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Differentiation from First Principles

Differentiation from First Principles

Calculus - Differentiation from first principles Questions on differentiating powers of x from first principles. Increase in difficulty with a juicy proof at the end. Answers are included in the form of my worked solutions
Polar Coordinates Graph match

Polar Coordinates Graph match

Match the 14 equations in polar form to their graphs. Graphs are drawn on polar grids. Answers are included. Cut out the graphs and the equations and give to students who can work in pairs. Get them to match the graphs and equations then stick them on large sugar paper.
Simplifying Algebraic Fractions Treasure Hunt

Simplifying Algebraic Fractions Treasure Hunt

Place the 20 questions around the room. Students can start on different ones. They will find the answer on top of another question sheet. They move around the room finally returning to the question they started with. An answer key is included for easy assessment
Christmas Algebra Puzzles

Christmas Algebra Puzzles

12 grid puzzles with a Christmas Theme. In each one, the pictures represent different numbers and the totals of each row and column are given. Later ones require more problem solving and totals are needed to be found.