This #GoogleExpeditions lesson develops student skills in human anatomy.
Journey inside the human ear to develop students’ in depth knowledge of human organs and the physics of waves.
Google Expeditions are immersive 360 degree photo stories designed for use in the classroom. For more see:
This is Google Expeditions Lesson is number 1 of a 4 lesson sequence. It can be used as a standalone lesson or in conjunction with others listed below (links go to Google Docs versions of the lessons).
Lesson 1: Google Expeditions: Auditory System – Sound waves & The Outer Ear
Lesson 2: Google Expeditions: Auditory System – Middle & Inner Ear
Lesson 3: Google Expeditions: Auditory System – Ear & Balance
Lesson 4: Google Expeditions: Auditory System – Ear & Disease
A practical lesson where students work scientifically and develop their literacy skills by writing a conclusion using the ‘Point Evidence Explain’ technique from English.
The context of the lesson is the work of Dr Helen Findlay who is investigating ocean acidification: ‘the other carbon problem’.
This full lesson contains:
Slideshow 1: Are humans causing ocean acidification?
Lesson Overview and Teacher Guidance
Activity Overview 1: Are humans causing ocean acidification?
Student Sheet 1a: Are humans causing ocean acidification?
Student Sheet 1b: Practical instructions
Subject Update 1: Ocean acidification
Six enquiry-based lessons introducing ocean science concepts for ages 11-14.
These lessons and activities are full of practical ideas to bring carbonate chemistry and marine biology to the science classroom. All lessons demonstrate science at work and are based on recent research conducted in the Arctic. Designed to be used in conjunction with the Digital Explorer Media Zone. All lessons and resources are available from Encounter Edu’s TES profile.
This lesson introduces students to the water cycle. They will consider whether it rains more in the UK or the Arctic and then carry out a practical to link the ideas of temperature and evaporation.
This full lesson contains:
Slideshow 6: The Arctic Ocean and the water cycle with Prof Penny Holliday
Lesson Overview and Teacher Guidance
Activity Overview: Evaporation rates practical
Student Sheet 6a: Water cycle card sort
Student Sheet 6b: Water cycle data activity
Student Sheet 6c: Water cycle exam style questions
Mark scheme: Water cycle exam style questions
It forms Lesson 6 of 12 from the Our Ocean Planet resource, which is designed to support Key Stage 2 teachers to teach all aspects of the ocean. It can be used as a full topic with over 20 hours of classroom activities or using a pick and mix approach. All lessons and resources are available from Encounter Edu’s TES profile.
Encounter Edu links curriculum aligned education with global burning issues to inspire STEM careers and encourage environmental stewardship. Learn more about what we do at or by visiting our TES Shop, filled with quality, free of charge resources.
The Frozen Oceans education programme is based on the research expeditions of the Catlin Arctic Survey 2009-11. Braving temperatures of -40°C, marine biologists, oceanographers and explorers camped on the frozen sea ice and undertook transect surveys to collect data on the changes occurring in the region.
Have your class become ocean detectives with these experiments suitable for ages 11-14 and 14-16 (KS3/4).
This #GoogleExpeditions lesson develops student skills in persuasive writing.
Students will study the work of the UK Department for International Development in helping children back to school and develop their persuasive writing skills to advocate for the education of Syrian refugees.
Google Expeditions are immersive 360 degree photo stories designed for use in the classroom. For more see:
To download Google Docs versions of the lesson plan and student sheet go to:
Five enquiry-based lessons introducing ocean science concepts for ages 11-14.
These lessons and activities are full of practical ideas to bring carbonate chemistry and marine biology to the science classroom. All lessons demonstrate science at work and are based on recent research conducted in the Arctic. Designed to be used in conjunction with the Encounter Edu Discovery Zone.
The enquiry-based resources incorporate the scientists’ experiences and research, and include booklets with structured lesson plans, activity and experiment sheets, an interactive Media Player with videos and images from the expeditions, along with posters and other related resources.
