Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
Citizenship: Bullying
Task based PowerPoint presentation on bullying.
• Task 1: What is bullying?
• Task 2: Agree or disagree?
• Task 3: How do you feel?
• Task 4: Why do people bully?
• Task 5: What can we do?
Worksheets for all tasks; reading and writing activity and bullying word search
A Bundle of activities that introduce the idea of citizenship and how to be a good citizen.
Includes short PowerPoint presentations; activities on creating a citizen superhero; bingo cards and A Question of Citizenship quiz.
Citizenship: General Election 2017: Tolerance; Respect and Extremism
Citizenship: General Election: Respect; Tolerance and Respect Extremism
PowerPoint presentation and task sheets that covers: key words: extremism and tolerance; why extremism is dangerous; why tolerance is important and how you can challenge extreme ideas.
Citizenship: Political Parties
A PowerPoint presentation that introduces the idea of political parties and covers in outline the political parties in the United Kingdom.
1. Define a Political Party.
2. Outline the main parties in the United Kingdom.
3. Assess what the parties stand for
Citizenship: British Values: Democracy
PowerPoint presentation and work book that covers:
Learning outcomes
• Define different types of government
• Match key words with definitions
• Find and state examples of representative democracy
• Know that the UK is a constitutional monarchy and a representative democracy
Employability Skills: Health and Safety Signs
PowerPoint presentation and task sheets) to introduce and or recap the topic of health and safety signs.
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications or in preparation for work placements.
PSHE: Citizenship: Personal Safety in the Community
PowerPoint presentation and task sheets on personal safety and how to stay safe in the community
Could be useful for tutorials or with entry level students working on qualifications about independence and personal skills.
World AIDS Day 2017
1. PowerPoint presentation covering:
What is HIV?
How it transmitted?
What is AIDS?
How is HIV/AIDS treated?
How can we prevent HIV?
Stigma and discrimination
True or false?
2. PowerPoint quiz
PSHE: Citizenship: Personal Safety; Crime and Staying Safe
PowerPoint presentation and task sheets on personal safety; crime and how to stay safe.
Could be useful for tutorials or with entry level students working on qualifications about independence and personal skills.
LGBT Awareness: Key Words and Symbols
PowerPoint presentation that covers what LGBT means; the symbols of the rainbow flag and pink triangle; where in the world it is still illegal and requires students to use their gaydar to identify LGBT celebrities.
Video shows clips from this and my LGBT Awareness Quiz resource.
PSHE Bundle
PowerPoint presentations/ quizzes and task sheets covering:
Personal safety in the community
Crime and staying safe
Healthy eating
No Smoking Day
World AIDS Day
Famous People Caricatures
PowerPoint quiz on famous people caricatures.
20 slides showing 70 celebrity caricatures from the areas of football; movies; TV; music and poilitics.
PowerPoint presentation about Hannukah, the Jewish festival of light. Covers:
When is it?
How long does it last?
Who celebrates Hannukah?
What is Hannukah?
What is a menorah?
How is Hannukah celebrated today?
Hannukah facts
Hannukha craft idea
End of Term: Easter 20178 Quiz
Six rounds. Six topics:
• Capital Cities
• Chocolate
• Countries
• Male Celebrities
• Flags
• Easter
79 questions
88 slides in total
A bundle of activities about British values.
All resources editable.
1 British values bingo cards: Seven editable bingo cards, each showing images that represent the diversity of Britain.Can be used to identify by name or theme and encourage and what they are.
2. British values dominoes cards: 32 editable
dominoes cards. 32 editable dominoes cards, each showing images that represent the diversity of Britain.
Can be used to identify by name or theme and encourage discussion and answers about British values and what they are.
3. British values workbook:
• We all live in Britain, what do you think British values are? List some British values.
• Describe how your school promote individual liberty; tolerance and respect?
• Define ‘extremism’ and ‘tolerance’. Add examples of extremism and tolerance you know about.
• Record information about the diverse celebrations that take place in Britain.
• Find out about, record information and tell other people about a famous person not born in Britain, or who parents were not born in Britain.
• Answer written questions about British values.
• Find out about, record information and tell other people about a famous person not born in Britain, or who parents were not born in Britain.
��� Answer written questions about British values.
4. What’s more British than – You say game. PowerPoint Speaking and listening activity (25 slides).