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A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.




A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
Sampling techniques

Sampling techniques

A fully-resourced lesson that looks at the different sampling methods that can be used to estimate the populations of animals and plants in a habitat and to analyse how their distribution is affected, The lesson includes a detailed and engaging lesson presentation (56 slides) and differentiated worksheets so that students of different abilities are challenged and can access the work. The lesson begins by looking at the use of a quadrat to estimate the population of plants in a habitat. There is a focus on the mathematical calculations associated with the method and students are given hints and worked examples so that any common misconceptions are addressed. Moving forwards, students are introduced to the capture-mark-recapture technique to sample animals. The rest of the lesson looks at alternative pieces of apparatus, such as the sweep net, and discusses situations when these would be used. This lesson has been written for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK) but is appropriate for both younger students who are learning about ecology and also for A-level students who need a recap on this topic.
OCR A-level Biology Module 3 REVISION (Exchange and Transport)

OCR A-level Biology Module 3 REVISION (Exchange and Transport)

A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 3 (Exchange and transport) of the OCR A-level Biology specification. The topics tested within this lesson include: Exchange surfaces Mammalian gaseous exchange system Tissues in the gaseous exchange system Transport in animals Blood vessels Exchange at the capillaries ECG Transport of oxygen Transport in plants Transport tissues Movement of water through plants Transpiration Translocation Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
OCR A-level Biology Module 6.1.3 Manipulating Genomes) REVISION

OCR A-level Biology Module 6.1.3 Manipulating Genomes) REVISION

An engaging lesson presentation (43 slides) that uses exam questions, quick tasks and competitions to enable students to assess their understanding of the topics within module 6.1.3 of the OCR A-Level Biology A specification. All of the exam questions have displayed mark schemes and explanations so that students can recognise any errors or misconceptions. Competition rounds included in this lesson are "From numbers 2 letters" and "Is this SEQUENCED correctly".
Irradiation and contamination

Irradiation and contamination

This is a fully-resourced lesson that explores the meaning of irradiation and contamination and challenges the students to make links to the different types of radiation in order to state which type of radiation is most dangerous outside of the body and inside the body. This lesson includes an engaging lesson presentation (28 slides) and a differentiated worksheet which gives assistance to those students who find the task of writing the letter difficult. The lesson has been written to include real life examples to try to make the subject matter more relevant to the students. Therefore, whilst meeting the term contamination, they will briefly read about the incident with Alexander Litvinenko in 2006 to understand how the radiation entered the body. Moving forwards, students will learn that there are examples of consensual contamination such as the injection of an isotope to act as a tracer. At this point of the lesson, links are made to the topic of decay and half-lives and students are challenged to pick an appropriate isotope based on the half-life and then to write a letter to the patient explaining why they made their choice. The remainder of the lesson challenges students to decide which type or types of radiation are most dangerous when an individual is irradiated or contaminated and to explain their answers. This type of progress check can be found throughout the lesson along with a number of quick competitions which act to maintain engagement as well as introduce new terms. This lesson has been written for GCSE aged students
AQA Unit P5 Forces REVISION (Combined Science)

AQA Unit P5 Forces REVISION (Combined Science)

An engaging lesson presentation (84 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within unit P5 (Forces) of the AQA GCSE Combined Science specification (specification point P6.5). The topics that are tested within the lesson include: Gravity Speed Velocity Acceleration Newton’s laws Forces and braking Momentum Conservation of momentum Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like “Can you go the DISTANCE” whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention
OCR A-level Biology Module 6.1.2 REVISION (Patterns of inheritance)

OCR A-level Biology Module 6.1.2 REVISION (Patterns of inheritance)

A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 6.1.2 (Patterns of inheritance) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification. The topics tested within this lesson include: Genetic variation Monogenic inheritance Dihybrid inheritance Multiple alleles Sex linkage Codominance Epistasis Using the chi-squared test Discontinuous and continuous variation The Hardy Weinberg principle Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
AQA GCSE Science C3 REVISION (Quantitative chemistry)

AQA GCSE Science C3 REVISION (Quantitative chemistry)

