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Power point presentations and books for business studies and careers advice

Power point presentations and books for business studies and careers advice
Book - About Business - How it Works

Book - About Business - How it Works

Covers all business functions: Business Organization - Types of Business - Office Equipment Sets out the systems and procedures and staff responsibilities for: Sales Dept. - Buying Dept. - Accounts Dept. - Manufacturing Dept. - Production Planning/Scheduling Dept. - Production Control Dept. - Estimating & Costing Dept. - Dispatch & Transport Dept. - Design & Development Dept. Marketing Dept. **INCLUDES SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES **
PP Presentation - About Business - What if?

PP Presentation - About Business - What if?

This presentation sets out the, “What if?” (what, why, how, who, when, where?) procedure for assessing projects/changes that affect business operations. Includes slide notes with descriptions of possible scenarios for business projects and the application of the “What if?” assessment as well as suggested student activities.
About Business - The Administrator (Receiver)

About Business - The Administrator (Receiver)

This presentation is about avoiding receivership. It shows the reports that need to be produced monthly and quarterly to enable the Directors to assess the current financial situation and decide if they need to take action to resolve current or future problems. It sets out details of problems that can happen and discusses actions for their resolution. Complete with slide notes and suggested student activity.
About Business - Robots for Manufacturing

About Business - Robots for Manufacturing

This presentation sets out the basics of how robots/automatic machines are used in manufacturing processes. Includes cost factors to consider in relation to setup, running and maintenance of robotic equipment and their necessary interaction with humans. Slide notes and suggested student activities included
About Business - Garage Services - Accounts & Administration

About Business - Garage Services - Accounts & Administration

"About Business – Garage Services - Accounts & Administration", is a power point presentation setting out the detailed accounting and administration operations needed to run a small to medium sized independent garage providing vehicle repairs and servicing. Includes slide notes and suggested student activities
PPP About Business - Estimating & Costing

PPP About Business - Estimating & Costing

This presentation sets out the estimating and costing process for all types of product. Complete with slide notes and suggested student activities Estimating is demonstrated using a set of three kitchen cabinets to be manufactured and then installed on the customers premises as an example of the full process. The final estimate for the product installed on site plus the profit margin is then quoted to the customer. Costing is demonstrated showing how the actual costs of manufacturing and installation are compared to the original estimated costs and produce profit or loss value
About Business - Property Developer

About Business - Property Developer

This presentation is aimed at the young person who is prepared to train and gain experience in a specific trade and then progress into property development. It includes suggested trade training and details the initial start procedure for property development including financial arrangements, budgeting, planning and action program for upgrading an old property into a desirable residence for sale or rent. All aspects are discussed from the original purchase of property to completion of upgrade. Shows formula for calculating profit when property is sold and return on capital employed if property is rented using examples of sales and rental prices. Complete with slide notes and suggested student activities
PPP About Business - Production Control

PPP About Business - Production Control

This presentation sets out how the Production Control Department ensures production schedules are met by issuing the necessary instructions to Buying and Manufacturing in time to meet the production start date and continually monitoring progress through manufacturing to ensure batch is finished on time. Complete with slide notes and suggested student activities.
About Business- Negotiating and Assessing Contracts

About Business- Negotiating and Assessing Contracts

This power point presentation sets out the basic principles of negotiating and assessing UK and International business contracts to ensure they are legally binding and acceptable to both parties. Complete with slide notes and suggested student activities it will give students an insight into the complexities of contract terms and conditions relative contracts with UK and International companies
PPP About Business - Pro-active Management

PPP About Business - Pro-active Management

This presentation sets out the details of all business activities that need to be regularly monitored with a view to the future. Advance planning for anticipated changes based on current events, market trends and experience. Successful companies are always one step ahead of changes in the market. Complete with slide notes and suggested student activities.
Book: About Business - Internal Auditing - Comprehensive

Book: About Business - Internal Auditing - Comprehensive

This book is a compilation if all my internal auditing handbooks previously published individually. It contains comprehensive procedures to carry out and questions to be asked that will enable small/medium sized businesses to evaluate their current operations and effect improvements which will produce an efficient, cost effective and profitable business. **Students can gain experience of business operations by using one of the chapters in this book to carry out a basic assessment of a specific part of School Business operations or a business owned by a friend of the school ** Internal Auditing and Management Consultancy are two sides of the same coin. Internal audits can carried out by a qualified and experienced senior Director or Manager who is trusted by the staff to carry out a full and fair assessment and recommend genuine changes needed to effect improvements. In my opinion outside sources should only be called in if there is no suitably qualified staff member.