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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Día Internacional de la Mujer Presentación PowerPoint y Decor | Discussion Q's

Día Internacional de la Mujer Presentación PowerPoint y Decor | Discussion Q's

Este recurso es absolutamente fantástico para presentar y celebrar con toda la clase o la escuela la vida y los logros de las mujeres, hayan recibido o no reconocimiento por ello. Con esta presentación interactiva, tus estudiantes comprenderán en profundidad la historia y el verdadero significado del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Cada diapositiva incluye preguntas que invitan a la reflexión y que ayudarán a los niños a comprender y apreciar la importancia de este importante acontecimiento. La presentación abarca diversos temas, como el papel de la mujer tanto en el pasado como en el presente, los estereotipos, las formas de promover la igualdad de la mujer, y mucho más. Además, tus estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de hablar de mujeres que les han inspirado personalmente, ya sean familiares o figuras conocidas. Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: Día Internacional de la Mujer Diapositiva 2: Por qué celebramos el Día Internacional de la Mujer… Diapositiva 3: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte I Diapositiva 4: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte II Diapositiva 5: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte III Diapositiva 6: El Papel de la Mujer en el Pasado Diapositiva 7: El Papel de la Mujer en el Presente Diapositiva 8: Mujeres que Inspiran… Diapositiva 9: Cómo Promover La Igualdad de Género (Mujeres - Hombres) Diapositiva 10: Yo No Estereotipo a las Mujeres Diapositiva 11: Hemos aprendido sobre… El Día Internacional de la Mujer Formatos: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images** "------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés -------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★You may like these Women’s Day resources: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides Día Internacional de la Mujer - Actividad El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí… Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderín (FREE SAMPLE!) Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir Harriet Tubman - Actividad Rosa Parks - Actividad ----------------------------------------------------"
Bullying y Anti-Bullying (Acoso Escolar) Collection BUNDLE

Bullying y Anti-Bullying (Acoso Escolar) Collection BUNDLE

3 Resources
Este bundle proporciona información esencial para definir claramente el acoso a tus estudiantes y enfatiza que tal comportamiento es inaceptable y tendrá consecuencias. Es una herramienta excelente para prevenir y detener el acoso, ya que fomenta un entorno seguro en el que los niños pueden prosperar social y académicamente sin miedo. Las actividades capacitan a los niños para identificar los signos de un acosador, evitar participar ellos mismos en el acoso y comprender las medidas adecuadas que deben tomar si se encuentran con un acosador en la escuela. En algunos casos, los niños no expresan abiertamente que están siendo acosados. Este recurso proporciona a los estudiantes estrategias para hacer frente a las situaciones de acoso y les anima a buscar el apoyo de maestros y amigos de confianza si les preocupa el acoso. Utilizando este recurso, tus niños y toda la clase mejorarán sus logros sociales y académicos, permitiéndoles prosperar en varios aspectos de sus vidas. Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos: Recurso 1: Bullying y Anti-Bullying (Acoso Escolar) Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Anti-Bullying Actividad (Acoso Escolar) Recurso 3: Bullying (Acoso Escolar) Mapa Mental Feliz Día Contra el Acoso Escolar!
Semana Santa Collection BUNDLE

Semana Santa Collection BUNDLE

3 Resources
Planifica la Semana Santa con tranquilidad y confianza utilizando este completo paquete. Te ahorrará tiempo y energía en la preparación e investigación. Este paquete es ideal para presentar la Semana Santa a los estudiantes. Ayuda eficazmente a los niños a comprender los hechos más significativos y las palabras pronunciadas por Jesús durante sus últimos días en la tierra. Con este paquete, puedes explorar la Semana Santa en su totalidad, cubriendo todos los aspectos esenciales. El diseño de los materiales está cuidadosamente adaptado a las edades e intereses de los niños. Anima a los estudiantes a reflexionar y a comprender en profundidad este importante acontecimiento. Las actividades incluidas en el paquete permiten a los niños establecer conexiones entre la historia y sus experiencias cotidianas. Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos: Recurso 1: Semana Santa Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Reflexiones de Semana Santa Mini Libro Recurso 3: Semana Santa Línea de Tiempo ¡Feliz Semana Santa!
Mascotas Collection BUNDLE