An engaging lesson presentation (63 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within the Chemistry unit C3 (Quantitative chemistry) of the AQA GCSE Combined Science specification (specification point C5.3). The lesson includes useful hints and tips to encourage success in assessments. For example, students are shown how to recognise whether to use Avogadro’s constant or the moles formula in a moles calculation question. The topics that are tested within the lesson include: Conservation of mass and balanced symbol equations Relative formula mass Mass changes when a reactant or product is a gas Moles Amounts of substances in equations Concentration of solutions Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like “Number CRAZY” and “Are you on FORM” whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention


A fully-resourced lesson that looks at the topic of osmosis and how the movement of water between a cell and the solution can affect the appearance of an animal and a plant cell. This lesson includes a detailed and engaging lesson presentation (42 slides) and differentiated worksheets that include exam questions that can be set as homework. There is a lot of key terminology associated with this topic and time is taken to ensure that students understand the meaning of each of these terms before moving forwards. Students are introduced to the different types of solutions and then a step-by-step guide is used to show them how to compare the water potential of the solution and the cell and then how this will determine which was water moves. The main task is differentiated so that students are challenged and can access the work. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK) but is also suitable for A-level students
Inheritance of dominant and recessive alleles

Inheritance of dominant and recessive alleles

A detailed lesson presentation and associated question worksheet which uses a step by step guide and numerous worked examples to show students how to draw genetic crosses to calculate offspring percentages. Before students are able to draw genetic diagrams, they need to understand and be able to use genetic terminology so this is the focus for the start of the lesson. Time is taken to go over the meaning of dominant and recessive alleles, genotypes and phenotypes. Moving forwards, students will be challenged to link genotypes to phenotypes for both dominant and recessive disorders and common misconceptions such as carriers in recessive disorders are explained. Finally, a 5 step guide is used to walk students through drawing genetic diagrams. Students are then given a chance to apply their new-found knowledge to questions about the inheritance of cystic fibrosis and polydactyly. Progress checks have been written into the lesson at regular intervals so that students can assess their understanding. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students but is perfectly suitable for A-level students who are studying the topic of monogenic inheritance
OCR A-level Biology Module 5.1.5 REVISION (Plant and Animal responses)

OCR A-level Biology Module 5.1.5 REVISION (Plant and Animal responses)

A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 5.1.5 (Plant and animal responses) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification. The topics tested within this lesson include: Investigating tropisms The mammalian nervous system The brain Reflex actions Controlling heart rate Muscle Muscle contraction Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
Radioactivity REVISION (Edexcel GCSE Physics Topic 6)

Radioactivity REVISION (Edexcel GCSE Physics Topic 6)

This is a highly engaging, detailed and fully-resourced revision lesson which has been designed to test the students on their knowledge and understanding of topic 6 (Radioactivity) of the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Physics specification. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources contain a wide range of resources which include exam-style questions with fully-explained answers, differentiated tasks and quick quiz competitions. The students will be motivated by the range of tasks whilst crucially recognising those areas of the specification which require some extra time before the exams The following specification points are covered in this lesson: Describe the structure of atom and recall the typical size Recall the relative masses and charges of the subatomic particles and use the number of protons and electrons to explain why atoms are neutral Describe the structure of the nuclei of an isotope Explain what is meant by background radiation and recall sources Describe methods for measuring and detecting radioactivity Describe the process of beta minus and beta plus decay Write and balance nuclear decay equations Explain the effects on the proton and nucleon number as a result of decay Recall that the unit of radioactivity is Bq Use the concept of half-life to carry out calculations Describe the use of isotopes in PET scanners Describe the differences between nuclear fission and fusion Explain how the fission of U-235 produces two daughter nuclei, two or three neutrons and releases energy Describe the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy Explain why nuclear fusion cannot happen at low temperatures and pressures It is estimated that it will take in excess of 2 hours of GCSE teaching to cover the detail of this lesson and it can be used for effective revision at the end of the topic or in the lead up to mock or terminal exams.
Plant diseases

