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A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!




A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!
An illustrated crossword puzzle to complement "Trouvé (Les vêtements)”

An illustrated crossword puzzle to complement "Trouvé (Les vêtements)”

This little crossword puzzle complements my “Trouvé (Les vêtements)” card game. The puzzle uses the same symbols found in the "Trouvé" game, which focusses on oral practice, to provide a simple, written element to further the lesson. It also works as a quick, stand-alone activity for anyone presenting a unit on “les vêtements". The vocabulary includes des baskets (f.) des bottes (f.) un chandail de hockey un chandail un chapeau des chaussettes (f.) des chaussures (f.) une chemise une cravate des gants (m.) un imperméable un jean une jupe des mitaines (f.) un pantalon une robe un sac à dos des sous-vêtements (m.) un survêtement un sweat à capuche un tee-shirt Trouvé (Les vêtements), a game like Spot It™, is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/trouv-les-v-tements-11232726
One Direction's  'More than this' in French

One Direction's 'More than this' in French

In honour of the One Direction mania that is almost at fever pitch in Toronto as the boys prepare to perform their first concert here this weekend, here’s a clip of 'Plus que ça' or 'More than this' with a loose translation of the lyrics in French. It was lovingly uploaded and subtitled in both French and Spanish by an orthographically challenged fan but as I’m technologically challenged myself, I can’t redo the clip with the correct lyrics. But maybe you'll turn this into a 'spot the errors' contest. Or a karaoke singalong ? Let me know what you do with it, please.
La journée de Lady Gaga, BTS ou . . .

La journée de Lady Gaga, BTS ou . . .

This is a guided writing activity in which students assume the identity of Lady Gaga or a member of BTS and describe her/his day. The focus is the use of pronominal verbs. There are separate handouts for le présent and le passé composé for both the Lady and BTS. Of course, the same sheets will work for Drake, Adele, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Calvin, Hobbes, the principal of your school, and so forth. (It was high time to update this file. Lady Gaga has stood the test of time. One Direction, not so much!)
Annaleise, 14 ans, traverse le lac Ontario

Annaleise, 14 ans, traverse le lac Ontario

Annaleise, une adolescente de 14 ans, vient de traverser le lac Ontario à la nage. Not sure how much general interest there would be in a story like this on your side of the pond but it will work for teachers looking for 'girl power' affirmation stories for the French classroom. BTW, Annaleise covered 52 kilometres so this is comparable to a Channel swim. I am curious to know if you and / or your students find this interesting so would appreciate any feedback. Joyeuse rentrée.
La Rentrée (played like Boggle)

La Rentrée (played like Boggle)

Another five minute filler for French teachers. Templates in colour and in black and white, a thematic vocabulary and an answer key are included.
A Christmas rebus to decipher (The Little Drummer Boy)

A Christmas rebus to decipher (The Little Drummer Boy)

A tiny Christmas cracker of an activity for the weeks before the holidays. Challenge your students to decipher the lyric, “I played my drum for Him, parumpapapum”! Merry Christmas, everyone! If you’d like some more Christmas rebus puzzles, have a look at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/twelve-christmas-rebus-puzzles-11176843
Passover puzzle (like Boggle)

Passover puzzle (like Boggle)

A Passover 'How Touching' or Boggle puzzle + solutions This is a five-minute filler for English teachers. The colours have flattened in the transfer from Pages to PDF. Does anyone know how to get around this, please?
French: résolutions pour 2024

French: résolutions pour 2024

Les résolutions du Père Noël 2024 is an exemplar of a New Year’s activity. I couldn’t resist making a list of resolutions on behalf of Petit Papa Noël. It will give your students some ideas, a laugh or two (I hope) and an opportunity to try their hand by filling in resolutions 2 and 1. Note: This is not a new resource but an update of the resolutions that I’ve been posting since 2012.


I’m reposting this old file because it’s Roald Dahl’s centenary and because “The Landlady” is an exceptionally well written, suspenseful and eerie short story that cries out to be explored at Hallowe’en by both middle and high school students. (It is not to be missed if “foreshadowing” and “appearance versus reality” figure in your curriculum.) I’ve summarized The Landlady and stirred the pieces in my cauldron. After your class has read the story, your students should be able to reconstitute the summary as a small group, co-operative activity.
L' Oeuf de Pâques (Crespi): a crazy, mixed-up review activity

L' Oeuf de Pâques (Crespi): a crazy, mixed-up review activity

If you’ve been working on Henri Crespi’s "L’Oeuf de Pâques" and you’re looking for a hands-on, collaborative alternative to paper and pen review questions, try this activity. The original text and an audio version of the story are available online here: http://web2.gyldendal.no/contact/flash/chap9/ecoute4.swf BTW, I usually distribute chocolate Easter eggs before we read the story . . .
que, qu', dont? (3.0)!

que, qu', dont? (3.0)!

In spoken English, we now commonly end sentences with prepositions so the taboo of ending a sentence with 'de' tends to mystify some students. Here's a straightforward exercise that centres on identifying the phantom DE and magically transforming it into DONT. This version should be sans typos.
A Scribblescrabble  for Hannukah

A Scribblescrabble for Hannukah

Unlike Scrabble players, Scribblescrabblers can choose which letters to use for each of their turns. As in Scrabble, however, they will score the most points with the strategic placement of those letters. You may ask your students to incorporate a thematic vocabulary list or to play using general vocabulary only. Either way, they will be engaged! In fact, very competitive students tend to want to play every possible open square. This file includes English, French and Spanish versions of each grid and a blank grid for those of you teaching other languages. If you’d like to view other Scribblescrabbles just enter “Scribblescrabble” in my shop’s search bar: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Carlav
L'écrivaine, Francine Christophe, raconte un petit miracle vécu à Bergen-Belsen

L'écrivaine, Francine Christophe, raconte un petit miracle vécu à Bergen-Belsen

I stumbled across this extraordinarily moving and hopeful clip yesterday and feel that it deserves a wider audience. In clear, careful and beautifully articulated French, author Francine Christophe recounts a little miracle that was born of an act of kindness in Bergen-Belsen. I’ve done very little other than to put together a transcript of the story, with a link to a second, related clip and a bibliography of Christophe’s work. I’ve also included a link to a version of the clip with English subtitles for any of your anglophone colleagues who may be looking for something for their history classes or Remembrance Day.
Taming the 6 Times Tables without Tears (GET THE PICTURE? multiplication game)

Taming the 6 Times Tables without Tears (GET THE PICTURE? multiplication game)

In an article about children's struggles with multiplication tables, "The Guardian" once pointed out that the hardest numbers for kids to multiply are 6 x 8; they get that wrong 63% of the time! Here’s a little 6 times tables exercise camouflaged as an entertaining, self-correcting card game. Happy 6 times tables mastery. The card decks for the Times Tables from 2 through 12 are available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/taming-the-times-tables-without-tears-get-the-picture-multiplication-game-11309583
Message magique: devinette de Noël

Message magique: devinette de Noël

These magic message riddles will serve as instant Christmas cards for your students if you print them on card stock. The riddles resemble QR codes until you raise them to eye level and read the “magical messages” from bottom - indicated by a red number - to top. There are four cards to the page. Decades ago, these things took me forever and a day to draw by hand. But then I could legitimately challenge my students to draw a message of their own. Nowadays, I use the computer so they just take forever. However, I’ve lost the moral authority to launch my drawing challenge. But the “wow” moment when a student actually sees the message still makes it worthwhile.
Two Remembrance Day Activities

Two Remembrance Day Activities

Imagic After your students have solved the Imagic (visual crossword) puzzle, challeng them to make a little Imagic of their own. Broken Words In this virtual race, players have to reconstitute and recopy words that have been broken into pieces and scattered over the game grid. Students may play individually or in pairs. The words in this puzzle are: 1 hero 2 honour 3 prayer 4 silence 5 bugle 6 poppies 7 service 8 weapon 9 courage 10 parade 11 battle 12 defend I’ve included a suggestion for extending the lesson for this activity.