and the way it affects our physical and mental health. Topics covered include: What is loneliness? The causes of loneliness? Signs of loneliness? The effects of loneliness How to tackle loneliness?
Safety in Cyberspace (lesson plan)

Safety in Cyberspace (lesson plan)

This lesson plan examines the dangers of the internet and how to stay safe on the web. Topics covered include: What dangers exist on the internet? How can we stay safe online? What is malware and who creates it? Why do computer viruses cause so much damage?
Feed a Family on a Budget

Feed a Family on a Budget

Tips and strategies to help families eat well while saving money: Creating a grocery budget Compiling a money-saving shopping list Strategic meal planning and recipes How to reduce your food shopping costs General tips for lowering your grocery bills Discount codes for future purchases included.
Personal Safety in Cyberspace

Personal Safety in Cyberspace

This pack looks at the dangers of online grooming, malicious software, webcams, cyberbullying and online scams. Topics covered include: The history of computers What is the internet and the world wide web Viruses, Trojans and worms Email scams and hoaxes Phishing, spam and spim Online bullying Discount codes for future purchases included.
Bullying in the Workplace

Bullying in the Workplace

This pack provides tips and guidance for companies on how to tackle workplace bullying, how to best support the targets of bullying and how to ensure the wellbeing of all staff. Topics covered include: Types of workplace bullying The signs of workplace bullying How bullying affects people The effects of gaslighting How to deal with workplace bullying Discount codes for future purchases included.
Making Sense of Finance — Part 1

Making Sense of Finance — Part 1

Covering the history of money, how to make money work for you, managing money, budgeting, saving & borrowing and banking. Topics covered include: Personal budgeting The role of banks Saving and borrowing Types of loans Credit and debit cards Discount codes for future purchases included.
PSHE Activities

PSHE Activities

A set of PSHE activities and topics for discussion including alcohol & drugs, gender issues, bullying, depression and self-esteem. Topics covered include: What is sexism? How families communicate Misjudging people Our role in life Healthy eating Discount codes for future purchases included.
Suicide is Never the Answer

Suicide is Never the Answer

Understand the reasons behind suicidal feelings and recognise the warning signs of a potential suicide to help prevent this tragedy. Topics covered include: Signs of suicidal ideation Who is at risk of suicide? Suicide awareness Suicide prevention programmes Discount codes for future purchases included.
After COVID-19 — Returning to Education after the Coronavirus

After COVID-19 — Returning to Education after the Coronavirus

This COVID-19 resource pack examines the coronavirus in various study modules. The virus is used to introduce each theme and young people are encouraged to recognise how COVID-19 can be explored through a number of unrelated subjects. Topics covered include: COVID-19 explored through reading & writing COVID-19 examined through science The historical aspect of COVID-19 Social media and COVID-19 Discount codes for future purchases included.
Families and Relationships

Families and Relationships

This pack deals with relationships, families & mixed families, parent/child relationships, dating, marriage and single-parent families. Topics covered include: What is a family? Making a family tree The difficulties of relationships Mixed families The impact of divorce and separation Discount codes for future purchases included.
What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?

A series of plays involving a moral dilemma followed by activities to encourage discussion and further investigation. Topics covered include: The problems of drinking Tackling bullying The** impact of drugs and alcohol** The effects of exam stress Discount codes for future purchases included.