Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons.
A PPT designed to introduce the class to employer rights and responsibilities. It begins with a cloze passage getting students to define workplace rights. This is followed by a brainstorm activity to get them thinking about what characteristics make a good employer / boss / manager. A list of employer responsibilities from the Legal Studies textbook are provided followed by a TEEL paragraph writing activity and a ranking activity. Students view a clip about how to address being treated unfairly at work. It concludes with a paragraph writing activity about their own career direction.
A homework sheet with three scenarios for students to read and respond to. They need to complete a graphic organiser listing the workplace violations and making recommendations to the employees about what they should do.
Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use over two 70 minute lessons.
A PowerPoint which focuses on Employee rights and responsibilities. It begins with a warm up activity with a list of tasks which an electrician working for Telstra might complete (and some which are the responsibility of the company) students need to identify which are the employee’s responsibilities. This is followed by key terms - rights & responsibilities and a video explaining why it is important to know your workplace rights. Information about Junior rates of pay and conditions for young workers. It outlines some of the employee rights (things employers must provide). Information about how to find out what the Australian minimum wage is for various jobs. Information about the Fair Work Commission. New term - penalty rates and a 2017 SBS report about the ramification of penalty rates being reduced by the government. Information about employee responsibilities (from the Legal Studies textbook). A think-pair-share activity - discuss the importance of rights and obligations on the cards + how they contribute to a ‘fair go.’
Cards for ‘think pair share’ activity.
Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. The end of term assessment for this unit was a 90 minute short response examination.
A PowerPoint to introduce the students to the unit. It includes a quiz about their experiences in the workforce & a categorising activity where they look at elements that make a good job and list them in order of preference. Students are introduced to key terms - full time, part time, casual and temporary employee. They view a short YouTube clip about workplace myths to generate interest in the topic. Then they are introduced to The Fair Work Act which is one of the key pieces of legislation they need to refer to throughout the unit. There is a cloze passage for them to complete and some discussion points.
A handout which explains the 10 National Employment Standards which all Australian workers are guaranteed. For homework students were to fill in the far right column ‘How does this help create a healthy workplace?’
I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for Humanities students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
This PowerPoint teaches a communication skill that students need to know and be able to do for their exam (synthesising). It features a video explaining the concept and a visual chart for how to synthesise. This is followed by some key questions you may ask when interrogating sources, tips for how to introduce (cite) the authors of sources in their paragraphs and tips for talking about two authors simultaneously. Screen shots are used to show how synthesising is assessed in the new Modern History GTMJ. This is deconstructed and key ideas including ‘historical argument’ are explained. This is followed by slides which feature an example historical argument as well as tips for writing topic, supporting and linking sentences. Afterwards we review the synthesizing question from the practice exam looking at the information that was pulled from the 3 sources and how the author used this to write their response. This is followed by exploring sources about the Kalkadoon people of North West Queensland. Students will wrie a paragraph synthesising evidence from Sources A, B, C & D to form a historical argument about whether the Kalkadoons were justified in waging war against the pastoralists.
To be successful students must be able to do the following at the end of this lesson:
Define synthesise and explain how this differs from summarising and analysing
List some questions you may ask when interrogating sources.
Write a paragraph synthesising things they have learned from a range of sources about The Kalkadoons.
I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for Humanities students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
Two retrieval charts which I place onto a class one note for students to complete in pairs. This is designed to be used at the beginning of the unit to first engage with the perspectives of the colonists and the Indigenous Australians.
I have also included a PowerPoint which explains how to sign up to view the State Library of Queensland’s resources.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for Humanities students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
This free lesson was designed to help prepare students for their short response exam. It begins with a list of ‘features of evidence’ that students need to refer to when analysing sources. It includes some feedback based on common errors found in the practice exam. It provides a list of tricky vocabulary which was taken directly from the exam sources so that students can familiarise themselves with the definitions for homework. This is followed by a YouTube video about the 9 best studying tips. This is followed by a review of the historical concepts of perspective and empathy. There is a Frontier War scenario told from two perspectives for the students to read and respond two. This transitions to looking at perspectives in poems about historical events using Charge of the Light Brigade as an example (as the tactical errors at Battle Mountain have been compared to this poem).
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for Humanities students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
An interactive lesson created for use after the practice exam to introduce students to the key historical figures and events they needed to know for their actual exam.
Students were given a topic and their own guiding question - they were provided with a PowerPoint full of sources to use as a starting point they were also allowed to conduct their own research on The State Library of Queensland Website. Afterward they were to create a poster (to be completed for homework) so that in the following lesson they could teach the class about their ‘expert topic.’
This resource includes a sheet of the topics (Kalkadoons, Battle Mountain, Native Mounted Police, Sub-Inspector Beresford and Sub-Inspector Urquhart) and guiding questions. It also includes the four PowerPoints of sources which students accessed.
I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
I have taken a modelled response for a Frontier Wars short response exam and turned it into a practice exam. The task sheet includes a little more scaffolding than the actual task as it is to build student’s literacy (it includes some Logon literacy linking word suggestions.) Also included is the stimulus sources, a GTMJ (guide to making judgements) and example answers to go through after the exam.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for Humanities students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
The PowerPoint begins with some tips for the upcoming practice examination. Just like the real exam, the students are provided with the sources a week before (although in this exam I let them have all the sources rather than half). Afterwards, students were to brainstorm everything they could remember about the Queensland Frontier Wars. Talk through some things they may have recalled (linking to prior knowledge / lessons). Explain when and how European presence in QLD began (Moreton Bay district). Students are to copy key notes from the page. Read some primary sources and focus on the language choices within them. This is followed by a couple of secondary sources which showcase different historian’s perspectives. There are some questions for students to answer. Afterwards, I briefly introduced some massacres which occurred in QLD. This was followed by a focus on Inquiry questions and how a historical inquiry works (ready for term 2).
I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
A free resource which I think History teachers will find helpful.If you use it, and like it, please come and give me a positive star rating / review. Constructive criticism is also appreciated.
A PowerPoint and Trivia sheet for students to fill in. I placed students into groups of 2 to 3. Each round had 10 questions worth one point each. Answers are provided on the slide directly following each round. The first two rounds were general questions about History. In the third round students had to watch three clips from the CBS television series Cold Case and respond to questions about them. Round 4 was a match the definitions round (of historical terms and concepts they had learned thus far in the unit). The final round focused on recalling the parts of T.A.D.P.O.L.E (an acronym for evaluating the reliability of sources).
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
PowerPointand lesson plan. Settling activity - copy the definition of bias. Explain the cognitive verb ‘evaluate’ and review concept of modality. Look at some conjunctions (linking words) which can be used in evaluating paragraphs. Subsequently, the lesson explores how to know if the source is useful before introducing the concept of corroborating sources (with a history skills video to consolidate this learning). Look at a sample exam question and deconstruct it. Then look at how to determine if a source is relevant (look at an example which focuses on origin, perspective, context, audience and motive). Then introduce the T.A.D.P.O.L.E acronym for a deeper level of source analysis. Afterwards, there are sources (about the Myall Creek massacre) for the students to evaluate (I use Gradual Release - we do then you do). Finally there is a PEEL/TEEL paragraph writing activity.
T.A.D.P.O.L.E handout with sources about the Myall Creek Massacre for students to analyse.
Example evaluating paragraph about the Hornet bank massacre (with labels to show key features).
Homework sheet - Sources about the Hornet bank massacre for students to analyse.(answers are included at the base of the PowerPoint).
I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
This is a worksheet to utilise with the SBS series First Australians Episode 4: There is no other law. This resource was made for use in an 11 Modern History classroom in Queensland, Australia. I have also included a scanned copy of my teacher answer sheet.
According to SBS, “First Australians chronicles the birth of contemporary Australia as never told before, from the perspective of its first people. First Australians explores what unfolds when the oldest living culture in the world is overrun by the world’s greatest empire.”
Episode 4 focuses on Central Australia 1878-1897. This episode of First Australians gives an excellent academic account of the first 50 years of contact between the Arrernte people of central Australia and the European missionaries, pastoralists and police.
Throughout the history of white settlement, individual white men, good and bad, have significantly affected the first Australians. Supported by pastoralists keen to make their fortune, the homicidal police officer Constable Willshire, brings mayhem to the Arrernte nation in Central Australia. With the authorities turning a blind eye, the telegraph operator Frank Gillen stops him. Gillen’s other legacy is keeping comprehensive records of the Arrernte people’s way of life.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
A PowerPoint for a skills focused Modern History lesson focusing on Summarising. It begins with a settling activity (writing definitions of key historical concepts into glossary - empathy, cause & effect, historiography). This is followed by an explanation of paraphrasing, summarising and quoting. I have provided an example of each using the transcript of President Rooseelt’s declaration of war post Pearl Harbor. I have explained some things that you see in sources that students may not be familiar with [sic] and ellipses (…). Subsequently I provided sources about the Frontier War for students to summarise to practice the skill. Finally, I address referencing and how to in text reference within an exam. I show them an example exam response to help them see in text referencing in action.
A homework sheet with three sources from the Frontier Wars for students to summarise (one of them is a visual source).
I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
This resource is a PowerPoint used to teach students about imperialist ideologies which existed during the Australian frontier wars. It includes definitions of race and racism, an explanation of individual vs institutional racism and five levels of racism. It includes a recap of Captain Cook and the fallacy of Terra Nullius. Subsequently it explores the following theories: survival of the fittest / social darwinism, The Great Chain of Being and Phrenology. There is a video clip explaining why phrenology has since been debunked. At the end of the lesson there are a series of comprehension questions which students can answer in verbal / written form.
A homework sheet explaining a research task + paragraph writing activity (about Hornet Bank Massacre) used to diagnose student ability levels.
I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
A PowerPoint which begins with a review of primary and secondary sources (with examples). This is followed by an explanation of the cognitive verb ‘analyse’ and a process for analysing. I have provided a list of questions which can be used for analysing visual/written sources and some for analysing artefacts. I have used the C.O.M.A acronym for analysing visuals and provided a list of questions you can ask at each stage (with examples from the Frontier Wars). An opportunity to practice this skill is provided (I do / we do depending of ability of your class). There are also tips for comparing two images. The lesson concludes with a TEEL/PEEL paragraph writing activity.
A handout explaining the C.O.M.A acronym and other methods you can use for analysing visuals
Updated PPT and Worksheet used for a more interactive (collaborative learning) focused class room.
I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
This is a worksheet to the SBS series First Australians Episode 1: They have come to stay. This resource was made for use in an 11 Modern History classroom in Queensland, Australia. I have also included a scanned copy of my teacher answer sheet.
According to SBS, “First Australians chronicles the birth of contemporary Australia as never told before, from the perspective of its first people. First Australians explores what unfolds when the oldest living culture in the world is overrun by the world’s greatest empire.”
Episode 1 focuses on Sydney and New South Wales (1788–1824). It includes the first contact, friendships formed between powerful men such as Governor Arthur Phillip and the Aboriginal Bennelong. The smallpox epidemic. The bloodshed and conflicts which arose as settlers spread out across the land.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
This is a PowerPoint which can be used in the the first few lessons of the term. It is part of a Frontier Wars unit which culminates in a 2 hour examination (short response to stimulus). The first part of this lesson explains what history is (followed up with a clip), an overview of the assessment for the year, goal setting, rules and expectations. This is followed by an introduction to The Frontier Wars including terms to be copied into their glossary. Subsequently, contextual information is provided to set the scene: an explanation of what Indigenous life was like pre-contact, how Indigenous people came to be in Australia, the cultural achievements of Indigenous people, their beliefs about the land, language and learning, social organization, the role of elders, weapons, art, face & body painting. Finally, I explain what other groups the first Australians met before Cook, touch on the colonial mentality of the English and the reasons why BRitain wanted to colonise Australia (a place so far away).
I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
A lesson PowerPoint. It begins with a proofreading activity (an excerpt from Chapter 5). Followed by a mini lesson on using an apostrophe to make contractions. This includes examples and non examples and a series of activities which progress through the I do, we do, you do phase of the gradual release of responsibility pedagogy. In upcoming lessons, students will write a persuasive essay to convince their readers of their perspective about Ned Kelly’s guilt or innocence. Students will read chapter six of Black Snake and complete activities so that they can use evidence from the novel to develop their argument about whether Ned Kelly was a victim, a villain or a hero. They learn about mood and tone and apply their new knowledge to the fictional passage at the beginning of the chapter. The PowerPoint ends with a summary of the chapter and some questions to be completed for homework.
A handout with the activities for Chapter 6 which students will complete throughout the lesson.
Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson.
A lesson PowerPoint. It begins with a proofreading activity (an excerpt from Chapter 4). Followed by a review of the events in Chapter 4 of Black Snake. It then includes activities based on the opening section of Chapter 5 (including answering comprehension questions.) Students will be successful if they can: Identify the motivation of the narrator at the beginning of chapter 5 and explain the narrator’s viewpoint. Students will review the term modality and consider whether the language used by the writer (narrator) is high / low modality. There is also a creative writing activity for students to complete (an imaginative recount based on an excerpt from this chapter).
A copy of the lesson plan
Chapter 5 handout - the activities contained in the PowerPoint for distributing to learners.
Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson.
This lesson was designed for the second phase of the unit where students are preparing to write a persuasive text about Ned Kelly. This lesson focuses on reading the events in Chapter Four of Black Snake, responding to questions and considering whether Ned’s actions make him a hero or a villain (or a victim of circumstances). There is a video excerpt of the shootout at Stringybark Creek (from the Heath Ledger film). There is also a clip from the Victoria Police which is intended as a memorial for the policemen killed in action by the Kelly Gang members. It also includes information about the two letters Ned famously wrote expressing why he turned to a life of crime (The Cameron Letter and the Jerilderie Letter). It concludes with information about how the public opinion of Ned shifted from a negative one to a more positive one after the 1960s. The lesson tries to present all points of view so that students can make up their own minds about Ned Kelly and whether he deserves to be held up as an Aussie icon.
Handout - proofreading activity (an excerpt from the novel).
Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson.