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EMSchooley's Shop

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Hello and Welcome to my shop! I have a mixture of resources based on my experiences. Mostly, you will find resources for the Primary-Curriculum which have been developed in accordance with my experience teaching Primary. Secondly, you will find music-related resources developed in accordance with my musical training (BA Music - Oxford University). Finally, you will find GCSE A-Level appropriate resources that I developed when I was a student. I hope you will find something of use to you. :)




Hello and Welcome to my shop! I have a mixture of resources based on my experiences. Mostly, you will find resources for the Primary-Curriculum which have been developed in accordance with my experience teaching Primary. Secondly, you will find music-related resources developed in accordance with my musical training (BA Music - Oxford University). Finally, you will find GCSE A-Level appropriate resources that I developed when I was a student. I hope you will find something of use to you. :)
German Economy 1871 - 1991

German Economy 1871 - 1991

This is a comprehensive presentation that gives a chronological account of the state of the German economy from 1871 - 1991. The presentation approaches the topic from a historical perspective, since this presentation is specifically tailored towards students studying A Level German History for AQA, but the contenet would be appropriate for all students studying Germany in the period, 1871 - 1991. Examples events and topics covered in this presentation include industrial expansion of the 1900s, hyperinflation, the effect of the Treaty of Versailles, economic implications of Weltpolitik, Wall Street Crash, guns and butter debate, Nazi economic miracle, 5 Rs, amongst many others. The style of the presentation is such that it could easily be printed as flashcards for revision. The presentation includes an extensive amount of SFD.
British Society 1951 - 2007

British Society 1951 - 2007

This is a comprehensive presentation that provides a chronological account of British society 1951 - 2007. The content within this presentation is specifically tailored to students studying A Level History Britain 1951 - 2007 with AQA, but the content would be appropriate for all students studying British history in this period. Examples content topics and events covered within this presentation includes: changes to women in this period, Northern Ireland, attitudes towards race and immigration, and youth culture. The style of the presentation is such that it could be easily printed to make flashcards to aid student’s revision. There is extensive use of SFD throughout the presentation.
German History 1871 - 1929

German History 1871 - 1929

5 Resources
This is a collection of presentations / flashcards covering political, social, and economic changes in German history 1871 - 1914. There is specific factual detail included throughout the presentations.
German Economy and Society 1871 - 1991

German Economy and Society 1871 - 1991

2 Resources
This is a set of two presentations / flashcards that covers societal and economic changes to Germany in the years 1871 - 1991. Specific factual detail is included throughout the presentations.
British History 1951 - 1964 Quiz

British History 1951 - 1964 Quiz

This resource is an extensive selection of quiz questions on British history in 1951 - 1979. The questions cover the four key topic areas of politics, economy, society, and international relations. Questions are organised are short answers, maximum one sentence answers. This quiz is ideal for quick-fire testing of student’s knowledge and factual detail. The quiz would be perfect as a starter activity to a lesson or as a small assessment.
Bismarck as Chancellor

Bismarck as Chancellor

This resource is a comprehensive fact sheet covering key aspects of German history during the years 1871 - 1890 when Bismarck was chancellor. The fact sheet covers: German unification of 1871, the German constitution, tariff reform, acts introduced by Bismarck, Bismarck’s relationship with other political parties, Bismarck and the Reichstag, The Kultakampf, The Socialists under Bismarck, and Bismarck’s resignation. This resource would be ideal as a reading sheet, or as a revision fact sheet, or as flashcards. The resource could be used within the classroom as a lesson activity, as a homework task, or as a takeaway resource.
History of the Flute

History of the Flute

This resource provides a chronological history of the flute (instrument) from it’s theorised date creation until the 20th century.
Biopsychology Content Flashcards