Mascotas Collection BUNDLE

3 Resources
Con este paquete, dispondrás de todos los recursos necesarios para educar eficazmente a tus estudiantes sobre las responsabilidades, los compromisos y los beneficios de tener un animal de compañía. Ahorra tiempo y energía descargando los materiales en cuestión de minutos, lo que te permitirá empezar a enseñar de inmediato. Celebremos el Día Nacional de las Mascotas fomentando la concienciación y el amor por estas adorables criaturas. Los niños comprenderán que las mascotas no son meros juguetes. Merecen todo nuestro amor, respeto, cuidado, empatía y compasión. Si inculcamos a los estudiantes, desde una edad temprana, que los animales de compañía requieren atención, tiempo y dedicación, podremos evitar más abandonos de mascotas y aliviar futuros sufrimientos. Proporciona a tus estudiantes una explicación clara y concisa del verdadero significado de tener una mascota, fomentando la reflexión y el conocimiento entre ellos. Estimula la escritura espontánea y facilita los debates. Además, decora tu clase con los compromisos adquiridos por tus estudiantes en materia de mascotas. Por último, tus niños llevarán con orgullo una etiqueta tanto en la escuela como en casa, que les servirá de recordatorio constante de su compromiso con todas las mascotas. Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos: Recurso 1: Mascotas Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Mascotas Mini Libro y Banderín Recurso 3: Día de la Mascota | Etiqueta de Cordón** Feliz Día Nacional de las Mascotas!
Listón Rojo Collection BUNDLE

Listón Rojo Collection BUNDLE

3 Resources
Educa y mantén a tus niños alejados de las drogas desde una edad temprana. Utiliza este bundle para presentar y desarrollar este tema de forma clara, sencilla y adecuada a su edad. Ayúdales a sentirse seguros y confiados a la hora de comprender la importancia de tomar decisiones acertadas y evitar los riesgos asociados a las drogas. Estos recursos utilizan ejemplos y preguntas provocadoras para guiar a tus estudiantes en la comprensión de que, a pesar de la existencia de las drogas como una realidad preocupante, ellos están equipados y preparados para decir NO. Es fundamental que los niños comprendan que la decisión de consumir drogas es exclusivamente suya, sin influencias externas. Al inculcarles una conciencia crítica sobre el consumo y el abuso de drogas desde una edad temprana, puedes capacitar a tus niños para que tomen decisiones informadas y responsables. Esta colección incluye: Recurso 1: Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon Week) Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Listón Rojo Actividad - Red Ribbon Spanish Recurso 3: Semana del Listón Rojo Manualidad | Dile NO a las Drogas ¡Feliz Semana del Listón Rojo! "------------------------------------- ★ Download the English Collection: Red Ribbon Collection BUNDLE "-------------------------------------
Cinco de Mayo Collection BUNDLE | SPANISH

Cinco de Mayo Collection BUNDLE | SPANISH

3 Resources
¿Qué mejor manera de celebrar el Cinco de Mayo que con este pack completo? Ahorra tiempo de investigación y planificación. Disfruta explicando claramente lo que significa el Cinco de Mayo, las tradiciones y cultura de los mexicanos (comida, ropa, música). Decora tu clase con unos adorables mexicanos y banderines que harán que tu clase una fiesta. La actividad está lista para que los niños la completen después de escuchar y discutir la actividad de presentación, el diseño es tan linda, que tus estudiantes estarán siempre atentos y listos a escuchar. El paquete Cinco de Mayo es una auténtica celebración de la cultura y el conocimiento Mexicano. ¡Que lo disfrutes! Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos: Recurso 1: Cinco de Mayo Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Cinco de Mayo | Actividad en Español Recurso 3: Cinco de Mayo Manualidad ¡Celebra el Cinco de Mayo con tus estudiantes!
Growth Mindset - Friendship - Google Slides BUNDLE

