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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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(based on 41 reviews)

Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Crime fiction assessment task (short story) and writing conventions

Crime fiction assessment task (short story) and writing conventions

Two resources: 1) A PowerPoint which explains the assessment task, reviews the narrative structure for short stories. It includes structural do’s and don’ts, tips for developing their setting, an explanation of different types of narrator they could use & tips for making their narrative original / imaginative. 2) An exemplar short story for this task.
Media - Introduction to photography

Media - Introduction to photography

A PowerPoint designed to introduce year 9 students to photography. It addresses areas including the Importance of knowing your subject, audience, and medium. Introduction to key terms e.g. body language, visual features, foreground, and salience. A range of images (e.g. from Vietnam war) with questions to prompt student analysis and discussion. Some info about framing your subject and the rule of thirds.
English Quiz

English Quiz

100 quiz questions which can be used for a range of games including 'around the world.' Topics include famous texts like Harry Potter, the works of Roald Dahl, Lord of the Rings, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, Jungle Book and some Greek Mythology questions.
Applying the Chain of Being to Macbeth

Applying the Chain of Being to Macbeth

A concept which can be used to understand Macbeth. It is connected to the idea of the ‘divine right of kings’ and the class structures of the time (feudalism). The PowerPoint includes a definition of this concept and visual representations. Students then apply this to the play and have to draw their own chain of being. It looks at characters who maintain / disrupt this chain and how they do so. It also looks at the imagery and techniques used to show a disruption to the chain of being.
War Poetry - Historical Context of World War One

War Poetry - Historical Context of World War One

1) PowerPoint - This lesson focuses on teaching students about the context of World War One so that they have some frame of reference for approaching the poems written in this period. Afterwards, it explores how the perceptions of war in poetry changed during this period from patriotic beliefs in its valour to disillusionment as World War One saw a complete change in the way wars were fought and the attitudes towards them. This lesson opens with checking students prior knowledge of WW1. It then explains what the world was like during the 19th Century and the imperialist ideology. The beliefs of Europe’s’ Great Powers, the major causes of WW1, The assassination of Franz Ferdinand: A Shot that Changed the World, societal beliefs about war at the time, exploring propaganda posters from World War One, new technologies used in this war and the outcomes of the war. Things we will learn by the study of poetry from the First World War.
Report on Technology

Report on Technology

3 Resources: 1) Report Writing PowerPoint explaining the assessment task: (They had to create a written informative report that analyses how language, communication and technology influence our personal lives and has changed society.) The PowerPoint explains what a report is, goes through planning steps, how to search more effectively using a BOOLEAN search and a structure for the report. 2) A word doc template for students to fill their report into. 3) An example PowerPoint looking at the evolution of the Radio
War Poetry - Texts about the Vietnam War - I was only nineteen and Homecoming

War Poetry - Texts about the Vietnam War - I was only nineteen and Homecoming

A lesson aimed to help shape student's understanding the lived experiences of soldiers in Vietnam. It focuses on two key texts: I was only 19 and Homecoming. The PPT includes a video of the song I was only 19 which students will listen to. They will then view key lyrics and talk about the representation of the Vietnam war in this text (including the literary devices used). After this is some information to help students empathise with what this would have been like especially for the conscripts. Some brief info is provided about 'fragging' and how the treatment the Veterans received upon their homecoming severely damaged countless veterans. It briefly looks at lyrics from Khe Sanh which discuss the experiences of a returned soldier. The remainder of the PowerPoint explores the poem Homecoming (which I ran as a separate lesson). 2) a handout with questions about Homecoming. We will then turn our focus to the major poem for this war in our booklet (Homecoming). We will talk about the difference between these representations.
War poetry - Analysing poems about the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War Two

War poetry - Analysing poems about the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War Two

