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French learning Hub

Hello, having long time experience in teaching French to English native speakers I can absolutely help you with any learning curriculum including French grammar, success in achieving your goals with speaking and pronunciation how to train the ears when listening to tracks and step by step writing to score highest marking

Hello, having long time experience in teaching French to English native speakers I can absolutely help you with any learning curriculum including French grammar, success in achieving your goals with speaking and pronunciation how to train the ears when listening to tracks and step by step writing to score highest marking
AVOIR and ÊTRE  - all tenses with pronunciation

AVOIR and ÊTRE - all tenses with pronunciation

As a private teacher I have often noticed that students were never taught French pronunciation mainly with tenses. Unfortunately if we don’t pronounce well can affect our listening. Here’s a complete lesson on both auxiliaries and their pronunciations as well as examples. Happy learning
When to use passé récent

When to use passé récent

An interesting lesson guide with explanation and examples translated in both English and French on when and how to use this tense in French Happy learning!
French adjectives TOUT, TOUS, TOUTE, TOUTES

French adjectives TOUT, TOUS, TOUTE, TOUTES

From this learning resource students will understand the four types of TOUT (ALL/EVERY) and how to do agreement in French. They will then be able to use them accordingly resulting in higher markings. A good grammar lesson with a short task to test your comprehension. Good
Possessive adjectives for advanced level

Possessive adjectives for advanced level

This lesson has been carefully tailored to meet with students from A level who are struggling with French language. After reading the explanation you will no longer confuse yourself between possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns in French. This resource will help you score higher markings for any assessment or exam. Students will further be able to speak like French native speakers (Francophone) after learning these adjectives therefore avoiding mistakes by repeating a noun again and again. Good luck
Possessive adjectives for A level, Vce and more advanced level

Possessive adjectives for A level, Vce and more advanced level

This resource was tailored and set for advanced level students struggling with French language. The explanation on possessive adjectives is in both English and French to help students worldwide. You will be able to score high marks when writing to avoid repetition and will further make the difference between possessive adjectives (with English equivalence). Students will be able to speak like French natives from this lesson sheet. Good luck!