Growth Mindset - Friendship - Google Slides BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset - Friendship - Google Slides. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual language classrooms! Easily use this activity for distance learning by sending Google Slides to your student’s homes! This resource offers an easy manual to help parents and kids to draw or use shapes to complete the activity. Teachers and parents want their children to have good friends, and they have the responsibility to help them understand the key ingredients that underlie friendship formation. This resource helps teachers and parents get to know their kids’ friends and the reasons they decide to keep them. This resource includes the main principles of the growth mindset (embrace challenges, the power of YET, find inspiration in the success of others, see effort as the path of mastery, learn from mistakes, learn from criticism) to guide children to understand friendship in a meaningful way! This resource is fantastic for helping your children build good friendships. The activities inspire your students to think critically about what it takes to make and keep good friends. This resource offers an easy manual to help parents and kids to draw or use shapes to complete the activity. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: My Friends (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: My Friends Inspire Me to be Better (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: My Friends Can … I Can’t YET (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: I am a Problem Solver (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: I Do My Best To Be a Good Friend (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: I Learn From My Friends - Constructive Feedback (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: I Learn From Mistakes (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: I Do not Give Up, I Can Make New Friends (English and Spanish Version) Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class!
The Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertos PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

The Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertos PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of The Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertos PowerPoint Presentation. This presentation encourages discussion and critical thinking through thought-provoking questions on each slide. These prompts help students reflect on the meaning and significance of Día de los Muertos, allowing them to connect more deeply with the material. This approach enhances their understanding and creates a supportive environment where they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and asking questions. It’s a fantastic opportunity for teachers to guide students through a meaningful exploration of culture while keeping them engaged and inspired. Día de los Muertos is a vibrant celebration that will captivate your kids’ graders with its colorful, age-appropriate designs and engaging content. Crafted to be both fun and educational, this presentation is a perfect fit for young learners. Each slide is visually appealing and interactive, sparking curiosity and excitement about this rich cultural tradition. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: The Day of the Dead / Día de los Muertos (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Día de los Muertos: A Time to Remember (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Where Día de los Muertos Comes From (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: How to Celebrate el Día de los Muertos (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: The Altar and The Ofrenda (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Other Important Symbols of Día de los Muertos (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: The 4 Elements of Dia de los Muertos (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: Celebrating Día de los Muertos (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Día de los Muertos Around the World (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: What Can We Learn from this Celebration? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: We have laerned about - Día de los Muertos (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Día de los Muertos!
Mental Health PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE,  Reflection & Discussion Q's

Mental Health PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE, Reflection & Discussion Q's

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Mental Health PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom. This invaluable resource for teachers aims to foster emotional intelligence and resilience in their students. Each slide introduces fundamental concepts of mental health in a simple, engaging, and age-appropriate manner, making it easy for teachers to integrate these lessons into their existing curriculum. The inclusion of critical thinking questions on each slide allows teachers to promote interesting discussions and reflection, enhancing students’ understanding and engagement. By using this presentation, teachers can create a supportive classroom environment where discussions about feelings, self-esteem, and relationships are encouraged, ultimately helping students develop a strong foundation for emotional well-being. The presentation provides students with practical advice and strategies for managing their mental health. It teaches them to recognize and understand their emotions, the importance of positive thinking, and how to build and maintain healthy relationships. By addressing topics such as mental illnesses and essential habits for mental health, students gain awareness and empathy, reducing stigma and promoting a supportive peer environment. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Mental Health?(English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Taking Care of Your Mental Health (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Understanding Feelings and Emotions (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Can I Change How I Feel? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: My Thoughts and Beliefs (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Self - Esteem (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Building and Maintaining Relationships (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: Mental Conditions (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Understanding Mental Conditions (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: Essential Habits for Mental Health (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Asking for Help and Helping Others (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: I Take Action (English and Spanish Version) Slide 13: We Have Learned About Mental Health (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Mental Health Week!
Labor Day, International Workers' Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

Labor Day, International Workers' Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Labor Day | International Workers’ Day PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Labor Day presentation offers a comprehensive journey through the significance and history of Labor Day or International Workers’ Day. Students will have the opportunity to relate this event directly to their own lives and the lives of their acquaintances and family members. This presentation encourages critical thinking and provides clear and accessible information on various types of jobs and the importance of workers’ rights and duties. It highlights the roles of famous labor leaders and the global impact of their efforts. Additionally, the presentation explores how different cultures celebrate Labor Day, offering a rich, multicultural perspective. The final sections of the presentation encourage students to take action and reflect on what they’ve learned, promoting active participation and critical thinking. By the end of the presentation, students will not only understand the historical significance of Labor Day but also recognize the value of workers in their daily lives. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. **This resource includes: ** Slide 1: What is Labor Day or International Workers’ Day (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Labor Day History Part I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Labor Day History Part II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Why Workers Are Important (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Labor Day Around the World (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Different Types of Jobs and Workers (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Workers’ Rights and Duties (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: Famous Labor Leaders (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: A World with No Workers (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: How People Celebrate Labor Day (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: I Take Action (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: We Have Learned About … Labor Day (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Labor Day!
4th of July | Independence Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

