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Year 8 (prep for new AQA 2017 GCSE) OMAM character analysis group work lesson Ch 2
Students exploring how characters are presented in Ch2, making links to context.
Put into 6 groups - nominate a group leader who can help to guide group - probably a HAP.
Rotate every 10 minutes.

Year 7 creative writing - effective openings
A lesson following the explore - model - try - apply method.
Effective openings - exploring different ways to open a story, and then having a go. Followed by 20 mins of focused writing of their own opening.
differentiation included.

New AQA 9-1 Macbeth Act 1, Scene 5 Explore High Ability
Exploring Act 1, Scene 5 - lots of challenge for HA.
Next lesson - writing about scene 5 - is also available for purchase.

An Inspector Calls AQA 2017 intro to class
A lesson introducing the context of class - top set year 9.

AQA 9-1 2017 English Language Letter writing
Using Jamie Oliver and social media is a topic, lesson teaching very low ability how to write a letter. There had been prior learning of letter writing techniques.

New AQA 2017 English Language Paper 2, Section B Persuasive Speech. Very Low Ability.
A lesson looking at how to use DAFORREST in a speech.
Using method: explore, model, try, apply.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 9 Analysing how propaganda is used in Squealer's speech ch 3Low ability
Lesson 9 of a scheme of learning about Animal Farm for new AQA. Low ability year 9.
In this lesson, students used a scaffolded and differentiated sheet to analyse Squealer's speech, and they then completed a 20 minute writing assessment answering the question:
How does Squealer uses propaganda in chapter 3 and how is this similar to Russian propaganda?
Peer assessment at the end.
This was an observed lesson graded outstanding.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 8 Connecting Russian Propaganda to Chapter 3 Low ability Y9
The eighth lesson in a scheme of learning about Animal Farm.
In this lesson, students combined their previous knowledge of chapter 3 and of propaganda by making connections in order to achieve the context aspect of the new AQA spec.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 6 Exploring Propaganda Chapter 3 Low ability Y9
No ppt lesson for this lesson.
LA Y9.
I read the first half of chapter three of Animal Farm to them first.
I talked them through the different propaganda techniques and got them to think about when they've seen them in the modern day.
They then completed both of the war poster propaganda sheets to show their understanding.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 5 Stalin and Trotsky Chapter 2 Low ability Y9
5th lesson in a scheme about Animal Farm for Year 9 LA.
Exploring Stalin and Trotsky - history and how this relates to the novella.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 4 Chapter 2 and the Russian Revolution Low ability Y9
Fourth lesson in a scheme. We explored what the revolution was, and then spent the rest of the lesson reading chapter 2. Students were asked to find connections in the text.
Might take 2 lessons to get through this, as it is worth reading the chapter first so that then you can explore the chapter in more detail.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 3 Analysing chapter 1 Low Ability
Leading on from lesson 2, where students explored Old Major and Karl Marx, this lesson begins analysis skills.
In this lesson, I also taught the y into -ies rule where I spoke to one student specifically about it and explained a few times throughout the lesson, and then I asked that student to teach the whole class. Worked very well.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 2 Chapter 1 - Old Major and Karl Marx Low ability
This is the second lesson in a scheme for Animal Farm for new 9-1 AQA.
Class is very weak - I try to teach the context alongside the novel so that the students can make clear links due to being very low ability.

Animal Farm AQA 9-1 Lesson 1 Fables Low ability
First lesson in a scheme exploring Animal Farm for the new AQA GCSE 9-1. Lesson looks at fables, and allows students to explore purpose of a fable.
If students are higher than predicted level 3, could introduce concept of allegory, but mine are too weak.

AQA 2017 Macbeth Act 2, Scene 1 Group work exploration
I put the students into groups, and they had to work their way through the cards (each card had challenges on them). They had to annotate their script as they went along.
Mixed ability groups worked well.
I did this with year 9 very high ability, but can be adapted.

AQA 2017 Macbeth Act 2, Scene 2 writing lesson
A lesson learning , and completing extended writing, about Act 2, Scene 2.

KS4 High Ability Analyis of Macbeth Act 2, Scene 1 AQA 2017
Lesson for High Ability KS4 - analysis of language in 2:1. Independent work with support.
I suggest mixed ability groups so that the HAPs can guide the LAPs.

Lesson on Act 1, Scene 5 Macbeth - AQA 2017 GCSE scheme. Extended writing lesson
A lesson where top set year 9 wrote a response to the extract question of the new GCSE (AQA) - How is LM presented in Scene 5?
There is a detailed booklet with a lot of support as it is their first attempt and a support sheet to enable access for weaker students.
A model level 9 paragraph is also included.

Lesson on Act 1, Scene 3 Macbeth - AQA 2017 GCSE scheme
Lesson on Act 1, Scene 3 Macbeth - AQA 2017 GCSE scheme . Top set explore lesson - with model paragraph and peer assessment grid.