3 Resources 1) A handout with questions for the three poems in the booklet about the atomic bombing (for students to complete as revision 2) A PowerPoint which first explores survivor's recounts of the bombing. This is to help students to understand how witnessing the bombing would influence the worldview of a person and be able to explain how this would insert subjectivity into poems written by survivors. View an excerpt of a documentary on the atomic bomb (which simulates the blast and includes interviews with survivors – one of which is a poet who will be studied in the next lesson. Students will read the poem 'At the makeshift aid station' together stanza by stanza, taking time to address the questions in the prompts down the side. The significance of the reference to the cherry blossoms will be explained so that students can reflect on the effect of this symbolism. It includes some other discussion questions which will help them to think like they need to for their feature article under exam conditions... 3) A PowerPoint which analyses Takashi Tanemori’s Blades of Grass in a Dreamless Field. Information about the author and something which shaped his belief system (the bushido code). What must be understood about the author in order to best interpret the poem. There are questions, discussion points and other annotations alongside each stanza of the poem.
Australian identity in poetry

Australian identity in poetry

A PowerPoint analysing the poem 'Men of the open spaces' with four questions that students have to write paragraphs responding to. There are example answers included. This is followed by the words for The Man From Ironbark and Waltzing Matilda and other post-reading questions.
Australian stereotypes - writing a paragraph about Crocodile Dundee

Australian stereotypes - writing a paragraph about Crocodile Dundee

Resource 1: A handout explaining the PEEL paragraph structure with an annotated example paragraph, a list of important vocab words including synonyms for said, a list of linking words and an explanation of what verbs like compare, contrast etc. mean Resource 2: A PowerPoint designed to guide students to writing a paragraph about Crocodile Dundee (after viewing excerpts of the film in previous lessons). It includes a list of Australian stereotypes evident in the film, an explanation of PEEL, sentence starter prompts and an example answer. Subsequently, it includes information about other writing devices including high modality language (with activities to help students identify modality in example sentences). It also touches on linking words (conjunctions).
Crime fiction - short story assessment and scaffold

Crime fiction - short story assessment and scaffold

A PowerPoint which was created to scaffold a short story task where students are required to, "Write an original, imaginative short story that utilises the literary techniques and literary devices that are appropriately employed in a specific crime genre." It also includes a 10-page booklet with similar information if you have students who need to be provided with a hard copy.
The Hunger Games: Moral issues - Inequality and murder

The Hunger Games: Moral issues - Inequality and murder

One PowerPoint taken from a year 10 English unit taught in an Australian school. This PowerPoint is comprehensive and could be used over a few lessons. Within the unit Students compare and contrast the social, moral and ethical themes in the novel 'The Hunger Games.' Students are being prepared to evaluate how text structures and language features can be used to influence audience response. This presentation focuses on two moral issues within the text: Inequality and murder. It begins with a definition of inequality and listing the various types of inequality. This is followed by a YouTube video (a vox pop about Inequality in America) to clarify student's understandings of these issues. Subsequently, students are introduced to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and some of the important articles within this document. Students watch a clip from the second film and must identify which of those rights are being violated in the text. Information is provided contrasting life in District 12 with life in The Capitol. Extracts are provided for students to analyse to see how Collins constructs this inequality through her use of language devices. Different examples of inequality within the novel are provided. Reflection questions are provided at the end of this section for students to demonstrate what they have learned. In the murder section students are introduced to the terms murder and manslaughter and the differences between these crimes. Discussion questions are provided to get students to share their views on this issue. The PowerPoint then looks into the Christian perspective on murder focusing on scripture including one of the ten commandments. Following this the focus turns to killing within The Hunger Games and the various characters attitudes towards this. Film clips, quotes or summaries of each time Katniss kills in the games are provided.
NAPLAN Planning resources

NAPLAN Planning resources

5 resources which are useful for teachers who want to prepare their students for NAPLAN. 1) Is a unit outline for a four-week skills focus 2) Minimum standards for NAPLAN year 9 (copied and pasted from the internet) 3) NAPLAN tests teaching ideas (copied and pasted from the internet) 4) A list of things to teach prior to NAPLAN that I compiled 5) A spelling list (24 words per week) of words that have appeared in past NAPLAN tests
Autobiography 'Slave': Short story transformation assessment

Autobiography 'Slave': Short story transformation assessment

6 resources used to scaffold a short story assessment task for a year 12 authority English class in Queensland Australia. the task sheet explaining task requirements and the marking rubric. A PowerPoint further explaining the task. It also reviews the major elements of a narrative including:  plot (aka the structure), setting, characterisation, language devices and the types of narrator. a worksheet of planning steps the students should use prior to writing to ensure they have addressed all elements of the task. 4 & 5) two example assessments to go through with students to further exemplify the genre conventions they should be using. A peer review activity for students to complete prior to submitting their draft.
Materials for beginning teachers

