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Born Free Foundation

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Born Free works to stop individual wildlife suffering & protect threatened species in the wild. We create resource packs, aimed at KS2 to KS4, that include full lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations and activities, and detailed links to the National Curriculum. Our cross-curricular resources aim to develop a range of skills, including; decision making, debating, speech writing, performing, presenting, persuasive writing, questioning, reporting and data analysis.




Born Free works to stop individual wildlife suffering & protect threatened species in the wild. We create resource packs, aimed at KS2 to KS4, that include full lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations and activities, and detailed links to the National Curriculum. Our cross-curricular resources aim to develop a range of skills, including; decision making, debating, speech writing, performing, presenting, persuasive writing, questioning, reporting and data analysis.
Animal Adaptations - Should Wild Animals Be Kept As Pets?

Animal Adaptations - Should Wild Animals Be Kept As Pets?

KS2 Lesson on animal adaptations, focusing on wild animals kept as pets. Learning Objectives: To explain the different adaptations animals use to survive in the wild. To be able to identify how these adaptations provide an advantage in an animal’s natural habitat. Explain why some animals are not suitable as pets. Wild animals are perfectly adapted to life in their natural habitat. However, thousands of people across the UK now own an exotic or dangerous wild animal as a pet, including tigers, lions and primates. Through this standalone lesson learn about different wild animal adaptations and allow pupils to discuss whether they think wild animals should be kept as pets. If you like our resources, please leave a review! You can book free workshops from a member of the Born Free Education Team. Contact us at education@bornfree.org.uk
KS2 Home School Resources - Geography

KS2 Home School Resources - Geography

A selection of curriculum-linked worksheets and activities, perfect for KS2 children learning from home. These can be used as an additional classroom resource for teachers. Our Education Programme aims to instill a love of wildlife in young people, so each of our resources has been linked to an animal or habitat that Born Free is working to protect. New resources will be added regularly, so keep an eye out for more! • KS2 English - How a captive animal feels • KS2 Science - Animal Teeth/ Herbivores, Carnivores & Omnivores (classification) Enjoy, have fun, and let us know how you are getting on by reaching out to education@bornfree.org.uk with your questions, photos and news.
KS1 Home School Resources - Geography

KS1 Home School Resources - Geography

A selection of curriculum-linked worksheets and activities, perfect for KS1 children learning from home. These can also be used as an additional classroom resource for teachers. Our Education Programme aims to instill a love of wildlife in young people, so each of our resources has been linked to an animal or habitat that Born Free or our partners are working to protect. New resources will be added regularly, so keep an eye out for more! Other resources include: • KS1 English • KS1 Maths • KS1 Science Enjoy, have fun, and let us know how you are getting on by reaching out to education@bornfree.org.uk with your questions, photos and news.
KS1 Home School Resources - Geography

KS1 Home School Resources - Geography

A selection of curriculum-linked worksheets and activities, perfect for KS2 children learning from home, or to be used as an additional classroom resource for teachers. Our Education Programme aims to instil a love of wildlife in young people, so each of our resources has been linked to an animal or habitat that Born Free is working to protect. • KS1 Geography - Naming The World’s Ocean New resources will be added regularly, so keep an eye out for more! Enjoy, have fun, and let us know how you are getting on by reaching out to education@bornfree.org.uk with your questions, photos and news.
Les animaux sauvages devraient-ils jouer dans les spectacles de cirque?

Les animaux sauvages devraient-ils jouer dans les spectacles de cirque?