4th of July | Independence Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Constitution Day. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This Independence Day PowerPoint presentation isn’t just about helping your students grasp the event’s ins and outs in simple terms; it’s also about encouraging them to critically analyze and relate what they learn to their lives. Your students will explore the history, learn about the founding fathers, explore traditions, and understand the significance of celebrating Independence Day. They’ll approach these topics from a unique perspective, connecting the dots between the content and their everyday experiences. In your classroom, you’ll see a lot of engaging discussions and thoughtful reflections, all centered around this significant holiday. With this resource, you’ll effortlessly foster deep thinking, lively debates, and a genuine enthusiasm for patriotism among your students. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is the Meaning of Independence Day/4th of July? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Before Independence Day (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Independence Day History Part I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Independence Day History Part II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Understanding the Declaration of Independence (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Founding Fathers (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Thomas Jefferson (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: Benjamin Franklin (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: John Adams (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: What if America hadn’t Gained Independence? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Celebrating Independence Day (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: I Take Action on Independence Day (English and Spanish Version) Slide 13: We have learned about…Independence Day (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Independence Day!
National School Nurse Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE | Discussion Questions

National School Nurse Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE | Discussion Questions

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the National School Nurse Day PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This presentation is designed to capture students’ interest and impart crucial knowledge about the importance and value of nurses in our schools. It will not only enrich your students’ learning experience but also reinforce key concepts in an easy and engaging way, honoring and understanding the work of our nurses, as well as understanding the important role they play in the school. In addition, children will be able to ask themselves and discuss questions that will help them understand the importance of taking care of themselves and others, and when they really need the help and attention of nurses at school. This PowerPoint presentation offers interactive slides and age-appropriate content, which will capture your class’s attention and critical thinking. You will gain confidence to address this celebration with clarity and precision. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is National School Nurse Day? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: History of National School Nurse Day (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Who is a School Nurse? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: What do School Nurses do? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Why Are School Nurses Important? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: How Can we Help our School Nurses? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Healthy Habits (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: When Can Children Seek Assistance from School Nurses? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Thanking Our School Nurses (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: I Take Action (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Interesting Facts about School Nurses (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: We have learned about: National School Nurse Day (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy School Nurse Day!
Emancipation Day, Juneteenth Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

Emancipation Day, Juneteenth Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Emancipation Day and Juneteenth Day. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource is perfect for helping students better comprehend the significance of Emancipation Day and Juneteenth Day. There are appealing slides, clear organization, engaging content, and a lot of information including historical background and key events. Furthermore, this resource helps students better comprehend the significance of emancipation and Juneteenth Day, prompting them to analyze and evaluate the relevance and impact of historical events on contemporary society and their own identities. This presentation helps as a reflective practice that encourages students to introspect and examine their own beliefs, values, and biases about justice, equity, freedom, and racism. You are going to be eager to share the content with her students and witness their reactions and engagement. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Emancipation Day? (English and Spanish version) Slide 2: History of Slavery (English and Spanish version) Slide 3: Emancipation Proclamation Part I (English and Spanish version) Slide 4: Emancipation Proclamation Part II (English and Spanish version) Slide 5: The Civil War (English and Spanish version) Slide 6: Emancipation Celebration (English and Spanish version) Slide 7: Juneteenth Day and History Part I (English and Spanish version) Slide 8: Juneteenth Day and History Part II (English and Spanish version) Slide 9: Emancipation Day vs. Juneteenth Day (English and Spanish version) Slide 10: Slavery and Freedom Around the World (English and Spanish version) Slide 11: Emancipation Day - Juneteenth Day Interesting Facts (English and Spanish version) Slide 12: I Take Action (English and Spanish version) Slide 13: We have learned about Emancipation Day - Juneteenth Day (English and Spanish version) Formats: PPT Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Emancipation and Freedom Day!
Patience PowerPoint Presentation and Decor Turtle Theme BUNDLE

Patience PowerPoint Presentation and Decor Turtle Theme BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Patience PowerPoint Presentation and Decor. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom. This presentation is an eye-opener, fostering reflection and self-awareness. This resource is perfect for introducing, explaining, reflecting and experiencing all the benefits of beginning to practice patience in the classroom. When children understand the meaning of patience, they are more likely to follow directions, wait their turn and respect their peers, reducing interruptions and making teaching more effective. Using this resource, you can model and encourage patience. When we do this, children gain confidence and greater rapport with us, which creates a more supportive and respectful atmosphere. Each slide in the presentation promotes reflection and aims to practice patience in a variety of situations. Students can develop a deeper awareness of the meaning of patience in real-life situations and take action. The decoration serves as a daily reminder to remain calm, inspiring both students and teachers to face challenges with patience. The decoration contributes to a positive and supportive classroom environment and reinforces positive behavior. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Presentation Slide 1: What is Patience? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Why is Patience Important? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: What life would be like without patience? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Waiting Patiently (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Patience in learning (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Patience in Friendship (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Benefits of Being Patient (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: How to be more Patient? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: What is Causing your Impatience? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: Take Deep Breaths (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Practice Patience (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: I Take Action (English and Spanish Version) Slide 13: We have learned about … Patience (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images** Decor Images Letters: (Patience Blooms Here!) (English and Spanish Version) Large Size: 1 letter per page (19 pages in color) Medium Size: 2 letters per page (9 pages in color) Small Size: 6 letters per page (6 pages in color) Decor Dots: 18 colorful designs Poster Cards: Card Posters (6 half pages in color) (English and Spanish Version) Happy Turtle and Patience Day!
Black History Month PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

Black History Month PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Black History Month PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This presentation aims to explain in a simple, reflective, and child-friendly manner the true meaning of BHM to children. Each slide is designed for students to understand and relate history to their reality and experiences. Engage your students in the history of BHM through these slides; they will have the opportunity to clarify and reflect on everything this implies. Help them understand why it is important to preserve and honor this date. The objective of this presentation is to inspire children to follow the example provided by each of the figures of BHM, understanding why courage, resilience, and leadership are essential in life to achieve their dreams. Children will learn to value and respect not only their own culture but also that of others. They will discover the reasons behind this event and its purpose. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Black History Month? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: How Black History Month Started and Grew (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Carter G. Woodson (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Notable Figures Part I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Notable Figures Part II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Civil Right Movements (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: African-American Culture (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: Most Famous African-American Traditions (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Diversity and Unity (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: Celebrate Black History Month (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Black History Month Reflections (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: Key Values of Black History Month Figures (English and Spanish Version Slide 13: We have learned about - Black History Month (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Black History Month, and Enjoy teaching your kids beyond the facts!
The Holocaust PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

The Holocaust PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of The Holocaust PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom. This presentation is an eye-opener, fostering reflection and self-awareness. This presentation is perfect for addressing the topic of the Holocaust in a clear and straightforward manner. Each slide aims to explain, using everyday examples from children’s lives, how such a painful act can be avoided. You don’t have to worry about how to explain it to the little ones; the texts and questions are designed for children’s age and level of understanding. This presentation will allow you to foster debate, discussion, and reflection among your students. Such a challenging event can become a great learning opportunity, and that is the primary goal of this presentation. Themes such as inclusion, respect for life, and differences are the central focus of the presentation, as well as the history and most significant events of this event. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: The Holocaust - Meaning (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: The Holocaust Part - I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: The Holocaust Part - II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: The Holocaust Part III (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Nazis (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Life of Victims Before the Holocaust (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Concentration Camps (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: The End of the Holocaust (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Anne Frank, a Highly Remembered Victim (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: Holocaust Heroes (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Discrimination (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: The Holocaust Reflection (English and Spanish Version) Slide 13: We Have learned about - The Holocaust (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Enjoy teaching your kids beyond the facts!
Pearl Harbor PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE | Reflection and Discussion Q's

Pearl Harbor PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE | Reflection and Discussion Q's

