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IB Psychology | A-Level AQA Psychology | A-Level AQA Sociology | BTEC Health and Social Care | KS3 RE (Buddhism) | EPQ




IB Psychology | A-Level AQA Psychology | A-Level AQA Sociology | BTEC Health and Social Care | KS3 RE (Buddhism) | EPQ
AQA Psychology - Gender Revision / Summary

AQA Psychology - Gender Revision / Summary

Available as part of an 11 powerpoint bundle. which covers the whole 2 year course. Includes everything they need to know for the Gender Unit, ideal for revision as each slide nicely summarises each section of the module with colourful graphics, and a clear evaluation is given at the end of each sub-section. Specification is clear throughout.
AQA Psychology Schizophrenia Option - FULL TOPIC [2015]

AQA Psychology Schizophrenia Option - FULL TOPIC [2015]

Includes 7 lessons with videos and detailed notes on the majority of slides and structured tasks to help them write 16M essays. Variety of AO3 activities included and a revision workbook. Exam link - relevant exam questions shared throughout. SMSC link - reference to Art throughout. Revision lesson which focuses on essay structure and AO3. Exemplar essays included. Workbook included
AQA Psychology - Memory Revision / Summary

AQA Psychology - Memory Revision / Summary

Available as part of an 11 PPT whole course bundle. Includes everything they need to know for the Memory Unit, ideal for revision as each slide nicely summarises each section of the module with colourful graphics, and a clear evaluation is given at the end of each sub-section.
AQA Psychology Attachment [FULL TOPIC] 2015

AQA Psychology Attachment [FULL TOPIC] 2015

Includes 11 lessons with videos and detailed notes on the majority of slides and structured tasks to help them write 16M essays. Context added to help students. All slides follow the same format and are dyslexia friendly. Some research methods emdedded within - Features the ‘egg project’ and certificate. Exam link - relevant exam questions shared throughout.
Psychology & HSC Handbooks / Independent Learning

Psychology & HSC Handbooks / Independent Learning

Includes; 2 handbooks for AQA Psychology and BTEC Health and Social Care which you’ll need to adapt to meet your own departments needs. ‘Nandos’ themed differentiated tasks for Psychology topics. Independent Record Book template - Students to fill in what activities that are completing in ‘Private Study’ periods and what they have learnt from it.
A Level Psychology  taster / Induction lesson & Summer transition / Bridging work

A Level Psychology taster / Induction lesson & Summer transition / Bridging work

2 Psychology taster lessons. One focuses on Attachment types and encourages students to complete a quiz to find out their own. It also included the ‘Marshmallow Test’ by Mischel. The second focuses on Biopsycholgy and labelling the brain. There are various summer transition packs included. Roughly 45 minutes, summer preparation booklets compliment these lessons.
L2 BTEC Tech Health & Social Care  - C1 LA. B (Life Events) 2017

L2 BTEC Tech Health & Social Care - C1 LA. B (Life Events) 2017

Includes 3 powerpoints for all of LA.B content. Appropriate and factual videos for most areas. Several real-life scenarios worksheets and activities to complete. 4 PC lesson research projects. Homework suggestions. LA.B case studies included and coursework preparation tasks. Component 1 bundle available LA.A and LA.B - check my shop for a reduced price when buying both learning aims.
L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 11 (Psychological Perspectives) LA.B & LA.C

L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 11 (Psychological Perspectives) LA.B & LA.C

BTEC Level 3 - Health and Social Care - Unit 11 - Learning Aim C (Examine how PP are applied in HSC settings) and B (Examine how PP contribute tot he understanding of management and treatment in HSC) 1 powerpoint which contains all of the content for Learning Aim C. Video links in the notes. 6 powerpoints for learning aim B with notes, videos and worksheets included. Suitable for the old and new assignment brief (Oct, 2018)
L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 2 (Working in HSC) LA.B and LA.C

L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 2 (Working in HSC) LA.B and LA.C

BTEC Level 3 - Health and Social Care - Unit 2 - Learning Aim B and C Several lessons which walk through all of learning aim B and C and include several independent research tasks to consolidate and apply learning. Several examples of policies included and a learning aim C checklist. Revision recap sheets Exam command word structure guidance. All Exam questions currently available included.
AQA Sociology - Families and Households -  Childhood

AQA Sociology - Families and Households - Childhood

Include 36 slides to support the ‘childhood’ subtopic of Families and Households. The notes include various links to videos, sources or articles. Contemporary links included that aren’t covered in the textbook. 2 exam questions included. 1 slide includes a 2-week project for the ‘changing family patterns’ subtopic.
Psychology Revision / Exam skills / A* preparation

Psychology Revision / Exam skills / A* preparation

A collection of revision resources for whole lessons or individual tasks. These are very easy to amend to whatever topic you want to focus on. Rotating squares - Includes 11 essay questions. The aim is to give each student one essay question, give them a set time to complete the sections (AO1, I&D and AO3) then swap with another student for a set time, and again. Eventually, there will be several contributions for each essay. Articulate - 60 Key terms of studies. Students work in teams. One student picks a card and must explain their word without saying the word. Others must figure out the word. Revision clocks - Assign a topic. Give students 1 minute to complete each section of the clock. Ask or answer - cut out cards. Student independently completes either asking the question that fits the answer or answering the question. Someone who - You will need to add your own questions. Give students a sheet each, they need to ask their peers to tell them the answer and state who told them. A03 burgers - interactive way to great effective AO3 paragraphs. In practice, I provided students with 'points' to guide them to create burgers. 'How to Revise Psychology' evidence based guide. Issues and Debates synoptic activity exam question brain dump
AQA Sociology - Families and Households [FULL TOPIC]

AQA Sociology - Families and Households [FULL TOPIC]

7 Resources
Includes 5 detailed powerpoints to teach the families and Household topics which all include resources, contemporary links, activities and exam questions. The notes section includes all sources of additional information. 2 of the topics are student-led: Demography is a free resource available here: (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-15-sociology-f-and-h-demography-workbook-11634331) Changing Family Patterns is a 2 week group project included on slide 1 of the Childhood powerpoint.
Psychology or Whole School revision guide  / preparation / evidence-based / ideas

Psychology or Whole School revision guide / preparation / evidence-based / ideas

Updated version. Initially made for my own students to help with revision - it's not designed to be delivered but for students to use and go through themselves. 49 slides include: Exam and assessment information. Various revision techniques for all learning styles. Various note-taking techniques (hows and whys) Essay structure (how to understand a mark scheme, how to get an A, how to write strong AO3) Wider reading (websites, and twitter provided) How to deal with stress. How to deal with procrastination.