A writing template, including images, for children to write a diary as a Victorian trapper. Used in year 1 class, but can easily be adapted for older children.
Pictures of different streets during the Victorian times. Different images of a Victorian street with accompanying writing sheet. Includes Word and pdf formats. Used in a year 1 class, but can easily be used across Primary age phase.
An introductory presentation and accompanying differentiated worksheets used with a year 1 class based on capacity. Using the language of ‘full’, ‘half full’, ‘empty’, ‘nearly/almost full’ and ‘nearly/almost empty’.
A lesson designed for children to identify the amount of sugar that can be found in a range of different drinks. A PowerPoint to explain what sugar is and an explanation of a range of tasks. Can be carried out in an afternoon on a rotation basis or can be used as a series of lessons to investigate the amount of sugar in drinks. Differentiated worksheets to accompany tasks.
A collection of natural disaster photographs in a PowerPoint presentation. 'Good' and 'bad' example of a description for children to analyse. Fractured narrative guidance sheet & example fractured narrative.
A lesson plan, PowerPoint and differentiated activities to support the teaching of clauses and the extension of simple sentences. Includes a detailed PowerPoint to teach clauses which includes a number of activities for children to complete on whiteboards throughout the session. Varied tasks differentiated by ability to apply the skills taught.
An investigation to identify the effect that exercise has on the human body. Includes a PowerPoint to support investigation planning, with worksheets to evaluate following the investigation. Also includes a PowerPoint about how to take pulse rate & a graphing sheet to display results, with relevant questions to ask of the data.
An investigation designed to test the best material to plant cress in order to support germination. Resources include a PowerPoint to support investigation planning and evaluation sheets following the investigation.
A collection of resources for teaching perimeter. Suitable for lower KS2, but can be easily modified for older children. Includes a PowerPoint to teach the method for calculating perimeter of regular 2D shapes and compound shapes. Includes shapes for calculating perimeter (some including measures, some needing to be measured) & perimeter word problems. Differentiated 3 ways for both shapes and word problems. Alternative presentation of worksheets for shapes & word problems also included.
Differentiated weather/climate/rainfall comparison of St Lucia & Iceland. Also includes a document of 'significant' volcano eruptions across the world between 2000 - 2016. Both activities suitable for graphing.
A scenario based Science investigation involving shadows. PowerPoint of sub-headings to support planning of investigation, as well as an accompanying worksheet and scenario card. Also includes evaluation worksheets.
Produced for a parent & child maths workshop focusing on division skills for a year 4 class. Includes PowerPoint of methods, which includes questions for the children to complete on whiteboards, a range of 7 task cards with accompanying resources.