Biopsychology Content Flashcards

This resource provides a comprehensive overview to some key areas of biopsychology, specifically the aspects of biopsychology required for A Level Psychology with AQA. Within this presentation, content is covered on: the nervous system, the endocrine system, synapses, neurons, ways of studying the brain, localisation of function, split-brain research, research into plasticity and functional recovery, circadian rhythms, infradian and ultradian rhythms, exogenous zeitgebers and endogenous pacemakers. For each theory or study, an account of the content is given with at least five points of evaluation for each. At the latter half of the presentation, a zoomed-in look at key studies and terminology is provided. The resource is designed to be used principally as a set of content flashcards, however, this resource could be used as a teaching presentation.
German Society 1871 - 1929

German Society 1871 - 1929

This resource is a detailed, chronological presentation covering key events, changes, and content regarding society in Germany 1871 - 1929. Example content included in this presentation is: socialism, the Kultakampf, position of women, standard of living, class systems, amongst others. Emphasis is given to including specific factual detail, referencing dates and specific names where appropriate. The presentation is designed so that it could be easily converted into flashcards after it has been used for teaching.
British Government Acts 1951 - 1979

British Government Acts 1951 - 1979

This worksheet includes a comprehensive list of government acts created by the British government in the years 1951 - 1979. The worksheet is currently organised by party in power: list of acts created under the Conservatives 1951 - 1964, list of acts under Labour 1964 - 1970, and a list of acts under the Conservatives 1970 - 1979. The resource could either be used as an activity whereby students must cut out each act and then arrange them under the three time/party-based headings as stated, or the resource could be used as a reading sheet, or as a revision fact sheet, or as flashcards.
Weimar Constitution Fact Sheets

Weimar Constitution Fact Sheets

This resource is detailed fact sheets covering the key historical aspects of the Weimar Constitution 1919 - 1924 and key events the Weimar government endured in the years 1919 - 1924. Example content included within this resource is: a description of the constitution, discussion of the revolutions of above and below, the Treaty of Versailles, Spartacist Uprising, Munich Putsch, amongst others. This resource includes an extensive amount of specific factual detail. The fact sheet could either be used for teaching, as a concise but detailed account of the Weimar Constitution to be read or it could be used as a revision tool. The layout of the resource means there is scope to convert the fact sheets into flashcards.
German Economy 1871 - 1929

German Economy 1871 - 1929

This presentation provides a detailed, chronological account of changes, key events and facts regarding the German economy from 1871 - 1929. Examples of the kinds of events and content covered within this presentation include: tariffs, industrial expansion, military expansion, invasion of the Ruhr, reparations, and hyperinflation, amongst others. The presentation is presented in such a way that it could easily be printed out and used as flashcards. Emphasis is given throughout to include specific factual detail, dates and names where appropriate, as well as specific reference to government acts.
Adverbs Worksheet Pack

Adverbs Worksheet Pack

A collection of four worksheets designed to consolidate student’s knowledge of adverbs. Worksheets included: A fill-in-the-blank reading and writing activity where students must choose the correct word from a list. Designed to help students understand what adverbs are, how adverbs are used, and how they differ from verbs. Includes examples of adverbs. Spot-the-adverb: A reading activity where students are presented with a short passage of text and asked to circle all the adverbs they spot. Spot-the-verbs-and-adverbs: a reading activity that is a step up from the previous activity. Students are asked to circle all the verbs in red and the adverbs in blue. Writing with adverbs - students are given a series of sentences without any adverbs and asked to re-write the sentences using appropriate adverbs for the verbs. Worksheets designed to utilise and build on a range of different skills all within the topic of adverbs. Best used in conjunction with the adverbs presentation also available.
Analysis of The Magic Flute - Mozart

Analysis of The Magic Flute - Mozart

This presentation provides a detailed analytical account of Excerpts of Act 1 - no. 4 Queen of the Night Aria, and no. 5 Quintet, from Mozart’s singspiel ‘The Magic Flute’. The presentation covers analytical points of interest within each piece regarding the melody, harmony, texture, tonality, rhythm, metre, tempo, sonority, and dynamics to aid students in their ability to answer essay questions. Also covered is a chronological account of analytical points of interest within each music to help prepare students to answer listening questions on these works. The presentation also includes contextual information surrounding the work, including links to works of a similar style. The style of presentation is so that it could easily be converted into flashcards for revision after the presentation has been used for teaching and score annotations for example.
Clauses Worksheet Pack

Clauses Worksheet Pack

This resource is a collection of worksheets designed to help students learn about clauses. The worksheets are designed to consolidate and develop knowledge of clauses. There are three worksheets in the pack. They designed in the following ways. A fill in the blank written activity. Students are given a short paragraph of facts and information about clauses with some words missing. Students are to pick the correct word from the list to complete the sentences. Memory recall. Answers are provided. A reading activity where students are given 8 sentences, each containing a main and subordinate clause. Students are asked to underline main clauses in red and subordinate clauses in blue. This worksheet is designed to consolidate knowledge of different types of clauses whilst also developing their knowledge of and ability to form complex sentences in their writing. Cut and stick activity. Students are given a series of main and subordinate clauses. They are asked to cut out each clause and arrange them to create a full complex sentence using one main clause and one subordinate clause. Worksheets are designed to consolidate knowledge as well as developing different skills with regards to reading and writing. The worksheets would be best used in conjunction with the teaching presentation on clauses, also available.
Verbs Worksheet Pack

Verbs Worksheet Pack

A collection of three worksheets designed to help students consolidate their knowledge of verbs. Worksheets include the following: A fill in the blank written activity where students are given a paragraph about different types of verbs and how to use them in writing but with some words missing. A definition task. ‘Spot the verbs’ reading activity. Passage of text given where students can read the text and highlight/underline/circle all the verbs they can spot. Written activity where students are given a basic verb like ‘walk’ and they are encouraged to write five more verbs that mean the same thing or use more interesting vocabulary. Worksheets are best used in conjunction with with the verbs presentation.
Adverbs, Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns, Conjunctions Worksheet Pack

Adverbs, Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns, Conjunctions Worksheet Pack

A collection of worksheets designed to consolidate and solidify pupil’s knowledge around different classes of words including: adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, nouns, and verbs. The worksheets aim to develop pupil’s knowledge of what each different word class is, examples for each of the word classes, and develop confidence of using each of these word classes within their writing. The worksheets involve a variety of activities including fill-in-the-blank activities, comparison activities, writing activities, reading activities. Some worksheets aim on developing understanding of definition, others on providing examples, and others on practical application of using different types of words within writing. Worksheet pack is an excellent resource to use at the end of a unit of work on different classes of work. Collates knowledge.
Conjunctions Worksheet Pack

Conjunctions Worksheet Pack

A collection of worksheets designed to consolidate and solidify pupil’s knowledge of conjunctions and expand their confidence to use conjunctions within their own writing. The worksheets are aimed at helping pupil’s understand what a conjunction is, learn examples of conjunctions, and put their knowledge into practical application seeing how conjunctions work in a range of contexts and sentences. Worksheets involve a mixture of activities including fill-in-the-blank writing activities and reading activities. Worksheet pack used best alongside the conjunctions presentation, also available.
What Instrument Am I? Picture Worksheet

What Instrument Am I? Picture Worksheet

Worksheet focused around the names of different musical instruments. Images of 10 different musical instruments are provided along with a list of 10 musical instrument names. Children must decide the name of each instrument in the picture, choosing the correct name from the list. Great starter or plenary activity. Designed to encourage children to identify musical instruments by sight and know their names.
What Musical Instrument Am I? Riddles Worksheet

What Musical Instrument Am I? Riddles Worksheet

Collection of two worksheets in the form of riddles describing different musical instruments. Four bullet points per riddle. A list of possible answers is given at the top of the worksheet. Great starter or plenary activity. Worksheet designed to develop pupil’s knowledge of musical instrument names and key characteristics of different musical instruments. Instruments from all musical families are used.