Materials for beginning teachers

A PowerPoint for an English meeting - offering advice to new staff in the department. It includes an example scope and sequence. It lists ideal opening and closing procedures that we would expect to see teachers completing at the start and end of each lesson. Bloom’s taxonomy - a list of verbs useful when writing questions / tasks for school. Two templates for a lesson sequence Three lesson plan templates A feedback form I use when observing other teachers
Religion: The gifts and fruits of the holy spirit

Religion: The gifts and fruits of the holy spirit

The Key Focuses of the unit are teaching students about: ○ Christian vocation: working for Christ (living his mission by serving other people.) ○ Seven sacraments esp. Baptism and confirmation ○ Gifts of the Holy spirit (character traits) ○ Serving Christ through worship and prayer (through communion & Eucharist) ○ doing God’s work when we speak out against injustice (CSTs) ○ Human dignity ○ Authentic freedom This is a PowerPoint designed to teach students about the Gifts of the Holy spirit. It begins with a film explaining why we are baptised as at Baptism, we receive seven special gifts from the Holy Spirit. These gifts help us to make good choices, and to serve God and others. Subsequently the PowerPoint goes through each of these gifts. The presentation also includes information about the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit and a journal writing activity to finish off the lesson.
World War Two Inquiry Assessment Scaffolding Booklet

World War Two Inquiry Assessment Scaffolding Booklet

A free resource which I think History teachers will find helpful. I created this booklet to assess 10 history students conducting a historical inquiry into World War Two (they had a choice of four topics). This was delivered in a school where each student had a laptop so was designed to be completed electronically however, more room to write could be added if you want to use it as a hard copy booklet. If you use it, and like it, please come and give me a positive star rating / review . Constructive criticism is also appreciated. This booklet contains: • four suggested topics with sub points that the students must address • a graphic organiser (table) for students to write their research questions in • a place for students to reflect on their questions and justify any modifications they make during the research process • tips for locating sources and a graphic organiser where students can organise their research • checking for understanding questions which prompt students to consider what they will include in their second assessment (essay) • a place for them to evaluate their sources using the RESEARCH acronym • a paragraph writing scaffold (for students who are not confident to begin writing on their own) • tips for how to reference different types of sources
11 Engineering Skills (Metalwork) -  Word Wall

11 Engineering Skills (Metalwork) - Word Wall

Part of a set of resources created for a year 11 Engineering Skills class in Australia (new syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. This is a word wall designed to be displayed in the classroom as a visual prompt for students during the learning and drafting process. It includes: the names of tools and machines, terms for developing a JSA (Job Safety Analysis), terms for the requirements of a procedural text, verbs and linking words. Provided as both PDF and word file.
11 Engineering Skills (Metalwork) -  Unit Plan and Introduction to assessment PowerPoint

11 Engineering Skills (Metalwork) - Unit Plan and Introduction to assessment PowerPoint

Part of a set of resources created for a year 11 Engineering Skills class in Australia (new syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. A unit plan which includes a description of the subject, a unit description, a list of key resources, a breakdown of assessment (theory and prac), syllabus objectives, a list of learning intentions and success criteria, a place to record the differentiation you are providing for particular learners in your class, ways to monitor learning, some questions for reflecting and a teaching and learning guide for the key knowledge / skills to be taught in the unit. 2)** An Introductory PowerPoint for the assessment portion of the unit**. It revisits classroom expectations (in particular those around working in a computer room). It provides tips for the photographic journal portion of the assessment task. It explains to the students how they will be graded for their theory and prac (photographic journal + technical drawing + JSA + construction procedure + toolbox construction).
Religion: An introduction to the Catholic Social Teachings

Religion: An introduction to the Catholic Social Teachings

A PowerPoint designed for a year 9 Theology unit on Social Justice. It introduces students to each of the Catholic Social Teachings (What they are and how they can be upheld). This can be a useful starting point for discussion of students own values or can be used to then encourage students to identify scripture which supports each of these CST's.