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A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.




A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
HORMONES as chemical messengers (WJEC GCSE Biology)

HORMONES as chemical messengers (WJEC GCSE Biology)

This lesson has been designed to cover the content set out in specification point 2.5 (g) of the WJEC GCSE Biology specification which states that students should understand that hormones are chemical messengers which control many body functions. A wide range of activities have been written into the lesson with the aim of engaging and motivating the students whilst ensuring that the content is covered in detail. These activities include a number of quiz competitions which will challenge the students to identify an endocrine organ when presented with three organs as well as introducing them to the names of some of the hormones released by the pituitary gland. The following content is covered in this lesson: The location of the pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands in the human body The location of the pancreas, ovaries and testes in the human body The hormones which are secreted by the endocrine glands The effects of the hormones on their target organs This lesson has been written for GCSE-aged students who are studying on the WJEC Biology course but it is suitable for younger students who are looking at this as one of the different organ systems
Synapses, SUMMATION and control (OCR A-level Biology A)

Synapses, SUMMATION and control (OCR A-level Biology A)

This engaging lesson covers the detail of the 2nd part of specification point 5.1.3 (d) of the OCR A-level Biology specification which states that students should demonstrate and apply an understanding of the importance of synapses in summation and control, including inhibitory and excitatory synapses. This is a topic which is generally poorly understood by students or brushed over so considerable time has been taken to design the activities to motivate the students so that the content is memorable whilst still being covered in detail. Links are continually made to earlier topics in this module such as synapses and generator potentials but also to topics covered in the previous year and still to be covered. The lesson begins by challenging the students to recognise a description of generator potential and they will then discover that this is also known as an EPSP. Students will recall that a small depolarisation may not lead to the opening of the voltage gated channels and therefore the full depolarisation which is needed for the initiation of an action potential and will discuss how this problem could be overcome. Lots of discussion points like this are included in the lesson to encourage the students to challenge and debate why a particular process of mechanism occurs. Students will therefore learn that EPSPs can be combined and this is known as summation. A quiz round is used to introduce temporal and spatial summation. Moving forwards, students are presented with a number of examples where they have to decide why type of summation is involved. Again, the lesson has been written to include real-life examples such as chronic pain conditions so the chances of the content sticking is increased. The final part of the lesson introduces IPSPs and the effect of these on summation and action potentials is discussed. This lesson has been designed for students studying on the OCR A-level Biology course and ties in well with the other uploaded lessons from module 5.1.3 on sensory receptors, neurones, nerve impulses and cholinergic synapses
SYNAPSES (OCR A-level Biology A)

SYNAPSES (OCR A-level Biology A)

This fully-resourced lesson covers the content of the first part of specification point 5.1.3 (d) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification that states that students should be able to demonstrate and apply an understanding of the structures and roles of synapses in nervous transmission. The majority of the lesson uses the cholinergic synapse as the example but other neurotransmitters are considered to provide the students with a wider view of this topic. The lesson begins by using a version of the WALL (as shown in the cover image) which asks the students to group 12 words into three groups of 4. Not only will this challenge their prior knowledge from topics earlier in this module but it will also lead to the discovery of four of the structures that are found in a synapse. Moving forwards, students are introduced to aectylcholine as the neurotransmitter involved at cholinergic synapses and they will start to add labels to the structures found in the pre-synaptic bulb. Time is taken to focus on certain structures such as the voltage gated channels as these types of channel were met previously when looking at the depolarisation of a neurone. There is plenty of challenge and discovery as students are pushed to explain why organelles like mitochondria would be found in large numbers in the bulb. With this process being a cascade of events, a bullet point format is used to ensure that the key content is taken in by the students and again key points like exocytosis and the action of acetylcholinesterase are discussed further. The final part of the lesson challenges the application aspect of the specification as students are introduced to unfamiliar situations in terms of synapses with new drugs like MDMA and are asked to work out and explain how these affect the nervous transmission. Understanding checks and prior knowledge checks are included throughout the lesson so that students can not only assess their progress against the current topic but also see whether they can make links to earlier topics. This lesson has been designed for students studying the OCR A-level Biology A course but could be used with very able GCSE students who are keen to develop their understanding of synapses over and above the small detail that is provided at that level. This lesson also ties in nicely with the other uploaded lessons from module 5.1.3 (neuronal communication) which are sensory receptors, neurones, nerve impulses and summation.
Principles of HOMEOSTASIS and NEGATIVE FEEDBACK (AQA A-level Biology)

Principles of HOMEOSTASIS and NEGATIVE FEEDBACK (AQA A-level Biology)

This is a fully-resourced lesson which has been designed to cover specification point 6.4.1 of the AQA A-level Biology specification. The resource contains a detailed and engaging PowerPoint and accompanying worksheets which ensure that students can apply their understanding of the principles of homeostasis to include the regulation by negative feedback. As homeostasis is a topic met at GCSE, this lesson has been written to build on this knowledge as well as to check on their prior knowledge of earlier A-level topics such as osmosis when considering blood water potential and the use of glucose as a respiratory substrate. Discussion points are written into the lesson at regular intervals to encourage the students to consider why a particular process or method takes place and understanding checks allow them to assess their progress. Students will recall how body temperature, blood water potential and blood glucose concentration are maintained within restricted limits and the importance of these systems are looked into in detail. Time is taken to consider the importance of maintaining these aspects, specifically with relation to the activity of enzymes. As such, students will also discuss how the pH of the blood is maintained. The key components of the control system are recalled and then time is taken to focus on the cell signalling that occurs between the coordination centre and the effectors. Students will learn to associate the response with either the use of the neuronal or hormonal system. The final part of the lesson looks at the importance of negative feedback in reversing the change in order to bring the aspect back to the optimum and the added degree of control which this provides. Positive feedback is also briefly mentioned at the end. This lesson has been written for A-level students who are studying the AQA A-level Biology course and because of the detail of this specification point, it is likely that this resource will cover 2 or more lessons in order for deep understanding to be developed.
The causes and control of diabetes type I and II (AQA A-level Biology)

The causes and control of diabetes type I and II (AQA A-level Biology)

This engaging lesson covers the final details of specification point 6.4.2 of the AQA A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to describe the causes and control of diabetes mellitus type I and II. The lesson has been designed to take place in a diabetes clinic where students will be challenged to perform a number of roles such as diagnosing a patient with either type I or II and to write a letter to this patient explaining how the disease was caused and any treatments that will be recommended to control the disease. It has been planned to build on the knowledge that they will have of these diseases from GCSE and links are made to other A-level topics such as the beta cells of the pancreas which they considered during the lesson on the control of blood glucose concentration. This lesson has been designed for students taking the AQA A-level Biology course and runs alongside the uploaded lesson on the control of blood glucose concentration as well as the other lessons that have been added on topic 6


This lesson has been written to cover the part of specification point 5.1.2 © of the OCR A-level Biology A specification which states that students should be able to demonstrate and apply an understanding of the process of selective reabsorption. It has specifically been designed to build on the knowledge gained in the previous lessons on the structure of the nephron and ultrafiltration. The lesson begins by challenging the students to recall the substances that are found in the glomerular filtrate so that each of them can be considered over the course of the rest of the lesson. Moving forwards, the first of the numerous discussion points which are included in the lesson is used to get students to predict the component of the filtrate which won’t be found in the urine when they are presented with pie charts from each of these situations. Upon learning that glucose is 100% reabsorbed, along with most of the ions and some of the water, the rest of the lesson focuses on describing the relationship between the structure of the PCT and the function of selective reabsorption. Again, this section begins by encouraging the students to discuss and to predict which structures they would expect to find in a section of the kidney if the function is to reabsorb. They are given the chance to see the structure (as shown in the cover image) before each feature is broken down to explain its importance. Time is taken to look at the role of the cotransporter proteins to explain how this allows glucose, along with sodium ions, to be reabsorbed from the lumen of the PCT into the epithelial cells. The final part of the lesson focuses on urea and how the concentration of this substance increases along the tubule as a result of the reabsorption of some of the water. This lesson has been designed for students studying on the OCR-A level Biology A course and ties in nicely with the other lessons from 5.1.2 (c and d) on the structure and function of the kidney
Structure of sensory and motor neurones (CIE International A-level Biology)

Structure of sensory and motor neurones (CIE International A-level Biology)

This is a fully-resourced lesson which covers the detail of specification point 15.1 (b) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to describe the structure of a sensory and a motor neurone. The PowerPoint has been designed to contain a wide range of activities that are interspersed between understanding and prior knowledge checks that allow the students to assess their progress on the current topics as well as challenge their ability to make links to topics from earlier in the modules. Quiz competitions like SAY WHAT YOU SEE are used to introduce key terms in a fun and memorable way. The students will be able to compare these neurones based on their function but also distinguish between them based on their structural features. Time is taken to look at the importance of the myelin sheath that is present in both neurones. Students will be introduced to the need for the entry of ions to cause depolarisation and will learn that this is only possible at the nodes of Ranvier when there is a myelin sheath. Key terminology such as saltatory conduction is introduced and explained and the lesson concludes with the introduction of the different types of motor neurones based on the type of muscle which they innervate. This lesson has been designed for students studying on the CIE International A-level Biology course and ties in well with the other uploaded lessons which cover the content of topic 15.1 (Control and coordination in mammals) .
The ultrastructure of striated muscle (CIE International A-level Biology)

The ultrastructure of striated muscle (CIE International A-level Biology)

This concise and engaging lesson has been designed to cover specification point 15.1 (j) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to describe the ultrastructure of striated muscle with particular reference to sarcomere structure. The wide range of key terms and regions are introduced in a fun and memorable way using a variety of activities that include quiz competitions and then understanding checks are used throughout to assess their progress and ensure that any misconceptions are addressed. Connections are made to the upcoming topic of the sliding filament model as the students discover that despite the shortening of the sarcomere (and I band and H zone) during contraction, the fact that the A band remains the same length shows how the filaments slide over each other. The two main tasks of the lesson challenge the students to label a diagram of a sarcomere and then the microscope image as shown in the cover picture. This lesson has been designed to tie in well with the other uploaded lessons that cover the content of topic 15.1 of the CIE International A-level Biology course which is the control and coordination in mammals
The importance of the myelin sheath (CIE International A-level Biology)

The importance of the myelin sheath (CIE International A-level Biology)

This lesson has been written to cover the detail of specification point 15.1 (f) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to explain the importance of myelination. A wide range of activities have been written into this resource to maintain the motivation of the students whilst ensuring that the detail is covered in depth. Interspersed with the activities are understanding checks and prior knowledge checks to allow the students to not only assess their understanding of the current topic but also challenge themselves to make links to earlier topics such as the movement of ions across membranes and biological molecules. Time at the end of the lesson is also given to future knowledge such as the involvement of autonomic motor neurones in the stimulation of involuntary muscles. Over the course of the lesson, students consider the structure of the myelin sheath and specifically how the insulation is not complete all the way along which leaves gaps known as the nodes of Ranvier which allow the entry and exit of ions. Saltatory conduction is poorly explained by a lot of students so time is taken to look at the way that the action potential jumps between the nodes and this is explained further by reference to local currents. The rest of the lesson focuses on the other two factors which are axon diameter and temperature and students are challenged to discover these two by focusing on the vampire squid. This lesson has been designed for students studying the CIE International A-level Biology course and the other part of this specification point which covers the refractory period was explained in the previous lesson on the transmission of the action potential
The roles of the neuromuscular junction (CIE International A-level Biology)

The roles of the neuromuscular junction (CIE International A-level Biology)

This concise, fully-resourced lesson covers the content of specification point 15.1 (i) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to describe the roles of the neuromuscular junction, transverse tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum in the stimulation of the contraction of striated muscle. Due to a number of similarities between these structures and cholinergic synapses, this lesson uses prior knowledge of these connections between neurones to build a good understanding of the junctions. Students will discover that the events that occur at an axon tip mirror those which happen at the pre-synaptic bulb and this is then developed to look at the differences in terms of the events once the acetylcholine has bound to its receptor sites. There is a focus on the structure of the sarcolemma and time is taken to explain how the action potential is passed from this membrane to the transverse tubules in order to stimulate the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. As a result, this lesson ties in nicely with the following lesson on the contraction of skeletal muscle and students will be able to link the binding to troponin in that lesson to the release of these ions from this lesson. Both of the main tasks of the lesson have been differentiated so that students of all abilities can access the work and make progress. This lesson has been designed for those students studying on the CIE International A-level Biology course and ties in well with the other uploaded lessons on topic 15.1 (Control and coordination in mammals)
The sliding filament model of muscular contraction (CIE International A-level Biology)

The sliding filament model of muscular contraction (CIE International A-level Biology)

This is a fully-resourced lesson that covers the content of specification point 15.1 (k) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to explain the sliding filament model of muscular contraction. The wide range of activities included in the lesson will engage and motivate the students whilst the understanding and previous knowledge checks will not only allow them to assess their progress but also challenge them to make links to other Biology topics. The start of the lesson is designed to encourage the students to consider how a sarcomere can narrow but the lengths of the myofilaments can remain the same. In doing so, they will be introduced to the idea of the sliding filament model and the main task of the lesson involves the formation of a bullet point description of this model where one event is the trigger for the next. Time is taken during this section to focus on the involvement of the calcium ions but also ATP and the idea of the sources of this molecule, including creatine phosphate, are discussed in more detail later in the lesson. The final part of the lesson involves students having to apply their knowledge by describing the effect on muscle contraction when a part of a structure is unable to function correctly. This lesson has been designed for students studying the CIE International A-level Biology course and ties in well with the other uploaded lessons on this topic, particularly the lesson which covers the ultrastructure of striated muscle
Selective reabsorption (CIE International A-level Biology)

Selective reabsorption (CIE International A-level Biology)

This lesson has been written to cover the 2nd part of specification point 14.1 (f) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to describe how the process of selective reabsorption is involved in the formation of urine. It has specifically been designed to build on the knowledge gained in the previous lessons on the structure of the nephron and ultrafiltration. The lesson begins by challenging the students to recall the substances that are found in the glomerular filtrate so that each of them can be considered over the course of the rest of the lesson. Moving forwards, the first of the numerous discussion points which are included in the lesson is used to get students to predict the component of the filtrate which won’t be found in the urine when they are presented with pie charts from each of these situations. Upon learning that glucose is 100% reabsorbed, along with most of the ions and some of the water, the rest of the lesson focuses on describing the relationship between the structure of the PCT and the function of selective reabsorption. Again, this section begins by encouraging the students to discuss and to predict which structures they would expect to find in a section of the kidney if the function is to reabsorb. They are given the chance to see the structure (as shown in the cover image) before each feature is broken down to explain its importance. Time is taken to look at the role of the cotransporter proteins to explain how this allows glucose, along with sodium ions, to be reabsorbed from the lumen of the PCT into the epithelial cells. The final part of the lesson focuses on urea and how the concentration of this substance increases along the tubule as a result of the reabsorption of some of the water. This lesson has been designed for students studying on the CIE International A level Biology course and ties in closely with the other lessons on the kidney
Deamination and the urea cycle (CIE International A-level Biology)

Deamination and the urea cycle (CIE International A-level Biology)

This concise lesson has been written to cover the detail of specification point 14.1 (d) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to describe the deamination of amino acids and outline the formation of urea in the urea cycle. Over the course of the lesson, students will discover that the amino group is removed during deamination to produce a keto acid and ammonia. They are encouraged to consider why the ammonia cannot accumulate in the body before looking at the different stages of the urea cycle. Instead of simply giving them the diagram of the urea cycle, students are given the opportunity to study the cycle when it is split into one of the three stages but are not allowed to draw. This task will challenge the students on their observational skills and then their ability to apply when they are given a question on the cycle. Included throughout the lesson are a selection of understanding checks and prior knowledge checks which allows the students to assess their progress against the current topic as well as challenging them to make links to previously covered topics. This lesson has been designed for students on the CIE International A-level Biology course and ties in well with the other uploaded lessons on topic 14.1 (Homeostasis in mammals)
CIE International A-level Biology REVISION LESSONS

CIE International A-level Biology REVISION LESSONS

10 Resources
Each of the 10 revision lessons that are included in this bundle have been designed to motivate and engage the students whilst they are challenged on their knowledge of the content of the CIE International A-Level Biology specification. The detailed PowerPoints contain a wide range of activities which include exam questions with explained answers, differentiated tasks and quiz competitions and are supported by the accompanying worksheets. The topics covered in this bundle are: TOPIC 1: Cell structure TOPIC 2: Biological molecules TOPIC 3: Enzymes TOPIC 4: Cell membranes and transport TOPIC 6: Nucleic acids and protein synthesis TOPIC 8: Transport in mammals TOPIC 12: Energy and respiration TOPIC 13: Photosynthesis TOPIC 16: Inherited change TOPIC 18: Biodiversity, classification and conservation Helpful hints are provided throughout the lessons to help the students with exam technique and in structuring their answers. These lessons are suitable for use throughout the course and can be used for revision purposes at the end of a module or in the lead up to mocks or the actual A LEVEL exams If you want to see the quality of these lessons, download the topic 2, 6 and 18 revision lessons as these are free
GENETIC TERMS (CIE International A-level Biology)

GENETIC TERMS (CIE International A-level Biology)

This lesson focuses on the use and explanation of key genetic terms which will support students in their understanding of the topic 16 (inherited change) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification. In this topic, students are expected to use genetic diagrams to solve problems and this is only possible with a clear understanding of the genetic terminology that will be used in related exam questions. As some of these terms were met at GCSE, this fully-resourced lesson has been designed to include a wide range of activities that build on this prior knowledge and provide clear explanations as to their meanings as well as numerous examples of their use in both questions and exemplary answers. The main task provides the students with an opportunity to apply their understanding by recognising a dominance hierarchy in a multiple alleles characteristic and then calculating a phenotypic ratio when given a completed genetic diagram. Other tasks include prior knowledge checks, discussion points to encourage students to consider the implementation of the genetic terms and quiz competitions to introduce new terms, maintain engagement and act as an understanding check. The 16 terms are genome, gene, chromosome, gene locus, homologous chromosomes, alleles, dominant, recessive, genotype, codominance, multiple alleles, autosomes, sex chromosomes, phenotype, homozygous and heterozygous
Topic 6.4: Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment (AQA A-level Biology)

Topic 6.4: Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment (AQA A-level Biology)

7 Resources
Each of the 7 lessons that are included in this bundle are fully-resourced and have been designed to cover the content as detailed in topic 6.4 (Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment) of the AQA A-Level Biology specification. The specification points that are covered within these lessons include: The principles of homeostasis The importance of maintaining temperature and blood glucose concentrations Negative feedback systems The action of insulin, glucagon and the role of the liver in blood glucose control The role of adrenaline The causes of type I and II diabetes and their control The structure of the nephron and its numerous roles The formation of the glomerular filtrate by ultrafiltration Reabsorption of glucose and water by the proximal convoluted tubule The roles of the hypothalamus, the posterior pituitary gland and ADH in osmoregulation The lessons have been written to include a wide range of activities and numerous understanding and prior knowledge checks so students can assess their progress against the current topic as well as be challenged to make links to other topics within this topic and earlier topics If you would like to see the quality of the lessons, download the ultrafiltration lesson which is free
Coordination of the heart beat (Edexcel A-level Biology)

Coordination of the heart beat (Edexcel A-level Biology)

This engaging lesson looks at the myogenic nature of cardiac muscle and explores the roles of the SAN, AVN, Bundle of His and Purkyne fibres in the normal electrical activity of the heart. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the points 7.8 (i & ii) of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification. The lesson begins with the introduction of the SAN as the natural pacemaker and then time is given to study each step of the conduction of the impulse as it spreads away from the myogenic tissue in a wave of excitation. The lesson has been written to make clear links to the cardiac cycle and the structure of the heart and students are challenged on their knowledge of this system from topic 1. Moving forwards, students are encouraged to consider why a delay would occur at the AVN and then they will learn that the impulse is conducted along the Bundle of His to the apex so that the contraction of the ventricles can happen from the bottom upwards. The structure of the cardiac muscle cells is discussed and the final task of the lesson challenges the students to describe the conducting tissue, with an emphasis on the use of key terminology Due to the detailed nature of this lesson, it is estimated that it will take about 2 hours of A-level teaching time to cover the two specification points
Control of heart rate (Edexcel A-level Biology)

Control of heart rate (Edexcel A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson looks at how heart rate is controlled by the cardiovascular control centre in the medulla oblongata. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the first part of point 7.9 (ii) of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification but also ties in well with previously covered topics and provides a good introduction to control systems which are covered later in topic 7 and 8. This lesson begins with a prior knowledge check where students have to identify and correct any errors in a passage about the conduction system of the heart. This allows the SAN to be recalled as this structure play an important role as the effector in this control system. Moving forwards, the three key parts of a control system are recalled as the next part of the lesson will specifically look at the range of sensory receptors, the coordination centre and the effector. Students are introduced to chemoreceptors and baroreceptors and time is taken to ensure that the understanding of the stimuli detected by these receptors is complete and that they recognise the result is the conduction of an impulse along a neurone to the brain. A quick quiz is used to introduce the medulla oblongata as the location of the cardiovascular centre. The communication between this centre and the SAN through the autonomic nervous system can be poorly understood so detailed explanations are provided and the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions compared. The final task challenges the students to demonstrate and apply their understanding by writing a detailed description of the control and this task has been differentiated three ways to allow differing abilities to access the work
Autonomic Nervous System (OCR A-level Biology)

Autonomic Nervous System (OCR A-level Biology)

This detailed lesson looks at the structure and function of the motor neurones that form the autonomic nervous system and is responsible for automatic responses. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resource have both been designed to cover the second part of point 5.1.5 (g) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification which states that students should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of the functional organisation of the motor system into somatic and autonomic systems. Students will discover that this system is further divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic systems to control different aspects of a particular involuntary response. The lesson begins with a focus on the types of effectors that will be connected to the CNS by autonomic motor neurones. Students will learn that effectors which are not under voluntary control such as cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands will be innervated by these neurones. Moving forwards, a quick quiz competition is used to introduced ganglia as a structure which connects the two or more neurones involved in the cell signalling between the CNS and the effector. This leads into the discovery of the two divisions and students will begin to recognise the differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems based on function but also structure. The remainder of the lesson looks at the differing effects of these two systems. This lesson has been written to tie in with the lesson on the organisation of the mammalian nervous system which covers the first part of specification point 5.1.5 (g)
Glycolysis (Edexcel A-level Biology)

Glycolysis (Edexcel A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson looks at the roles of glycolysis in aerobic and anaerobic respiration and explains how the sequence of reactions results in glucose being converted to pyruvate. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying differentiated resources have been designed to cover point 7.4 of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification. The lesson begins with the introduction of the name of the stage and then explains how the phosphorylation of the hexoses and the production of the ATP, coenzymes and pyruvate are the stages that need to be known for this specification. Time is taken to go through each of these stages and key points such as the use of ATP in phosphorylation are explained so that students can understand how this affects the net yield. A quick quiz competition is used to introduce NAD and the students will learn that the reduction of this coenzyme, which is followed by the transport of the protons and electrons to the cristae for the electron transport chain is critical for the overall production of ATP. Understanding checks, in a range of forms, are included throughout the lesson so that students can assess their progress and any misconceptions are immediately addressed. This lesson has been written to tie in with the other uploaded lessons on the Link reaction, Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation and the production of lactate.