Une courte unité de travail destinée aux élèves du primaire, ou aux élèves plus âgés apprenant le français langue étrangère, sur des animaux sauvages se produisant dans des cirques. Chaque leçon doit durer une heure, bien qu’il existe de nombreuses possibilités de raccourcir ou d’allonger les activités. Ce sujet a de nombreux liens transversaux, avec des liens étroits avec les programmes britanniques de science, de géographie, de SMSC et de citoyenneté. Leçon 1. Adaptations animales Décrire comment différents organismes sont adaptés à leur environnement Expliquer pourquoi les organismes réussissent le mieux dans leur propre environnement naturel Leçon 2. Une journée dans la vie d’un tigre Pour comparer la vie d’un tigre dans la nature avec celle d’un cirque Rédiger une entrée de journal intitulée «Une journée dans la vie d’un tigre». Leçon 3. Faut-il interdire tous les animaux sauvages des cirques? Comprendre les arguments pour et contre l’interdiction des animaux sauvages dans les cirques Se forger une opinion Ecrire une lettre convaincante. Le contexte: Dans le monde entier, des milliers d’animaux sauvages sont utilisés dans les cirques et forcés d’effectuer des tours humiliants et contre nature pour divertir le public. Le bien-être des animaux domestiques et sauvages est souvent gravement compromis dans un environnement de cirque. Born Free travaille à travers le Royaume-Uni et l’Europe pour mettre fin à l’utilisation d’animaux sauvages dans les cirques et soutient les partenaires de la campagne internationale dans leurs efforts. Dans la mesure du possible, Born Free sauve les animaux des conditions épouvantables des cirques. Au fil des ans, nous avons sauvé et accueilli plusieurs grands félins de cirques en France, en Bulgarie, en Italie et en Allemagne. Nous leur fournissons des soins à vie de haut niveau dans des sanctuaires. Cependant, ce sont les plus chanceux. Si vous trouvez ces ressources utiles, veuillez laisser un commentaire. Si vous avez d’autres questions ou souhaitez en savoir plus sur notre programme d’éducation au Royaume-Uni, contactez-nous à education@bornfree.org.uk. Merci beaucoup pour vérifier nos matériaux!
KS2 Home School Resources - Geography

KS2 Home School Resources - Geography

A selection of curriculum-linked worksheets and activities, perfect for KS2 children learning from home, or to be used as an additional classroom resource for teachers. Our Education Programme aims to instil a love of wildlife in young people, so each of our resources has been linked to an animal or habitat that Born Free is working to protect. • KS2 Geography - Lines of latitude and the ocean New resources will be added regularly, so keep an eye out for more! Enjoy, have fun, and let us know how you are getting on by reaching out to education@bornfree.org.uk with your questions, photos and news.
Lions for Life - Geography

Lions for Life - Geography

Help your students to learn about physical landscapes of lion habitats, the threats they face with a specific focus on the impact of climate change on the surrounding wildlife and communities and what we can do to protect them. These resources, linking film content, PowerPoints and student activities, are suitable for KS3 and tailored to meet Geography learning objectives. Learning objectives To extend locational knowledge and deepen spatial awareness of African countries, including knowledge of key physical characteristics. Understand how human and physical processes interact to influence and change landscapes, environments and the climate; and how human activity relies on effective functioning of natural systems. To explain how food chains and food webs work in the African savannah, including how animals have unique adaptations and characteristics developed to survive this environment and keep a balanced ecosystem. To understand how human actions are destroying and altering ecosystems.
Born Free Webinar: Last Chance to Paint - Precious Africa

Born Free Webinar: Last Chance to Paint - Precious Africa

Born Free’s educational events are free and perfect for school groups and home-educators. Join Born Free’s Education Team, with guest and artist John Dyer, as they speak about the Last Chance to Paint project and Sudan, the last male northern white rhino, who started John’s journey. With opportunities for students to paint along. Learning Objectives: I recognise that my choices and actions can impact habitats around the world, including savannahs I can confidently use paint to convey a savannah scene I can gather inspiration from an artist and use this within my own work. You will need: Paint (ideally Acrylic) A range of brush sizes Clean water Cloth or tissue White paper This video is 46 minutes long.
Born Free Webinar: What Is COP26?

Born Free Webinar: What Is COP26?

Born Free’s educational events are free and perfect for school groups and home-educators. Join the Born Free team and a Youth Climate Activist to learn all about the 2021’s Climate Conference in Glasgow. Hear young people’s questions beinh answered and learn how you can influence policy-makers to prioritise the Climate Crisis.