Plant diseases

A really engaging and detailed lesson presentation (44 slides) and associated differentiated worksheets that looks at communicable diseases in plants and challenges students to diagnose these diseases in plants. During the lesson the students will take on the role of the “Treeage” (triage) nurse and have to direct each plant to the correct ward in the “CASUALTREE” according to the pathogen which has infected them. They will also have to explain how the symptoms which they have identified were caused and explain the future for this plant, during their time as the “Tree surgeon”. The three diseases included in the lesson are tobacco mosaic virus, crown gall disease and powdery mildew disease. There are regular progress checks throughout the lesson so that students can assess their understanding and there is a set homework included as part of the lesson. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students but is also suitable for A-level students looking at the communicable diseases topic
Eukaryotic cells (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Eukaryotic cells (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the ultrastructure of an eukaryotic cell and describes the relationship between the structure and function of the organelles. The detailed and engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 2.1 (v) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification As cells are the building blocks of living organisms, it makes sense that they would be heavily involved in all of the 10 topics in the Edexcel A-level B course and intricate planning has ensured that links are made to topic 1 and details are provided to link to the upcoming topics. A wide range of activities, that include exam-style questions, class discussion points and quick quiz competitions, will maintain motivation and engagement whilst covering the finer details of the following structures and organelles: nucleus nucleolus ribosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus lysosomes smooth endoplasmic reticulum mitochondria cell surface membrane centrioles vacuole (+ tonoplast) chloroplasts cell wall As mentioned above, all of the worksheets have been differentiated to support students of differing abilities whilst maintaining challenge Due to the detail that is included in this lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 3 hours of allocated A-level teaching time to cover the work
Enzymes and enzyme action

Enzymes and enzyme action

An engaging and detailed lesson presentation (53 slides) and associated worksheets that looks at the properties and functions of enzymes and explores how the rate of enzyme-controlled reactions changes with changes in conditions. The lesson begins by using a quick quiz competition to introduce the key terms of active site and substrate. Diagrams accompany the important descriptions so that students can visualise how enzymes are specific to a single substrate and will form enzyme-substrate complexes with only them. Emil Fischer’s lock and key hypothesis is briefly discussed so that the correlation between the hypothesis and key terms can be made. Students are shown how most enzymes or groups of enzymes can be named by remembering two rules and they will be tested on this through a second competition. At this point, a progress check is used to allow the students to assess their understanding and ability to bring the information together for enzyme function. The rest of the lesson looks at how changing the temperature and pH will affect the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction. Students will meet the graph shapes that accompany both of these factors and then are helped with the explanation of the trend which is normally poorly done in exam questions. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students.
Non-communicable diseases

Non-communicable diseases

An informative lesson presentation (38 slides) that looks at a range of non-communicable diseases and also explores how risk factors can increase the chances of an individual having one of these diseases. The lesson begins by looking at CHD so that students can recognise that this is a non-communicable disease and check on their understanding of this key term. Moving forwards, a step by step question and answer format is used to show students how to form a long answer. Key terminology such as thrombosis and atherosclerosis are introduced using quick quiz competitions which act to maintain the engagement. The rest of the lesson focuses on a range of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and time is taken to deepen knowledge of the human anatomy by challenging students to link the names of arteries to the organs that they supply. Progress checks have been written into the lesson at regular intervals so that students can constantly assess their understanding and any misconceptions can be addressed. This lesson has been written for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK)
Free body diagrams and resultant forces

Free body diagrams and resultant forces

An informative lesson which guides students through the commonly misunderstood topic of drawing free body diagrams and using them to calculate resultant forces. The lesson begins by ensuring that students understand that force is a vector quantity and therefore arrows in diagrams can be used to show the magnitude and direction. Drawing free body diagrams is poorly understood and therefore time is taken to go through the three key steps in drawing these diagrams. Each of these steps is demonstrated in a number of examples, so students are able to visualise how to construct the diagrams before they are given the opportunity to apply their new-found knowledge. The rest of the lesson focuses on calculating resultant forces when the forces act in the same plane and also when they are at angles to each other. Again, worked examples are shown before students are challenged to apply. Progress checks are written into the lesson at regular intervals so that students can constantly assess their understanding and any misconceptions can be addressed. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students
Contact and non-contact FORCES

