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PSHE, Citizenship, RE, SMSC Lessons + Teaching Resources

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(based on 5707 reviews)

www.ecpublishing.co.uk We are the market leaders in PSHE + RSE resources, with over 14 million downloads of our lessons worldwide and over 5500 five star reviews. Established in 2015, our team of consultants and teachers has written for The Bank of England, The Children's Commissioner, The CCRC, The British Legion and many other UK charities and institutions. We love what we do and we aim to be highest quality and best value for money out there. Find us at www.ecpublishing.co.uk.




www.ecpublishing.co.uk We are the market leaders in PSHE + RSE resources, with over 14 million downloads of our lessons worldwide and over 5500 five star reviews. Established in 2015, our team of consultants and teachers has written for The Bank of England, The Children's Commissioner, The CCRC, The British Legion and many other UK charities and institutions. We love what we do and we aim to be highest quality and best value for money out there. Find us at www.ecpublishing.co.uk.
Anti-Social Behaviour PSHE

Anti-Social Behaviour PSHE

New version for 2024/25 - in this lesson students will investigate what exactly we mean by anti-social behaviour, how Britain is currently suffering from an increase in this behaviour, what the currrent penalties are for getting involved and being a persistent offender and also how the consequences can affect both the lives of perpetrators and victims. Includes signposting, analysis, clip and creative activities. Suitable for KS3 or KS4. Includes detailed lesson plan. This lesson is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Positive Relationships PSHE

Positive Relationships PSHE

3 hours of new lessons created for a positive relationships unit for PSHE. The lessons included are: Falling in love and forming positive bonds Marriage, stability, legality and commitment Trust and building trust in relationships and friendships Each lesson includes a detailed, editable PowerPoint, accompanying worksheets, and a lesson plan. Students will complete case study and analysis tasks, literacy tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more. These lessons are taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Personal Development PSHE

Personal Development PSHE

6 hours of new lessons created for Personal Development within PSHE. The lessons included are: Personal development introduction and creating personal targets (2 hours) Building resilience for success Assessing my skills and qualities for my future (2 hours) Budgeting money - building skills for independence Media and digital literacy for online awareness Each lesson includes a detailed, editable PowerPoint, accompanying worksheets, and a lesson plan. Students will complete case study and analysis tasks, literacy tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more. These lessons are taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Health, Puberty + Hygiene PSHE

Health, Puberty + Hygiene PSHE

4 hours of new lessons created for Health and Wellbeing PSHE, with a focus on puberty, health and hygiene. The lessons included are: Health and wellbeing introduction Boys puberty and male body changes Periods, menstrual health and female puberty Personal hygiene oral health for all Each lesson includes a detailed, editable PowerPoint, accompanying worksheets, and a lesson plan. Students will complete case study and analysis tasks, literacy tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more. These lessons are taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Positive Attitudes PSHE

Positive Attitudes PSHE

5 hours of brand new lessons created to help foster positive attitudes through PSHE. Ideal for KS3, very engaging and easy to pick up and run with. The lessons included are: Respect in relationships with others, Exploring wants, needs and priorities Being grateful, why this is important and its mental health benefits Developing our self-esteem ( a 2 hour lesson) Each lesson includes a detailed, editable PowerPoint, accompanying worksheets, and a lesson plan. Students will complete case study and analysis tasks, literacy tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more. Please note the images are just for the TES previews. The lessons are in the ZIP files, These lessons are taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 11 Health and Wellbeing PSHE

Year 11 Health and Wellbeing PSHE

10 Resources
NEW 2024 EC Publishing PSHE Scheme of Work for Year 11 Term 1 - Health and Wellbeing. Fits both the 2020 and the draft 2024 guidance, created for the all-new EC Publishing 2024 Complete PSHE Package. This scheme of work includes: PSHE DfE / PSHE Association statutory content mapping British Values mapping Protected Characteristics mapping Detailed explanation of all lessons in the scheme, including scaffolding and assessment opportunities, additional challenge opportunities, learning intentions and objectives, approximate timings, key terminology and opportunities to build upon prior knowledge. Includes full scheme of work and all lesson plans. This scheme is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE, including all of the draft 2024 updates. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

New version for 2024/25 - in this lesson students will investigate why some people feel like taking their own lives and how we can all help prevent tragic occurrences if we know what to do and how to pick up on warning signs. Students will explore why there is a greater number of males suicides overall and will be given up to date NHS advice from a psychotherapist on how best to handle situations where we believe someone we love is in danger. Includes signposting, analysis, clip and creative activities. Best suited to KS4. Includes lesson plan and the full, written scheme of work the lesson is taken from. Students will complete case study and analysis tasks, literacy tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more. This lesson is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 11 Health and Wellbeing PSHE

Year 11 Health and Wellbeing PSHE

NEW 2024 EC Publishing PSHE Scheme of Work for Year 11 Term 1 - Health and Wellbeing. Fits both the 2020 and the draft 2024 guidance, created for the all-new EC Publishing 2024 Complete PSHE Package. This scheme of work includes: PSHE DfE / PSHE Association statutory content mapping British Values mapping Protected Characteristics mapping Detailed explanation of all lessons in the scheme, including scaffolding and assessment opportunities, additional challenge opportunities, learning intentions and objectives, approximate timings, key terminology and opportunities to build upon prior knowledge. This scheme is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE, including all of the draft 2024 updates. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 10 Health and Wellbeing PSHE

