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A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.




A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
Alveolar epithelium (AQA A-level Biology)

Alveolar epithelium (AQA A-level Biology)

This concise lesson describes the essential features of the alveolar epithelium as a surface over which gas exchange takes place. The engaging PowerPoint has been designed to cover the fourth part of point 3.2 of the AQA A-level Biology specification and also includes an introduction to ventilation which is covered in the following lesson. Gas exchange at the alveoli is a topic that was covered at GCSE so this lesson has been written to challenge the recall of that knowledge and to build on it. The main focus of the lesson is the type of epithelium found lining the alveoli and students will discover that a single layer of flattened cells known as simple, squamous epithelium acts to reduce the diffusion distance. Again, students will have met this in a lesson in topic 2 on specialised cells (and tissues) so a number of prior knowledge checks are used alongside current understanding checks. The following features of the alveolar epithelium are also covered: Surface area Moist lining Production of surfactant The maintenance of a steep concentration gradient As a constant ventilation supply is critical for the maintenance of the steep concentration gradient, the final part of the lesson considers the mechanism of ventilation to prepare the students for the next lesson.
Monosaccharides, disaccharides & polysaccharides (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Monosaccharides, disaccharides & polysaccharides (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This detailed lesson describes the differences between monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. The PowerPoint and accompanying resource have been designed to cover point 1.1 (i) that’s detailed in the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and the aim of this lesson is to provide the students with key details to prepare them for the upcoming lessons on the carbohydrate groups. The lesson begins with a made-up round of the quiz show POINTLESS, where students have to try to identify four answers to do with carbohydrates. In doing so, they will learn or recall that these molecules are made from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, that they are a source of energy which can sometimes be rightly or wrongly associated with obesity and that the names of the three main groups is derived from the Greek word sakkharon. A number of quick quiz rounds have been written into the lesson to introduce key terms in a fun and memorable way and the first round allows the students to meet some of common monosaccharides. Moving forwards, students will learn that a disaccharide is formed when two of these monomers are joined together and they are then challenged on their knowledge of condensation reactions which were originally encountered during the lesson on water. Students will understand how multiple reactions and multiple glycosidic bonds will result in the formation of a polysaccharide and glycogen and starch are introduced as well as amylose and amylopectin as components of this latter polymer. The final part of the lesson considers how hydrolysis reactions allow polysaccharides and disaccharides to be broken back down into monosaccharides.
Cardiac cycle & the mammalian heart (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Cardiac cycle & the mammalian heart (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the key events that occur during the three stages of the cardiac cycle and relates these to the structure of the mammalian heart. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 1.8 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification As the structure of the heart was covered at iGCSE, the lesson has been planned to build on this prior knowledge whilst adding the key details which will enable students to provide A-level standard answers. The primary focus is the identification of the different structures of the heart but it also challenges their ability to recognise the important relationship to function. For example, time is taken to ensure that students can explain why the atrial walls are thinner than the ventricular walls and why the right ventricle has a thinner wall than the left ventricle. Opportunities are taken throughout the lesson to link this topic to the others found in topic 1 including those which have already been covered like the blood vessels. There is also an application question where students have to explain why a hole in the ventricular septum would need to be repaired if it doesn’t naturally close over time. The next part of the lesson introduces the cardiac cycle through the use of quick quiz competition which generates the key term systole. Students will learn that there are three stages in the cycle are atrial and ventricular systole followed by cardiac diastole and that the uni-directional movement of blood during these stages is maintained by the atrioventricular and semi-lunar valves. This leads into the emphasis of the key point that pressure changes in the chambers and the major arteries is the cause of the opening and closing of these sets of valves. Students are given a description of the pressure change that results in the opening of the AV valves and shown where this would be found on the graph detailing the pressure changes of the cardiac cycle. They then have to use this as a guide to write descriptions for the closing of the AV valve and the opening and closing of the semi-lunar valves and to locate these on the graph. By providing the students with this graph, the rest of the lesson can focus on explaining how these changes come about. Students have to use their current and prior knowledge of the chambers and blood vessels to write 4 descriptions that cover the cardiac cycle. The final part of the lesson covers the changes in the volume of the ventricle. It is estimated that it will take in excess of 2 hours of allocated A-level teaching time to cover the detail included in this lesson as required by this specification point
Magnification & resolution in light & electron microscopy (Edexcel A level Biology B)

Magnification & resolution in light & electron microscopy (Edexcel A level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes how magnification and resolution can be achieved using light and electron microscopy. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the content of point 2.1 (vi) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and the importance of specimen staining is also briefly introduced so that students are prepared for the next lesson. To promote engagement and focus throughout this lesson, the PowerPoint contains a quiz competition with 7 rounds. The quiz rounds found in this lesson will introduce the objective lens powers, the names of the parts of a light microscope and emphasise some of the other key terms such as resolution. The final round checks on their understanding of the different numbers that were mentioned in the lesson, namely the differing maximum magnifications and resolutions. Time is taken to explain the meaning of both of these microscopic terms so that students can recognise their importance when considering the organelles that were met earlier in topic 2. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to explain how a light microscope uses light to form an image and will understand how electrons transmitted through a specimen or across the surface will form an image with a TEM or a SEM respectively.
ATP, active transport, endocytosis & exocytosis (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

ATP, active transport, endocytosis & exocytosis (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This lesson describes how the hydrolysis of ATP provides energy for biological processes such as active transport and endocytosis and exocytosis. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 4.2 (iv), (v) & (vi) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification The start of the lesson focuses on the structure of this energy currency and challenges the students to use their knowledge of nucleotides and specifically RNA nucleotides to recognise the components of ATP. As a result, they will learn that this molecule consists of adenine, ribose and three phosphate groups. In order to release the stored energy, ATP must be broken down and students will be given time to discuss which reaction will be involved as well as the products of this reaction. Time is taken to describe how the hydrolysis of ATP can be coupled to energy-requiring reactions and this leads into a series of exam-style questions where students are challenged on their knowledge of simple and facilitated diffusion to recognise that ATP is needed for active transport. These questions also challenge them to compare active transport against the forms of passive transport and to use data from a bar chart to support this form of transport. In answering these questions they will discover that carrier proteins are specific to certain molecules and time is taken to look at the exact mechanism of these transmembrane proteins. A quick quiz round introduces endocytosis and the students will see how vesicles are involved along with the energy source of ATP to move large substances in or out of the cell. The lesson concludes with a link to a future topic as the students are shown how exocytosis is involved in a synapse and in the release of ADH from the pituitary gland during osmoregulation.
Double circulatory system (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Double circulatory system (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the advantages of the double circulatory system that is found in mammals. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 4.4 (ii) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and focuses on the differences in pressure between the pulmonary and systemic circulation. The lesson begins with a focus on the meaning of a double circulatory system and checks that students are clear in the understanding that the blood passes through the heart twice per cycle of the body. Beginning with the pulmonary circulation, students will recall that the pulmonary artery carries the blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. An opportunity is taken at this point to check on their knowledge of inhalation and the respiratory system as well as the gas exchange between the alveoli and the capillary bed. A quick quiz is used to introduce arterioles and students will learn that these blood vessels play a crucial role in the changes in blood pressure that prevent the capillaries from damage. When looking at the systemic circulation, time is taken to look at the coronary arteries and renal artery as students have to be aware of these vessels in addition to the ones associated with the heart. In the final part of the lesson, students are challenged to explain how the structure of the heart generates a higher pressure in the systemic circulation and then to explain why the differing pressures are necessary.
Apoplastic & symplastic pathways (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Apoplastic & symplastic pathways (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This detailed lesson describes how water can be moved through plant cells by the apoplastic and symplastic pathways. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resource have been designed to cover point 4.7 (ii) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and includes a description of the movement from the endodermis to the xylem to tie in with the following lesson on the cohesion-tension model. The lesson begins by looking at the specialised features of the root hair cell to allow students to understand how these epidermal cells absorb water and mineral ions from the soil. Moving forwards, students are introduced to key terminology such as epidermis and root cortex before time is taken to look at the different pathways that water and minerals use to transverse across the cortex. Discussion points are included throughout the lesson to encourage the students to think about each topic in depth and challenges them to think about important questions such as why the apoplastic pathway is needed for the water carrying the ions. Students will be introduced to the Casparian strip and will learn how this layer of cells blocks the apoplastic pathway. A step by step method using class questions and considered answers is used to guide them through the different steps and to support them when writing the detailed description.
The uses of triose phosphate (OCR A-level Biology)

The uses of triose phosphate (OCR A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson describes how TP is a starting material for the synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids as well as being recycled to regenerate RuBP in the Calvin cycle. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been primarily designed to cover point 5.2.1 (f) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification concerning the uses of TP but as the lesson makes continual references to biological molecules, it can act as a revision tool for the content of module 2.1.2. The previous lesson covered the light-independent stage and this lesson builds on that understanding to demonstrate how the product of the Calvin cycle, triose phosphate, is used. The start of the lesson challenges the students to identify two errors in a diagram of the cycle so that they can recall that most of the TP molecules are used in the regeneration of ribulose bisphosphate. A quiz version of Pointless runs throughout the lesson and this is used to challenge the students to recall a biological molecule from its description. Once each molecule has been revealed, time is taken to go through the details of the formation and synthesis of this molecule from TP or from GP in the case of fatty and amino acids. The following molecules are considered in detail during this lesson: glucose sucrose starch and cellulose glycerol and fatty acids amino acids nucleic acids A range of activities are used to challenge their prior knowledge of these molecules and mark schemes are always displayed for the exam-style questions to allow the students to assess their understanding. As detailed above, this lesson has been specifically written to tie in with the earlier lessons in this module on the structure of the chloroplast and the light-dependent and light-independent stages of photosynthesis.
Resting & action potentials (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Resting & action potentials (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This detailed lesson describes the transport of sodium and potassium ions in the maintenance of resting potential and how an action potential is formed. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the detail included in points 9.5 (i) & (ii) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification. This topic is commonly assessed in the terminal exams so a lot of time has been taken to design this resource to include a wide range of activities that motivate the students whilst ensuring that the content is covered in the depth of detail that will allow them to have a real understanding. Interspersed within the activities are understanding checks and prior knowledge checks to enable the students to not only assess their progress against the current topic but also to challenge themselves on the links to earlier topics such as methods of movements across cell membranes. There are also a number of quiz competitions which are used to introduce key terms and values in a fun and memorable way and discussion points to encourage the students to consider why a particular process or mechanism occurs. Over the course of the lesson, the students will learn and discover how the movement of ions across the membrane causes the membrane potential to change. They will see how the resting potential is maintained through the use of the sodium/potassium pump and potassium ion leakage. There is a real focus on depolarisation to allow students to understand how generator potentials can combine and if the resulting depolarisation then exceeds the threshold potential, a full depolarisation will occur. At this point in the lesson students will discover how the all or nothing response explains that action potentials have the same magnitude and that instead a stronger stimulus is linked to an increase in the frequency of the transmission. The rest of the lesson challenges the students to apply their knowledge to explain how repolarisation and hyperpolarisation result and to suggest advantages of the refractory period for nerve cells.
Control of mammalian plasma concentration (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Control of mammalian plasma concentration (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the roles of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland in the control of mammalian plasma concentration. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 7.21 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification The principles of homeostasis and negative feedback were covered in an earlier lesson in topic 7, so this lesson acts to build on that knowledge and challenges them to apply their knowledge. A wide range of activities have been included in the lesson to maintain motivation and engagement whilst the understanding and prior knowledge checks will allow the students to assess their progress as well as challenge themselves to make links to other Biology topics. The lesson begins with a discussion about how the percentage of water in urine can and will change depending on the blood water potential. Students will quickly be introduced to osmoregulation and they will learn that the osmoreceptors and the osmoregulatory centre are found in the hypothalamus. A considerable amount of time is taken to study the cell signalling between the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary gland by looking at the specialised neurones (neurosecretory cells). Links are made to the topics of neurones, nerve impulses and synapses and the students are challenged to recall the cell body, axon and vesicles. The main section of the lesson forms a detailed description of the body’s detection and response to a low blood water potential. The students are guided through this section as they are given 2 or 3 options for each stage and they have to use their knowledge to select the correct statement. The final task asks the students to write a detailed description for the opposite stimulus and this task is differentiated so those who need extra assistance can still access the work.
Humoral & cell-mediated immune responses (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Humoral & cell-mediated immune responses (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the development of the humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 6.7 (ii) & (iii) as detailed in the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and includes descriptions of the roles of antigen-presenting cells, T helper cells, cytokines, T killer cells, B cells, clonal selection and plasma cells. Antigen presentation was introduced at the end of the previous lesson so the task at the start of this lesson challenges students to recognise the name of this process and then they have to spot the errors in the passage that describes the details of this event. This reminds them that contact between the APC and T lymphocytes is necessary to elicit a response which they will come to recognise as the cell-mediated response. A series of quick quiz rounds reveals key terms in a memorable way and one that is introduced is helper T cells. Time is then taken to describe the importance of cell signalling for an effective response and students will learn how the release of chemicals by these cells activates other aspects of the response. The role of the killer T cells and their production of cytotoxins is also described before an exam-style question is used to check on their understanding at this point of the lesson. This leads into the section of the lesson that deals with the humoral response and students will understand how this involves the antibodies that are produced by the plasma cells that are the result of clonal selection and expansion. The T and B memory cells are also introduced so that students can understand how they are retained in the body even after the pathogen has been overcome and will play a critical role in the development of immunity. This prepares the students for the next lesson about the role of these memory cells in the secondary immune response.
Glucose & ribose (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Glucose & ribose (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the structure of the glucose and ribose as monosaccharides and considers their roles in living organisms. The detailed and engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 1.1 (ii) as detailed in the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and also considers the structure of galactose, fructose and deoxyribose. Students were introduced to carbohydrates and monosaccharides in the previous lesson so this lesson builds on that initial understanding and adds key details to their knowledge of this simplest group. Using the molecular formula of glucose as a guide, students will be given the general formula for the monosaccharides and will learn that deoxyribose is an exception to the rule that the number of carbon and oxygen atoms are equal. Moving forwards, students have to study the displayed formula of glucose for two minutes without being able to note anything down before they are challenged to recreate what they saw in a test of their observational skills. At this point of the lesson, the idea of numbering the carbons is introduced so that the different glycosidic bonds can be understood in an upcoming lesson as well as the recognition of the different isomers of glucose. The difference between alpha and beta-glucose is provided and students are again challenged to draw a molecule of glucose, this time for the beta form. The remainder of the lesson focuses on the roles of the 6 monosaccharides and the final task involves a series of application questions where the students are challenged to suggest why ribose could be considered important for active transport and muscle contraction
Nervous and hormonal control (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

Nervous and hormonal control (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

This fully resourced lesson describes how coordination is brought about through nervous and hormonal control in animals. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been primarily designed to cover point 8.7 of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification but it can also be used as a revision lesson as there are numerous prior knowledge checks of the nervous system, muscle contraction, protein structure and the control of gene expression. The lesson begins by challenging the students to recall that a control system contains sensory receptors, a coordination centre and effectors. The students will learn that the communication between these components is by cell signalling and that the effectors can be muscles which contract or glands that release chemicals. The next part of the lesson looks at the differing responses from the nervous and hormonal systems and discusses how this can be governed by the need for a rapid response or more of a long term effect. In terms of nervous control, the students are challenged on their recall of the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction as covered in topic 7. Moving forwards, the students will learn that hormones can be either peptide or steroid hormones and their action at a target cell differs based on their form. Students are tested on their knowledge of protein structure by a series of exam-style questions on insulin and glucagon. They are reminded that steroid hormones can pass directly through the cell membrane and their knowledge of the control of gene expression by transcription factors is tested through a task involving oestrogen and the ER receptor. The lesson concludes by reminding students that the control of heart rate, as covered in topic 7, is a coordinated response that involves both nervous and hormonal control.
Endocrine communication (OCR A-level Biology)

Endocrine communication (OCR A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the secretion of peptide and steroid hormones by endocrine glands and their differing effects on target cells. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been primarily designed to cover point 5.1.4 (a) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification but also makes clear links to upcoming lessons in this module as well as to topics such as transcription factors which are covered in module 6.1.1 Students should have a base knowledge of the endocrine system from GCSE so this lesson has been planned to build on that knowledge and to add the detail needed at this level. The lesson begins by challenging this knowledge to check that they understand that endocrine glands secrete these hormones directly into the blood. Students will learn that most of the secreted hormones are peptide (or protein) hormones and a series of exam-style questions are used to challenge them on their recall of the structure of insulin as well as to apply their knowledge to questions about glucagon. Moving forwards, the students are reminded that hormones have target cells that have specific receptor sites on their membrane. The relationship between a peptide hormone as a first messenger and a second messenger on the inside of the cell is covered in detail in an upcoming lesson but students are briefly introduced to G proteins and cyclic AMP so they are prepared. The rest of the lesson focuses on steroid hormones and specifically their ability to pass through the membrane of a cell and to bind to transcription factors, as exemplified by oestrogen.
Absorption in the ileum (AQA A-level Biology)

Absorption in the ileum (AQA A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the mechanisms by which the products of digestion are absorbed by the cells lining the ileum. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources are part of the second lesson in a series of 2 which cover the content detailed in point 3.3 of the AQA A-level Biology specification and focuses on the relationship between the structure and function of this section of the small intestine. This lesson has been specifically planned to challenge the students on their understanding of digestion in the mouth, the stomach and the duodenum as covered in the previous lesson and to build on this knowledge to allow them to recognise how the products of digestion are then absorbed in the ileum. Time is taken to describe how the folds of the ileum known as villi and the multiple microvilli found on each villus act to significantly increase the surface area for absorption and the adsorption of enzymes. The mechanism of co-transport was described in topic 2.3 so a series of exam-style questions are then used to check that the students can explain how these proteins are used to absorb monosaccharides and amino acids from the ileum. The remainder of the lesson explains why the formation of micelles is critical for the absorption of monoglycerides and fatty acids
Diffusion & facilitated diffusion (WJEC A-level Biology)

Diffusion & facilitated diffusion (WJEC A-level Biology)

This lesson describes how molecules move across the cell membrane by the transport mechanisms of (simple) diffusion and facilitated diffusion. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources are the first lesson in a series of 4 lessons which have been designed to cover the detail of point [c] in unit 1, topic 3 of the WJEC A-level Biology specification and the factors that increase the rate of diffusion are covered along with the limitations imposed by the phospholipid bilayer and the role of channel and carrier proteins. The structure and properties of cell membranes were described in the lesson covering point (a) of this topic, so this lesson has been written to include continual references to the content of that lesson. This enables links to be made between the movement across a cell membrane with the concentration gradient, the parts of the membrane that are involved and any features that may increase the rate at which the molecules move. A series of questions about the alveoli are used to demonstrate how a large surface area, a short diffusion distance and the maintenance of a steep concentration gradient will increase the rate of simple diffusion. One of two quick quiz rounds is then used to introduce temperature and size of molecule as two further factors that can affect simple diffusion. The remainder of the lesson focuses on facilitated diffusion and describes how transmembrane proteins are needed to move small, polar or large molecules from a high concentration to a lower concentration across a partially permeable membrane
Classification, species and the binomial naming system (WJEC A-level Biology)

Classification, species and the binomial naming system (WJEC A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the classification system, focusing on the biological classification of a species and the 7 taxa found above this lowest taxon. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resource have been designed to cover points (a), (b), (f) & (g) in AS unit 2, topic 1 of the WJEC A-level Biology specification and also describes the binomial naming system which uses the genus and species. The lesson also contains links to upcoming lessons where the three-domain classification system and the characteristics of the five kingdoms are covered. The lesson begins by looking at the meaning of a population in Biology so that the term species can be introduced. A hinny, which is the hybrid offspring of a horse and a donkey, is used to explain how these two organisms must be members of different species because they are unable to produce fertile offspring. Moving forwards, students will learn that classification is a means of organising the variety of life based on relationships between organisms using differences and similarities in phenotypes and in genotypes and is built around the species concept and that in the modern-day classification hierarchy, species is the lowest taxon. A quiz runs throughout the lesson and this particular round will engage the students whilst they learn (or recall) the names of the other 7 taxa and the horse and the donkey from the earlier example are used to complete the hierarchy. Students will understand that the binomial naming system was introduced by Carl Linnaeus to provide a universal name for each species and they will be challenged to apply their knowledge by completing a hierarchy for a modern-day human, by spotting the correct name for an unfamiliar organism and finally by suggesting advantages of this system.
Mammalian gaseous exchange system (OCR A-level Biology A)

Mammalian gaseous exchange system (OCR A-level Biology A)

This lesson describes the structures and functions of the components of the mammalian gaseous exchange system. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 3.1.1 [c] of the OCR A-level Biology A specification and contains links to future topics such as transport in animals as well as prior knowledge checks of their recall of the content of previously covered modules. The lesson is filled with a range of activities such as guided discussion periods, exam-style questions (with markschemes) and quiz competitions and these run alongside the slides containing the detailed A-level Biology content to cover the following features: The incomplete rings of cartilage, ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium and goblet cells in the trachea The narrowing airways of the primary, secondary and tertiary bronchi The elastic fibres and smooth muscle in the terminal and respiratory bronchioles and the change from simple columnar epithelium to simple cuboidal epithelium The large surface area to volume ratio and the simple squamous epithelium of the alveoli The pleural cavity and fluid of the lungs When describing the production of mucus by the goblet cells in the trachea, time is taken to consider cystic fibrosis and the inheritance of this autosomal recessive disorder. Students will be supported in working out genotypes from a pedigree tree to prepare them for module 6.1.2 (Patterns of inheritance)
Transcription (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

Transcription (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

This detailed lesson explains how the process of transcription results in the production of mRNA. Both the detailed PowerPoint and accompanying question worksheet have been designed to cover the first part of points 2.5 (i) & (ii) of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A specification The lesson begins by challenging the students to work out that most of the nuclear DNA in eukaryotes does not actually code for polypeptides. This allows the promoter region and terminator region to be introduced, along with the structural gene. Through the use of an engaging quiz competition, students will learn that the strand of DNA involved in transcription is known as the template (or anti-sense) strand and the other strand is the coding (or sense) strand. Links to previous lesson on the structure of DNA and RNA are made throughout and students are continuously challenged on their prior knowledge as well as their current understanding of the lesson topic. Moving forwards, the actual process of transcription is covered in a 7 step bullet point description where the students are asked to complete each passage using the information previously provided. An exam-style question is used to check on their understanding before the final task of the lesson looks at the journey of mRNA to the ribosome for the next stage of protein synthesis, translation.
Patterns of monohybrid inheritance (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

Patterns of monohybrid inheritance (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

This fully-resourced lesson guides students through the interpretation of genetic pedigree diagrams for the inheritance of a single gene. The clear PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 2.13 (ii) of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A specification and includes the inheritance of multiple allele characteristics as well as those that demonstrate codominance. In order to minimise the likelihood of errors and misconceptions, step by step guides have been included throughout the lesson to support the students with the following: Writing parent genotypes Working out the different gametes that are made following meiosis Interpreting Punnett crosses to work out phenotypic ratios Students can often find pedigree trees the most difficult to interpret and to explain so exemplar answers are used as well as differentiated worksheets provided to support those students who need extra assistance.