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A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.




A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
Immunity & vaccinations (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Immunity & vaccinations (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes how vaccinations are used to control disease and how immunity can be natural, artifical, active and passive. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 6.7 (v) & (vi) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and there is also a description and discussion on the development of herd immunity. The previous lesson finished with a series of exam questions where students observed differences between the primary and secondary immune responses so the start of this lesson uses an imaginary game of TOP TRUMPS to challenge them on the depth of their understanding. This will act to remind them that a larger concentration of antibodies is produced in a quicker time in the secondary response. The importance of antibodies and the production of memory cells for the development of immunity is emphasised and this will be continually referenced as the lesson progresses. The students will learn that this response of the body to a pathogen that has entered the body through natural processes is natural active immunity. Moving forwards, time is taken to look at vaccinations as an example of artificial active immunity. Another series of questions focusing on the MMR vaccine will challenge the students to explain how the deliberate exposure to antigenic material activates the immune response and leads to the retention of memory cells. A quick quiz competition is used to introduce the variety of forms that the antigenic material can take along with examples of diseases that are vaccinated against using these methods. The eradication of smallpox is used to describe the concept of herd immunity and the students are given time to consider the scientific questions and concerns that arise when the use of this pathway is a possible option for a government. The remainder of the lesson looks at the different forms of passive immunity and describes the drawbacks in terms of the need for a full response if a pathogen is re-encountered.
Fast & slow twitch muscle fibres (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

Fast & slow twitch muscle fibres (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the structural and physiological differences between fast and slow twitch muscle fibres. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 7.10 (ii) of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification and due to the obvious links, this lesson also challenges the students on their knowledge of respiration from earlier in topic 7 and cell structures and biological molecules from topics 1, 2 and 3 The following structural and physiological characteristics are covered over the course of this lesson: Reliance on the aerobic or anaerobic pathways to generate ATP Resistance to fatigue mitochondrial density capillary density myoglobin content (and colour) fibre diameter phosphocreatine content glycogen content A wide variety of tasks are used to cover this content and include knowledge recall and application of knowledge exam-style questions with fully-displayed mark schemes as well as quick quiz competitions to maintain motivation and engagement. This lesson has been specifically planned to tie in with the previous lesson in this topic covering the contraction of skeletal muscles by the sliding filament mechanism
Testing for carbohydrates (CIE A-level Biology)

Testing for carbohydrates (CIE A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the methods used to test for reducing and non-reducing sugars and starch using Benedict’s solution and iodine/potassium iodide. The PowerPoint and accompanying resource are part of the first lesson in a series of 2 which have been designed to cover the content of point 2.1 (a) of the CIE A-level Biology specification. The lesson begins with an explanation of the difference between a qualitative and quantitative test to allow the students to understand that the two tests described within this lesson indicate the presence of a substance but not how much. The students are likely to have met these tests during their studies at a lower level so this lesson has been planned to build on that knowledge and to add the knowledge needed at this level. A step by step guide walks the students through each stage of the tests for reducing and non-reducing sugars and application of knowledge questions are included at appropriate points to ensure that understanding is complete. Time is also taken to ensure that students understand the Science behind the results. The rest of the lesson focuses on the iodine test for starch and the students will learn that the colour change is the result of the movement of an ion into the amylose helix. As this is the first lesson in topic 2 (Biological molecules), students are yet to learn about the structure and function of the carbohydrates which these tests detect. Therefore, included in the PowerPoint are numerous “LINK TO THE FUTURE” slides, where important details about the structure and function of the monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides are introduced.
Molecular phylogeny & new taxonomic groups (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

Molecular phylogeny & new taxonomic groups (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

This lesson describes how the critical evaluation of new data by the scientific community leads to new taxonomic groupings, like the three domains of life. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 4.6 (ii) of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification and focuses on the introduction of the three-domain system following Carl Woese’s detailed study of the ribosomal RNA gene. The lesson begins with an introduction of Woese and goes on to describe how he is most famous for his definition of the Archaea as a new domain of life. Students were introduced to domains and the other classification taxa in a previous lesson, so their recall of this knowledge is continually tested and built upon as details are added. Students will discover the key differences between Archaea and Bacteria that led to the splitting of the prokaryotae kingdom and the addition of this higher classification rank. Moving forwards, the rest of the lesson describes how molecular phylogeny uses other molecules and that these are compared between species for classification purposes. One of these is a protein called cytochrome which is involved in respiration and can be compared in terms of primary structure to determine relationships. At this point in the lesson, the students are also tested on their knowledge of the nature of the genetic code (as covered in topic 2) and have to explain how mutations to DNA can also be used for comparative purposes.
Classification hierarchy (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

Classification hierarchy (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

This lesson describes the classification system, focusing on the biological classification of a species and the 7 taxa found above this lowest taxon. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resource have been designed to cover point 4.6 (i) of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification and also describes the binomial naming system which uses the genus and species. The lesson also contains links to upcoming lessons where molecular phylogeny is described and the three-domain system is covered in greater detail with a focus on the results of Carl Woese’s rRNA study The lesson begins by looking at the meaning of a population in Biology so that the term species can be introduced. A hinny, which is the hybrid offspring of a horse and a donkey, is used to explain how these two organisms must be members of different species because they are unable to produce fertile offspring. Moving forwards, students will learn that classification is a means of organising the variety of life based on relationships between organisms using differences and similarities in phenotypes and in genotypes and is built around the species concept and that in the modern-day classification hierarchy, species is the lowest taxon. A quiz runs throughout the lesson and this particular round will engage the students whilst they learn (or recall) the names of the other 7 taxa and the horse and the donkey from the earlier example are used to complete the hierarchy. Students will understand that the binomial naming system was introduced by Carl Linnaeus to provide a universal name for each species and they will be challenged to apply their knowledge by completing a hierarchy for a modern-day human, by spotting the correct name for an unfamiliar organism and finally by suggesting advantages of this system.
Gross structure of the human gas exchange system (CIE A-level Biology)

Gross structure of the human gas exchange system (CIE A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the gross structure of the human gas exchange system and the functions of the structural components like goblet cells. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 9.1 (a & c) of the CIE A-level Biology specification and has been specifically planned to prepare students for an upcoming lesson where the gas exchange between the alveoli and the blood is described. The lesson is filled with a range of activities such as guided discussion periods, exam-style questions (with markschemes) and quiz competitions and these run alongside the slides containing the detailed A-level Biology content to cover the following features: The incomplete rings of cartilage, ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium and goblet cells in the trachea The narrowing airways of the primary, secondary and tertiary bronchi The elastic fibres and smooth muscle in the terminal and respiratory bronchioles The pleural cavity and fluid of the lungs When describing the production of mucus by the goblet cells in the trachea, time is taken to consider cystic fibrosis and the inheritance of this autosomal recessive disorder. Students will be supported in working out genotypes from a pedigree tree to prepare them for topic 16 (Inherited change)
OCR GCSE Combined Science Paper 4 REVISION (Chemistry topics C4-C6)

OCR GCSE Combined Science Paper 4 REVISION (Chemistry topics C4-C6)

A fully resourced revision lesson that uses a combination of exam questions, understanding checks, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within topics C4 - C6 of the OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science specification that can be assessed in PAPER 4 The topics covered are: C4: Predicting and identifying reactions and products C5: Monitoring and controlling chemical reactions C6: Global challenges Students will be engaged through the numerous quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which require further attention
Biological polymers

Biological polymers

A resourced lesson which looks at a number of examples of biological polymers. The lesson includes an engaging lesson presentation (40 slides) and a couple of worksheets to be used in the understanding check task. The starter activity challenges the students to use their Chemistry knowledge to come up with the abbreviation DNA. They will learn the key details of this polynucleotide and then time and focus is given to the nitrogenous bases and how they bond between the two strands. Moving forwards, students will be shown the next biological polymer that is a polypeptide. They are briefly shown how to draw a block diagram to represent the chain of amino acids. The final polymer are carbohydrates and students will learn how glycogen, starch and cellulose are formed from glucose monomers. Regular progress checks are written into the lesson at regular intervals to allow the students to check their understanding and ask questions. This lesson has been written for GCSE students
The properties of WATER

The properties of WATER

This is an engaging and informative lesson that looks at the properties of water and challenges students to be able to explain how these properties are related to the numerous functions of this biological molecule. This lesson focuses on the link between properties and functions which is the area where students commonly struggle. A range of tasks and activities, including a quick competition are used to introduce the different properties and the key terms and then time is taken to look at how this property enables water to be used for a range of functions. Students will learn that water has both a high specific heat capacity and a high latent heat of vaporisation and be able to explain why this is important. Water is a crucial solvent which enables it to perform many roles in living organisms and these are explored. Progress checks are written into the lesson at regular intervals so that students can constantly assess their understanding and build on any knowledge that was there from GCSE.
The Autonomic Nervous System

The Autonomic Nervous System

This is an engaging lesson that looks at the structures and actions of the two parts of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and shows students where this particular system fits into the whole organisation of the nervous system. The lesson begins by introducing the students to the idea that motor neurones are not simply somatic motor neurones but will actually be classified as autonomic motor neurones if they innervate the involuntary muscles. A range of tasks, progress checks and quick competitions are used during the lesson to engage the students in this topic and show them how it relates to other topics such as motor neurones and neurotransmitters. Key terminology is used throughout, such as ganglions, so that students can recognise and access the marks if an exam question on this topic arises. This lesson has been written for A-level students
Structure of RNA (OCR A-level Biology)

Structure of RNA (OCR A-level Biology)

This lesson focuses on the structure of RNA and specifically the similarities and differences between this nucleic acid and DNA so that students are prepared for the upcoming lessons on transcription and translation. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resource have been designed to cover part 1 of point 2.1.3 (g) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification which states that students should be able to describe the structure of molecules of messenger RNA, transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA. Students were introduced to nucleotides and the detailed structure of DNA in previous lessons, so this lesson is written to tie in with those and continuously challenge prior knowledge as well as understanding of the current topic. The lesson begins by reminding students that RNA is a member of the family of nucleic acids and therefore has a number of structural features that are commonly shared with DNA. A quiz round called “A FAMILY AFFAIR” is used to challenge their knowledge of DNA to recognise those features that are also found on RNA such as the chain of linked nucleotides, pentose sugars, nitrogenous bases and phosphodiester bonds. The next task pushes them to consider features that have not been mentioned and therefore are differences as they answer a structured exam-style question on how RNA differs from DNA. Students will learn that RNA is shorter than DNA and this leads into the final part of the lesson where mRNA and tRNA are introduced and again they are challenged to use the new information explain the difference in size. Brief details of transcription and then translation are provided so that students are prepared for the upcoming lessons on protein synthesis.
Condensation polymers

Condensation polymers

This is an engaging lesson that looks at a range of condensation polymers that are formed by condensation reactions. The lesson includes a detailed lesson presentation (51 slides) and accompanying worksheets which contain a differentiated task. The lesson begins by providing the students with a definition of a condensation reaction and challenging them to predict the identity of the smaller molecule. Moving forwards, students will learn that as well as water being a product, the larger molecule is known as a condensation polymer. Time is taken to look at a range of condensation polymers throughout the course of the lesson, and this includes both natural and artificial examples. Students are shown how to draw block diagrams to visualise how the functional groups react and then once water is removed, they are able to see the group that remains and joins the parts together. Students are shown how to name the ester formed according to the carboxylic acid and alcohol involved. The final part of the lesson involves a summary quiz called “It’s time to take the POLYGRAPH” where they have to read a number of passages about condensation polymers and decide which ones are telling lies and which are the truth. This lesson has been written for GCSE students
OCR GCSE Physics A Topic 4 REVISION (Magnetism and magnetic fields)

OCR GCSE Physics A Topic 4 REVISION (Magnetism and magnetic fields)

This is a fully-resourced REVISION lesson which uses a range of exam questions, understanding checks, quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable students to assess their understanding of the content within topic 4 (Magnetism and magnetic fields) of the OCR GCSE Physics A 9-1 specification. The specification points that are covered in this revision lesson include: Describe the attraction and repulsion between unlike and like poles for permanent magnets Describe the difference between permanent and induced magnets Explain how the behaviour of a magnetic (dipping) compass is related to evidence that the core of the Earth must be magnetic Apply: force on a conductor (at right angles to a magnetic field) carrying a current = magnetic flux density x current x length Apply: potential difference across primary coil (V)/potential difference across secondary coil (V) = number of turns in primary coil / number of turns in secondary coil Describe how a magnet and a current-carrying conductor exert a force on one another Show that Fleming’s left-hand rule represents the relative orientations of the force, the current and the magnetic field Explain how the force exerted from a magnet and a current-carrying conductor is used to cause rotation in electric motors Explain the action of a loudspeaker and headphones Of all of the Physics topics, this one tends to be one of the least well understood. Therefore, time has been taken to not only make this an engaging revision lesson but to go into detail on some of the topics which are commonly assessed in the exams. LInks have also been made to topic 3 (electricity) as these can often be combined in questions on Paper 1. This lesson can be used as revision resource at the end of the topic or in the lead up to mocks or the actual GCSE exams
Diabetes mellitus Type I and II

Diabetes mellitus Type I and II

This is a fast-paced lesson which uses a range of tasks and quick competitions to compare the diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of Diabetes mellitus Type I and II. Students are continually challenged throughout the lesson to build and deepen their knowledge of these conditions and consider how they can be controlled through hormone injections or lifestyle changes. Clear links are made to related topics such as auto-immune diseases and the endocrine system and progress checks have been written into the lesson to allow students to assess their understanding of all of these topics. The final part of the lesson involves the students writing a letter to an individual who has type II, explaining how this diagnosis was done, giving details of the condition and recommending lifestyle changes. This task is differentiated so that students who are finding it difficult can still access the learning. This lesson has been written for A-level students. If you are looking for a lesson for younger students on this topic, then my other upload “Diabetes Type I and II” will be more suitable.
Structures involved in MOVEMENT (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

Structures involved in MOVEMENT (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

This lesson describes how muscles, tendons, the skeleton and ligaments interact to enable movement. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 7.1 of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification and also includes descriptions of antagonistic muscle pairs, extensors and flexors. At the start of the lesson, the prep room skeleton is used as the example to show that bones without muscles are bones that are unable to move (unaided). Moving forwards, the students will learn that skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibres known as tendons and as they covered the relationship between the structure and function of collagen in topic 2, a task is used that challenges their recall of these details. This will allow them to recognise that the ability of this fibrous protein to withstand tension is important for the transmission of the force from the muscle to pull on the moveable bone. A series of quick quiz competitions introduce the key terms of flexion and antagonistic and then an exam-style question challenges them to recognise the structures involved in extension at the elbow. The remainder of the lesson focuses on the role of ligaments and one final example of extension at the knee joint will demonstrate how the interaction of all of the structures met over the course of the lesson is needed for movement
Contraception (Edexcel GCSE Biology & Combined Science)

Contraception (Edexcel GCSE Biology & Combined Science)

This engaging and detailed lesson has been written to cover the content of points 7.6 & 7.7 (The hormonal and barrier methods of contraception) as detailed in the Edexcel GCSE Biology & Combined Science specifications. This is a topic which can be difficult to teach due to the awkwardness of a class or students believing that they already know all of the information without really knowing the detail which is laid out in the specification. With this in mind, a wide range of activities have been included in the lesson to maintain motivation whilst ensuring that this important detail is covered. Students will learn about a range of hormonal methods including oral contraceptives and progesterone patches and how these methods influence the menstrual cycle. Barrier methods are also discussed and their effectiveness considered. Time is taken to look at alternative methods such as abstaining from sexual intercourse before and after ovulation and sterilisation. Due to the clear link to the topic of the menstrual cycle, previous knowledge checks are written into the lesson and challenge the students on their knowledge of FSH, LH, oestrogen and progesterone. There are also mathematical skills check so that students are prepared for the added mathematical element in this course. This lesson has been written for GCSE-aged students who are studying on the Edexcel GCSE Biology or Combined Science courses but is suitable for younger students who are looking at contraception in their Science lessons
Assisted Reproductive Technology (Edexcel GCSE Biology & Combined Science HT)

Assisted Reproductive Technology (Edexcel GCSE Biology & Combined Science HT)

This resource has been designed to cover the higher tier content of specification point 7.8 as detailed in the Edexcel GCSE Biology & Combined Science specifications. The lesson takes the format of a day at a fertility clinic and students will see how three couples, who are at different stages of their currently unsuccessful journey to getting pregnant, are advised and the treatments that could be on offer to them. Discussion points are included throughout the lesson to encourage the students to talk about the Biology and to allow any misconceptions to be addressed if and when they arise. In addition, previous knowledge checks are regular so that the links between this topic and earlier ones such as the hormones in the menstrual cycle and contraception can be made. Students will be introduced to the abbreviation ART before learning how clomifene is used to treat infertility in women do not ovulate. Time is taken to explore alternative fertility drugs and students are challenged to explain why FSH and LH would be the reproductive hormones contained in these substances. The main focus of the lesson is IVF treatment and the main task culminates with students gaining a number of key points in the for and against argument before being challenged to continue this as a set homework in the form of an evaluation. Quiz competitions are used to introduce key terms in a fun and memorable way and the final task is a mathematical skills check where students will be able to compare the high number of multiple births that are associated with this treatment as compared to the number from natural births. This lesson has been designed for students studying the Edexcel GCSE Biology or Combined Science course but is also suitable for older students who are looking at this topic
Control of body temperature (AQA GCSE Biology)

Control of body temperature (AQA GCSE Biology)

The engaging Powerpoint and accompanying worksheet which come as part of this lesson resource have been designed to cover specification point 5.2.4 (Control of body temperature) as detailed in the AQA GCSE Biology specification. A wide range of activities which include Biology and Maths tasks and quiz competitions are interspersed with understanding and prior knowledge checks so that students are engaged and motivated whilst learning the key content in a memorable way and checking their progress. Students will learn that the body temperature is maintained at 37 degrees celsuis by a homeostatic control system called thermoregulation and will be challenged to recall the topic of enzymes to explain why this is so important. Time is taken to look at the responses brought about the effectors such as vasodilation and shivering and students will recognise how these lead a decrease or increase in body temperature back to the set point. Links are also made between the Sciences so that there is a deeper understanding of exactly why sweating cools the body down. This lesson has been designed for students studying the AQA GCSE Biology course but is suitable for older students who are studying Biology at A-level and need to recall the key details of thermoregulation.
Gene interactions (CIE International A-level Biology)

Gene interactions (CIE International A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson explores how the presence of particular alleles at one locus can mask the expression of alleles at a second locus in gene interactions. The detailed and engaging PowerPoint and associated resources have been designed to cover the part of point 16.2 (b) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to use genetic diagrams to solve problems that involve gene interactions. This is a topic which students tend to find difficult, and therefore the lesson was written to split the topic into small chunks where examples of dominant, recessive and complimentary gene interactions are considered, discussed at length and then explained. Understanding checks, in various forms, are included throughout the lesson so that students can assess their progress and any misconceptions are immediately addressed. There are regular links to related topics such as dihybrid inheritance so that students can meet the challenge of interpreting genotypes and link to the different types of interactions
Respiratory substrates and quotient (CIE International A-level Biology)

Respiratory substrates and quotient (CIE International A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson explores how glucose as well as the other respiratory substrates, such as lipids and proteins, can enter the respiratory pathway and therefore can be respired to produce molecules of ATP. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 12.1 (f) and (g) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to explain the relative energy values of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and be able to determine respiratory quotients from equations. This lesson has been written to challenge current understanding as well as introduce details of glycolysis, the link reaction and Krebs cycle as these stages have yet to be covered fully. Students will learn that lipids and proteins can be used as respiratory substrates and will recognise the different ways that they enter the respiratory pathway. A quick quiz competition is used to introduce the relative energy value for carbohydrates and students are challenged to predict how the values for lipids and proteins will compare. As a result, students will recognise that a greater number of hydrogen atoms results in a greater availability of protons to form the proton gradient to fuel the production of ATP. The rest of the lesson focuses on the calculation of the respiratory quotient and time is taken to look at how the result can be interpreted to determine which substrates were respired.