This is the second in a six lesson unit, Submarine STEM KS2. This lesson explores the depth of the ocean through creating a scale diagram of the different ocean zones and identifying significant points within these zones. This lesson is from the Submarine STEM 7-11 unit. You can access the unit here:
The unit enables students to explore materials, forces, and living things while working scientifically. The unit is based on real life submersible exploration of the XL Caitlin Deep Ocean Survey off Bermuda, the Sargasso Sea. To experience the full impact of this scheme of work it can be taught in advance of our annual Submarine Live event. Live lessons can be booked for free here:
This is the fifth in a six lesson unit, Submarine Science KS3. This lesson focusses on oxidation and rusting through a practical investigation looking at how to protect the submarine from rusting. This lesson is from the Submarine STEM Science 11-14 unit. You can access the unit here:
This unit is based on the real life submersible exploration of the XL Caitlin Deep Ocean Survey off Bermuda, the Sargasso Sea. It provides students the opportunity to apply science, engineering, and design princples. To experience the full impact of this scheme of work it can be taught in advance of our annual Submarine Live event. Live lessons can be booked for free here:
This #GoogleExpeditions lesson develops students’ French language skills.
Take a virtual trip to San Diego Zoo with your class and develop vocabulary and language skills to describe the different animals and their enclosures.
Google Expeditions are immersive 360 degree photo stories designed for use in the classroom. For more see:
To download Google Docs versions of the lesson plan and student sheet go to:
This #GoogleExpeditions lesson takes students into space to explore microgravity.
On the International Space Station, astronauts don’t experience complete weightlessness, but instead microgravity. How does this force affect sleeping, eating and exercising?
Google Expeditions are immersive 360 degree photo stories designed for use in the classroom. For more see:
This Google Expeditions Lesson is number 2 of a 4 lesson sequence. It can be used as a standalone lesson or in conjunction with others listed below. Links direct to Google Docs versions of the lessons.
Lesson 1: Google Expeditions: Introducing the International Space Station
Lesson 2: Google Expeditions: Life in Microgravity
Lesson 3: Google Expeditions: Microgravity and Experiments
Lesson 4: Google Expeditions: Build your own Space Station
In this Key Stage 4 (KS4) lesson, students work scientifically to explain how humans affect the marine environment.
The ocean is worth $49.7 trillion per year to the global economy and its beauty is priceless. People, every day, all over the world, use the ocean for a whole variety of purposes: but what impact does this human activity have on the ocean, the organisms that live there and on us?
This full lesson includes:
Lesson Overview & Teacher Guidance
Slideshow 2 Human impact on the marine environment
Student Sheet 2a Card sort for bioaccumulation
Student Sheet 2b Human impacts summary
Student Sheet 2c Human impacts summary (higher)
Subject Update The marine carbon cycle
Answer Sheet for Student Sheet 2b & 2c
Subject Update 3 Trophic cascades
This is Lesson 2 of 7 in the Plankton, Plastics and Poo unit of work, which is based on current research being conducted at the University of Exeter and Plymouth Marine Laboratory. The unit consists of enquiry-based lessons which support students to work scientifically by simulating the researchers’ investigations, and encourages students to the use their findings to have a wider impact.
The resource uses innovative methods to bring cutting edge science to the classroom, including:
- Using real field and laboratory data.
- Practical investigations that replicate the work of the scientists.
- Using social media to connect with the scientists.
- The opportunity to connect with scientists through Skype in the classroom events.
All lessons and resources are available from Encounter Edu’s TES profile.
An in-depth introduction to the themes of extreme environments and how science is conducted in remote regions, for schools internationally.
The booklet includes lesson plans and activities about current research on snow and ice extent, ocean currents, ocean acidification and marine biology. Designed to be used in conjunction with the Encounter Edu Discovery Zone.
The enquiry-based resources incorporate the scientists’ experiences and research, and include booklets with structured lesson plans, activity and experiment sheets, an interactive Media Player with videos and images from the expeditions, along with posters and other related resources.
This is the fourth in a six lesson unit, Submarine Science KS3. This lesson allows students to investigate the effects of pressure increasing with depth, and the implications that this has for submarine design. Get the design wrong and the submarine will implode. This lesson is from the Submarine STEM Science 11-14 unit. You can access the unit here:
This unit is based on the real life submersible exploration of the XL Caitlin Deep Ocean Survey off Bermuda, the Sargasso Sea. It provides students the opportunity to apply science, engineering, and design princples.To experience the full impact of this scheme of work it can be taught in advance of our annual Submarine Live event. Live lessons can be booked for free here:
This #GoogleExpeditions lesson develops student understanding of conservation efforts using the DRC as a case study.