Contact and non-contact FORCES

An engaging and informative lesson presentation (49 slides) looks at the differences between contact and non-contact forces and focuses on enabling students to describe and recognise them. This lesson has been written for GCSE students but could be used in higher ability KS3 lessons with students who are looking to progress their knowledge. The lesson begins by introducing the fact that forces can be grouped into these two categories and initial definitions are used to ease the students into the lesson. To follow on from this a competition called “FORCE it together” is used. This engaging game challenges the students to spot the name of a force which is in anagram form and then once it has been identified, they have to determine whether it would be a contact or non-contact force. As each force is met, key details are given and discussed. More time is given to areas which can cause problems for students, such as the use of weight and gravity force and whether they are actually different. Moving forwards, a rugby tackle is used to show the numerous forces that interact in everyday situations, before students are challenged to identify more forces in sports of their choice. Students will recall/learn that force is a vector quantity and therefore is represented in diagrams using arrows. Once again, this lesson focuses on showing them how these arrows can be used differently with the different types of forces. Students are briefly introduced to the idea of a free body diagram and an understanding check is used to see whether they can identify friction, gravity force and normal contact force from the arrows. Progress checks like this are written into the lesson at regular intervals, in a range of formats, so that students are constantly assessing their understanding. The final part of the lesson is one more quick competition where students have to use their knowledge of the forces to form words.
AQA GCSE Combined Science Paper 1 REVISION (Biology topics B1 - B4)

AQA GCSE Combined Science Paper 1 REVISION (Biology topics B1 - B4)

This is a fully-resourced REVISION lesson that consists of an engaging PowerPoint (154 slides) and associated worksheets that challenge the students on their knowledge of topics B1 - B4 (Cell Biology, Organisation, Infection and response and Bioenergetics) of the AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy specification and can be assessed on PAPER 1. A wide range of activities have been written into the lesson to maintain motivation and these tasks include exam questions (with answers), understanding checks, differentiated tasks and quiz competitions. The lesson has been designed to include as much which of the content that can be assessed in paper, but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention: Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells Structure of a bacterium The functions of the components of blood Specialised cells Active transport Osmosis Structure of DNA Mitosis and the cell cycle Functions of the organelles of animal and plant cells Electron microscopy Calculating size Arteries and veins The risk factors of CHD CHD treatments The structure of the heart Bacterial, fungal and viral diseases The mathematic elements of the Combined Science specification are challenged throughout the resource. Due to the size of this resource, it is likely that teachers will choose to use it over the course of a number of lessons and it is suitable for use in the lead up to the mocks or in the lead up to the actual GCSE exams.
OCR Gateway A GCSE Biology B6 (Global challenges) REVISION

OCR Gateway A GCSE Biology B6 (Global challenges) REVISION

This engaging lesson presentation (57 slides) and associated worksheets uses exam questions with displayed mark schemes, quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module B6 of the OCR Gateway A GCSE Biology specification. The topics which are specifically tested within the lesson include: Genetic engineering, Health and disease, Spread of communicable diseases and preventing the spread, Non-communicable diseases, Treating CVD, Monoclonal antibodies and Modern advances in medicine Students will enjoy the competitions such as "Is this ENGINEERED correctly" and "From NUMBERS 2 LETTERS" whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need their further attention
AQA GCSE Biology Unit B5 (Homeostasis and response) REVISION

AQA GCSE Biology Unit B5 (Homeostasis and response) REVISION

An engaging lesson presentation (88 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within unit B5 of the AQA GCSE Biology specification. The topics that are tested within the lesson include: Homeostasis Structure and function of the nervous system Control of body temperature Human endocrine system Control of blood glucose concentration Maintaining water balance in the body Hormones in human reproduction Contraception The use of hormones to treat infertility Negative feedback Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like "Have they got the right BALANCE?" and "Take the IVF Hotseat" whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention