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Year 7 Speeches Writing an effective opening
Third lesson in year 7 speeches scheme - exploring how to write an effective opening with models and checklists.

Year 7 speeches intro and MLK - lessons 1 and 2
This is two lessons of the scheme - the first introduces the scheme and the second analyses MLK I Have A Dream.
Any confusion of which resources to use where can be cleared up by looking at ppts - these are all screen shot on slides where they should be used.

Lesson 4 Freak the Mighty - analysis of Tony D Chapter 6.
A lesson, following on from previous 3 uploaded, which skips to chapter 6 to explore the presentation of Tony D - used as a mid-term assessment.

Freak the Mighty - Analysis of Kevin in chapters 1 and 2 Yr 7 Mixed ability.
A lesson analysing the intro of Kevin in the novel.
Builds on from lessons 1 and 2 uploaded. Begins to get students to think about retrieving quotes from multiple chapters.
Opportunity for extended writing task to develop essay skills.
Differentiated work sheets included.

Freak the Mighty Chapter 2 Analysis Year 7 Mixed Ability
A lesson exploring how Max is presented in chapter 2. Builds on from Lesson 1 uploaded on to Tes.
Chance to read the chapter
Worksheets to enable students to find quotes and analyse.
Extended writing task.
Peer assessment should follow this.

Freak the Mighty Chapter 1 - year 7 mixed ability
A lesson analysing chapter 1 of Freak the Mighty.
Teaches students to use the SEED paragraph struture and begins language analysis skills.

William Wordsworth Composed Upon Westminster Bridge Context and Analysis
A lesson exploring how to analyse a difficult poem - I used this with top ability year 9 - but could be adapted for poetry unseen skills for GCSE. This is 2 lessons worth - all resources are clearly shown on powerpoints so it’s clear where different ones are needed.

Initial impressions of Mrs Birling in Act 1 and Development in Act 2 - An Inspector Calls AQA2019
A lesson - which took me 2 to teach - about the initial impressions of Mrs B in Act 1 and then how she is developed through her part in Eva’s suicide in Act 2 - complete with my notes for the worksheets.

Development of Gerald in Act 2 An Inspector Calls AQA 2019
A lesson I used to help year 10 explore and analyse the development of Gerald in Act 2. I had previously done an initial impressions of him in Act 1 which this developed from. That sheet is also attached to this.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Year 8 Scheme of Work Lesson 5 Mechanicals Act 1, Scene 2
The fifth lesson in a scheme of work which explores the function of the Mechanicals in Act 1, Scene 2. This is aimed at year 8, but can be adapted.
Includes exploration of the story of Pyramus and Thisbe.
Exploration of the specific characterisation of Bottom.
Analysis of the scene - with scaffolded questions.
Writing frame on slide for written task.

Year 7 poetry across time full written scheme of work
A full written scheme of work for year 7 introducing them to poetry across time. Each lesson is clearly outlined with activities and outcomes.
The unit explores poems such as the Night Train by Auden and Daffodils by Wordsworth.

Creative writing full written scheme of work Year 7/8
This is the outline of a very detailed scheme of work for year 7 - creative writing.
Each week has a specific focus, eg. character. Each week also asks you to rag rate the student - I have uploaded an example of that - each week you can just adapt that to the skills you want to assess depending on the group you teach.

Lesson 4 A Midsummer Night's Dream Year 8 scheme - the presentation of Helena and Lysander Act 1
A fourth lesson in a scheme for year 8 (adaptable) of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This lesson explores the attitudes of Lysander and Helena to the love triangle and also gender and love.

Lesson 3 A Midsummer Night's Dream Year 8 scheme Egeus Act 1 Scene 1
The third lesson in a year 8 scheme (adaptable for other years) which explores the initial interaction between Egeus and Theseus. Continues with looking at ideas to do with the patriarchy and gender.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Year 8 Scheme Lesson 2 Theseus and Hippolyta Act 1 Scene 1
The second lesson in a year 8 scheme of A Midsummer Night’s Dream which explores the introductory passage where Hippolyta and Theseus are discussing their wedding - ideas explored in lesson are to include the introduction to ideas about love and rationality.

Introduction to A Midsummer Night's Dream Context
A lesson exploring the context around A Midsummer Night’s Dream - including the traditions of Midsummer Night and May Day, and a little about the inclusion of Elizabeth I in the play.

Low ability year 9 Lady Macbeth Act 1, Scene 5 analysis 9-1 AQA
A lesson exploring and analysing key ideas in Act 1, Scene 5. This lesson really supports low ability students in grasping the key concepts of this character.
I have also included a version of the grid with my teaching notes to help.
Starter is a gap fill after reading the scene - with a differentiated version for really weak students.
Prior to this lesson, I did a whole lesson on women in Tudor/Jacobean England - really helped with understanding this character in this lesson.

Low ability year 9 Lady Macbeth Act 1, Scene 5 assessment prep sheet 9-1 AQA
An assessment sheet to support a very weak low ability year 9 class to answer a question on Lady Macbeth in Act 1, Scene 5. One sheet has slightly less support on than the other - but I found this to be really useful for weak students still not comfortable with writing confidently about literature.

An Inspector Calls How is the Inspector a catalyst for change level 9 essay
A model essay I have written to demonstrate how to write about the Inspector - refers lots to ideas about capitalism and socialism; develops ideas about the final speech and Priestley’s message; also looks at Inspector Goole as a regent of God.

Year 7 gothic A Christmas Carol easy read inference
A lesson beginning to look at indepedent inference with low ability year 7 - using A Christmas Carol as a stimulus.