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Peace Day - PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This presentation is designed for children to connect the history of Pearl Harbor and relate it to their own lives. This resource approaches this historical event through reflection and learning with the goal of promoting peace and dialogue, even in the face of differences. This amazing resource offers an excellent opportunity to present and develop unique, real-life ideas for our students. Each slide provides a straightforward, child-friendly description of the history and the most significant facts related to what happened in Pearl Harbor. Additionally, it helps children understand the concept of conflict’s historical and contemporary existence, emphasizing the importance of its prevention and solution. Your students will find this event easy to comprehend and will be able to learn unique lessons from it for their lives. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Pearl Harbor Day? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Pearl Harbor Attack - Part I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Pearl Harbor Attack Part II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Where is Pearl Harbor? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Why Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Life in Hawaii After the Attack (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Heroes of Pearl Harbor (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: USS Arizona Memorial (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Lessons Learned from Pearl Harbor (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: How We Remember Pearl Harbor (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Pearl Harbor Reflections (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: We Have Learned About … Pearl Harbor Day (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Enjoy this Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Resource!
Thanksgiving Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

Thanksgiving Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Thanksgiving Day PowerPoint Presentation. It is a great resource and is the perfect introduction for Thanksgiving. Use it to teach the history of Thanksgiving, promote gratitude, and encourage self-reflection. The PowerPoint encourages a lot of discussion, leading students to relate Thanksgiving history to their daily lives. The slides are very engaging and interactive; students are always invited to give their opinions and participate. This resource goes beyond the story and the theme of thankfulness; it focuses on explaining the true meaning of this event and awakening a sense of gratitude and thankfulness. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Thanksgiving? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: The History of Thanksgiving – Part I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: The History of Thanksgiving – Part II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Cooperation Between Native Americans and Pilgrims (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Who was Squanto? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Thanksgiving Traditions (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Thanksgiving Around the World (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: Giving back: Acts of kindness on Thanksgiving (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Gratitude (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: How Can I Be More Grateful? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Thanksgiving Self-Reflection (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: We have learned about – Thanksgiving Day (English and Spanish Version). Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Constitution Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

Constitution Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Constitution Day PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom. This presentation is the perfect tool to introduce and provide your students with an enriching learning experience about Constitution Day that will stay with them for years to come. It was designed to keep children engaged and eager to participate in a topic that sometimes seems distant to them. The content is easily understandable for students, ensuring that the fundamental concepts of Constitution Day are effectively conveyed. This presentation simplifies and facilitates the understanding of history in such a way that students can grasp the significance of Constitution Day effortlessly. Each slide is carefully designed to spark class discussion and encourage students to share their ideas and reflections. The presentation encourages students to think critically about the influence of the Constitution on our lives. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Constitution Day? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Constitution Day History Part I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Constitution Day History Part II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Constitution Day History Part III (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: Founding Fathers or Framers of the Constitution (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Getting to Know the Constitution (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: More About the Constitution (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: And a Little Bit More About Our Constitution (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: How Can We Be Good Citizens? (English and Spanish Version) Page 10: Constitution Day Celebration (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Constitution Day interesting Facts (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: We have learned about… Constitution Day (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Constitution Day!
Grandparents' Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

Grandparents' Day PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Grandparents’ Day PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom. This presentation is dedicated to presenting the wonderful and vital role that grandparents play in the lives of children. It delves into the reasons why we should truly value the remarkable experiences and knowledge grandparents bring to our lives. Each slide acts as a window into reflection, inspiring students to express even greater appreciation and gratitude towards our grandparents. Through thoughtful questions, this presentation encourages children to share heartwarming memories of the good times they’ve had, the valuable lessons they’ve learned, and even brainstorm ways to express their affection in the future. The aim is to convey the significance of active listening, sharing, and creating ideas to assist our grandparents. It’s akin to giving them a round of applause for their awesomeness! The goal is to empower our kids with the understanding that demonstrating respect and affection for their grandparents is a lifelong value. This presentation isn’t exclusively for those with grandparents nearby – everyone can be part of this heartwarming activity! The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Grandparents’ Day? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: The Importance of Grandparents (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: History of Grandparents’ Day - Part I (English and Spanish Versio) Slide 4: History of Grandparents’ Day - Part II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Grandparents Spread Bonds (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Activities with Grandparents (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: How to Celebrate Grandparents’ Day (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: Grandparents’ Valuable Life Lessons and Experiences (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Thank you Grandparents (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: Supporting Grandparents (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: Grandparents’ Day Facts (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: We Have Learned About Grandparents’ Day (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Grandparents’ Day!