Year 10 Health and Wellbeing PSHE

11 Resources
NEW 2024 EC Publishing PSHE Scheme of Work for Year 10 Term 1 - Health and Wellbeing. Fits both the 2020 and the draft 2024 guidance, created for the all-new EC Publishing 2024 Complete PSHE Package. This scheme of work includes: PSHE DfE / PSHE Association statutory content mapping British Values mapping Protected Characteristics mapping Detailed explanation of all lessons in the scheme, including scaffolding and assessment opportunities, additional challenge opportunities, learning intentions and objectives, approximate timings, key terminology and opportunities to build upon prior knowledge. Includes full scheme of work and all lesson plans. This scheme is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE, including all of the draft 2024 updates. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Mob mentality,  Southport riots PSHE

Mob mentality, Southport riots PSHE

2 HOURS - Best suited to UKS3 or KS4 (could also be used for KS5 if wished). A brand new lesson created for students to digest and evaluate the horrific events we saw in the UK in summer 2024. Students will investigate how misinformation over social media caused riots across the UK, how the memory of a tragedy was hijacked by thugs who looted and attacked cities, and if there’s anything we can do to help stop such events in future, through critical thinking and awareness of mob mentality. Students will also explore the harsh penalties given by the government to deter would-be-rioters in future and how counter-protesters took to the streets to protect communities, mosques and other public buildings. The lesson includes statement-card sorts, clip tasks, literacy-based tasks, an information reading pack, a detailed PowerPoint, a political horse-shoe aid, a debate task, creative task and much more. It is ed This lesson is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 10 Health and Wellbeing PSHE SOW

Year 10 Health and Wellbeing PSHE SOW

NEW 2024 EC Publishing PSHE Scheme of Work for Year 10 Term 1 - Health and Wellbeing. Fits both the 2020 and the draft 2024 guidance, created for the all-new EC Publishing 2024 Complete PSHE Package. This scheme of work includes: PSHE DfE / PSHE Association statutory content mapping British Values mapping Protected Characteristics mapping Detailed explanation of all lessons in the scheme, including scaffolding and assessment opportunities, additional challenge opportunities, learning intentions and objectives, approximate timings, key terminology and opportunities to build upon prior knowledge. This scheme is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE, including all of the draft 2024 updates. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Social Media KS2 PSHE

Social Media KS2 PSHE

What is Social Media? A one hour-long, very detailed, fully resourced PSHE lesson that have been created for Year 5, but is suitable for use across KS2. . In this lesson, the students will learn about the different forms of social media as well as the reasons why people are drawn to using it. We will discuss both the benefits and risks associated with social media platforms, as well as highlighting the implications of online safety laws including COPPA and the Online Safety Act 2023. The lesson includes a starter activity, a task to assess the students’ prior knowledge, a card sorting task, a video clip activity, a creative task, and a review based plenary. Created to match both the 2020 and the 2024 proposed statutory guidelines, the lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, all editable with accompanying tasks and worksheets. The lesson is designed to be ‘no prep’, so you can just pick it up and use it, although it is still editable should you wish to make amendments.
Year 9 Health and Wellbeing PSHE SOW

Year 9 Health and Wellbeing PSHE SOW

NEW 2024 EC Publishing PSHE Scheme of Work for Year 9 Term 1 - Health and Wellbeing. Fits both the 2020 and the draft 2024 guidance, created for the all-new EC Publishing 2024 Complete PSHE Package. This scheme of work includes: PSHE DfE / PSHE Association statutory content mapping British Values mapping Protected Characteristics mapping Detailed explanation of all lessons in the scheme, including scaffolding and assessment opportunities, additional challenge opportunities, learning intentions and objectives, approximate timings, key terminology and opportunities to build upon prior knowledge. This scheme is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE, including all of the draft 2024 updates. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Sexual Intercourse - Year 6 - Human Reproduction

Sexual Intercourse - Year 6 - Human Reproduction

Sexual Intercourse and Human Reproduction Starting a Family - How Do Loving Families Have Children? In this lesson, we will revisit what we learned earlier in the year about human reproduction, as we look at this topic again, but this time in the context of loving and intimate relationships. We will discuss the concept of family, what it means to start one, and some of the different ways loving couples can show commitment to one another. This discussion will lead to the different ways loving couples (including same-sex couples) may decide to have children if they wish to start a family together. We will touch on topics such as adoption, IVF, and surrogacy, and explain that, for most couples, babies are conceived naturally when a man and a woman consent to having sexual intercourse. The process of natural conception (including sexual intercourse) will be explained to the students in an age-appropriate and scientific manner. We will also briefly mention that, for many grown-up couples, sexual intercourse is a way to express their love for each other. As always, this lesson is fully editable, allowing you to make any adjustments that you feel would better suit the needs of your students, in accordance with your parent consultation.
Compulsive Behaviours PSHE

Compulsive Behaviours PSHE

A new lesson all about compulsive, fixed and unwanted behaviours, which is a new topic set under the new draft statutory guidelines for PSHE 2024. In this lesson students will explore what we mean by compulsive behaviours, the difference between a habit and a compulsion, what we mean by OCD and Impulse Control Disorders, how these can’t be diagnosed over TikTok and where to go for medical help and advice. They will also investigate how to recognise the symptoms of various compulsive disorders, how some compulsions can even lead to criminal behaviour (as stipulated by the guidance) and much more. Best suited to KS4. Students will complete case study and analysis tasks, literacy tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more. Includes lesson plan. This lesson is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Fertility + Menstrual Health PSHE

Fertility + Menstrual Health PSHE

2 HOURS - a new lesson all about menstrual, gynaecological, reproductive health and fertility. Students will explore the factors that can lead to a decrease in fertility, in both males and females, before exploring the options for those trying to conceive. Students will investigate common reproductive issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis. They will also discover how common lifestyle factors such as obesity and smoking can be tackled in an aim to improve fertility levels, as well as common treatments medical available in the UK. Students will complete analysis tasks, literacy tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more. Includes lesson plan and sow the lesson is taken from. This lesson is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Human Reproduction - Year 6 PSHE

Human Reproduction - Year 6 PSHE

Conception and making babies: what happens when egg and sperm meet? This is the fourth lesson in our Year 6 unit on puberty, genes, and the human lifecycle. In this lesson, we will recap our Year 5 science lessons, where we learned about reproduction in mammals, before delving deeper as we apply this knowledge to humans and how reproduction plays a key role in the human life cycle. We will look at the role of the male and female sex cells (gametes) and how their union leads to a genetically unique offspring that inherits traits from each parent. Please note that this lesson predominantly focuses on the scientific aspects of reproduction, with a particular focus on fertilisation and conception. While sexual intercourse is briefly mentioned, it is not taught in detail. This topic will, however, be revisited when we learn about loving and intimate relationships later on in the school year. Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 6000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Year 8 Health and Wellbeing PSHE SOW

Year 8 Health and Wellbeing PSHE SOW

NEW 2024 EC Publishing PSHE Scheme of Work for Year 8 Term 1 - Health and Wellbeing. Fits both the 2020 and the draft 2024 guidance, created for the all-new EC Publishing 2024 Complete PSHE Package. This scheme of work includes: PSHE DfE / PSHE Association statutory content mapping British Values mapping Protected Characteristics mapping Detailed explanation of all lessons in the scheme, including scaffolding and assessment opportunities, additional challenge opportunities, learning intentions and objectives, approximate timings, key terminology and opportunities to build upon prior knowledge. This scheme is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE, including all of the draft 2024 updates. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
Bullying, Online Gaming and Group Chats

Bullying, Online Gaming and Group Chats

Bullying, Gaming, and Group Chats: Why Does It Matter How I Behave Online? In this 2024 lesson, students will reflect on the importance of treating others with kindness and respect whenever they interact with friends and classmates online. According to OFCOM’s latest research, 55% of 8- to 17-year-olds regularly use online games and apps like WhatsApp to chat with or hang out with friends. However, with the rise of this kind of communication, we are also seeing increasing cases of online bullying in these forums. Sometimes this is a spillover from bullying that takes place in real life, but it can also occur between friends who typically behave respectfully in person. Could also be used in Tutor Time for LKS3 or during anti-bullying week. We will discuss the importance of treating our online friends with the same level of kindness and respect that we would expect to receive ourselves, both online and in real life. We will also highlight scenarios where children can unknowingly bully their friends online, by taking teasing too far or excluding friends in online gaming situations. Finally, we will discuss strategies for managing online relationships and, where necessary, setting boundaries with friends who behave badly online. The lesson includes a starter activity that serves as a recap of the previous lesson, a video clip with reflection questions, a set of case studies to discuss, and a plenary task. Everything is editable should you wish to make amendments, but it is also fully resourced and ready to use if you want to hit the ground running. The lesson is best suited to students in Year 6 (UKS2) or possibly Year 7 (LKS3).
Deepfakes + AI  Online Safety PSHE

Deepfakes + AI Online Safety PSHE

NEW 2024 lesson all about deepfakes and malicious AI use. Students will explore what we mean by deepfakes and malicious AI, before discovering how celebrities, politicians and citizens are falling victim of this new technology. They will investigate the new UK law (April 2024) and the penalties aimed at different types of deepfakes, including explicit ones (no imagery will be seen, just the concept discussed). Deepfakes are a new focus suggested in the current draft 2024 RSHE guidelines, and whether these pass or not, the problems caused by deepfakes are certainly something students should learn about. Students will complete analysis tasks, literacy tasks, creative tasks, clip tasks and much more. Includes full lesson plan and the written scheme of work that the lesson is taken from. This lesson is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete 2024 PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too. This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE. You can contact us at info@ecpublishing.co.uk Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Please visit our Tes store https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email info@ecpublishing.co.uk Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.