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AQA 2017 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing Structure Question 3
A lesson focussing on question 3 of the AQA 2017 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing unit.
I used Divergent as a stimulus - and put stills of the opening of the film on a sheet - they then thought about what they were focussed on as an audience. We then read the extract and highlighted where our focus was changed.
With a model answer.
Using Diverget.

AQA 2017 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing Q2
A lesson focussing on question 2 of the AQA 2017 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing unit.
With a model answer.
UsingThe Great Gatsby as extract.

Context lesson for AQA 2016 Macbeth - top set Y9
A detailed context carousel lesson.
I got my top set in to smaller groups. They each started with a specific worksheet. They had to read the information, and then condense it using the "what to find out" sheet to help them to keep focus. They were given a word limit as a challenge.
Tehy had 15 minutes on each topic. It took a few lessons, but by the end, they had a really detailed knowledge of Macbeth. The intention is then to refer back to it as we are studying the play.
Please note: this was a very intelligent top set.

Mock core IGCSE reading papers - question paper and insert provided for use in 2016
question paper and insert

IGCSE Core Reading Papers questions 2 and 3 - about 3-4 lesson's worth
Low ability - I did a saturday skills day with my 11s where we looked at questions 2 and 3.
We spent most of the time on question 2.
for each question type, we did one together slowly and then they had a more independent go.
All resources are labelled - it should be clear on the ppt which resources to use when.

Exploring poetic techniques - unseen poetry - Havisham. Year 7
A lesson exploring techniques in poetry. I am giving the students a series of unseen poetry. Using the technique flashcards (available to purchase on my page), the students worked in groups on specific techniques within Havisham.
All students were able to access this learning and the cards worked really well as a support to the learning process.

KS3 poetic technique cards
A set of flash cards of poetic techniques - there is an example with an explanatory comment; ways each technique is used; what it is etc.
I have been using them to enable students to explore poems independently. In a recent lesson with year 7, I split them into groups and gave them each a specific technique to find in Havisham and comment on. They then taught each other.
A weaker student in the class was able to identify an oxymoron in the poem and comment "it shows she has a lot of different emotions and it confuses her". Proves that these cards are effective :)
Aimed at KS3

A Christmas Carol Stave 1 Scaffold
A scaffolded copy of first half of stave 1 of ACC. Questions around edge of text so students can work independently. Ideal for top set year 9/10.

Charge of the Lightbrigade AQA 2017
A lesson analysing C of the LB, with scaffolded poem and starter sheet looking at context

Mr Birling Opening An Inspector Calls AQA 2017 exam
A lesson about Mr Birling during the beginning of Act 1.
They are a very weak year 10 and so I showed them the film first in order then to simply teach key extracts.
This lesson looks at the engagement extract and the dramatic irony extract.

Year 10 An Inspector Calls Opening stage directions. VERY LOW ABILITY
exploring the opening stage directions - very weak class.

Year 8 World War One unit - extended writing about Exposure
The class had spent 2 lessons exploring Exposure. This lesson they worked on writing critical and analytical paragraphs.

Year 8 World War 1 poetry unit - exploring language in Dulce
Observed (grade 1) lesson exploring language in Dulce.
the class have been using the writing frame for a while, so we are starting to lessen the amount of frame they have.