This lesson involves a virtual trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to learn about the work and life of the ‘ecoguards’ who work to safeguard the DRC’s natural resources.
Google Expeditions are immersive 360 degree photo stories designed for use in the classroom. For more see:
To download a Google Docs version of the lesson plan go to:
Plastic solutions: how can we manage waste? is a Key Stage 3 (KS3) lesson. With plastic production already exceeding 300 million tonnes per year, the mountain of waste has the potential to grow and grow. This lesson looks at whether recycling can be a solution, before examining three different economic models to see if we need to change the way we look at plastic and plastic products. The lesson asks students to consider the impact of managed, unmanaged and mismanaged waste.
This is a single lesson from Ocean Plastic Geography. Ocean Plastics Geography is a Key Stage 3 (KS3) resource. The lessons address the issue of marine plastic pollution, the harm caused by plastics to the environment and communities, how we deal with all the waste, ending with a debate on approaches to reducing ocean plastic pollution. Fieldwork templates for investigating plastics in the local area are included as well as a wealth of case studies exploring both the human and physical elements of plastic pollution.
Get the whole unit’s resources here:
Students will consider the varied threats faced by the coral reef. These range from long-term environmental changes caused by increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, to changes in land use in coastal areas.
Through gathering information from a range of sources students will complete an overview of the threats faced by the reef.
Students will be prompted to consider what changes could be made to ensure that there are healthy coral reefs well into the future.
This is a single lesson from the Coral Oceans Science KS3 unit. The lesson plans and accompanying activities are designed to introduce classes to what it is like to be an ocean explorer. Each lesson is designed around a ‘dive’ to investigate a particular science topic.
These include identification, classification, food webs and symbiosis, adaptation and human impacts on the environment.The enquiry-based resources incorporate the scientists’ experiences and research, and enable students to explore marine life on the reef and the threats facing it.
Access the other lessons in this unit here:
This Frozen Oceans booklet outlines the research carried out by the Catlin Arctic Surveys between 2009 and 2011 and can be used in teaching the carbon cycle, ocean acidification and its impact on the Arctic ecosystem for Science GCSE.
Two data activities have been prepared. The first uses a widely referenced longitudinal study on the relation between dissolved carbon dioxide in the ocean and ocean pH. The second uses data collected in the Arctic that looks at the potential impact of ocean acidification on the Arctic ecosystem.
This resource also focuses on the work of real scientists, addressing much of the How Science Works content in GCSE Science specifications including learning from a field research programme, the use of data, the peer review process and how science and society are linked.
This #GoogleExpeditions lesson develops students’ French language skills
Students visit the 7 New Wonders of the World in this Google Expedition. Then using a combination of the imagery and individual research, develop presentations in French on these cultural wonders.
Google Expeditions are immersive 360 degree photo stories designed for use in the classroom. For more see:
To download Google Docs versions of the lesson plan and student sheet go to:
This #GoogleExpeditions lesson develops students’ understanding of experimental conditions and how microgravity might affect some of the investigations they conduct in the classroom.
The International Space Station is not just a place for amazing views of planet earth, but a space science laboratory for conducting experiments. How might the experiments you conduct in the classroom be different if you were an astronaut doing them in space?
Google Expeditions are immersive 360 degree photo stories designed for use in the classroom. For more see:
This Google Expeditions Lesson is number 3 of a 4 lesson sequence. It can be used as a standalone lesson or in conjunction with others listed below. Links direct to Google Docs versions of the lessons.
Lesson 1: Google Expeditions: Introducing the International Space Station
Lesson 2: Google Expeditions: Life in Microgravity
Lesson 3: Google Expeditions: Microgravity and Experiments
Lesson 4: Google Expeditions: Build your own Space Station
This #GoogleExpeditions lesson develops students’ understanding of ratios and their ability to apply them to real life situations.
Students start by using ratios to describe the relationship between different numbers of objects in the classroom. They then take a trip to the world famous street art site at 5 Pointz in Queens and apply their knowledge to describing the frequency of different types and colours of ‘tags’. Back in the classroom, students are set three problems to demonstrate their new understanding.
Google Expeditions are immersive 360 degree photo stories designed for use in the classroom. For more see:
To download Google Docs versions of the lesson plan and student sheet go to: