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Great quality assessment & lesson resources!
GCSE Year 10 MOCK Chemistry Exam

GCSE Year 10 MOCK Chemistry Exam

The topics assessed in this test are: Unit 1: Atomic Structure & Periodic Table Unit 2: Bonding & Structure Unit 3: Quantitative Chemistry Unit 4: Acids & Alkalis The mark scheme has also been attached with a suggested grade boundaries section. Please note: this test is not representative of a whole GCSE Chemistry paper, so these grades and boundaries are only predicted ones. Any comments, please type them below!
Useful GCSE Maths Formulae

Useful GCSE Maths Formulae

The attached document has got a few of the formulae that students need to remember for the GCSE Maths exams. The formulae listed here are all to do with Geometry and Measures, circles and Pythagoras and Trigonometry.
KS4 Biology Y10 Practise Paper

KS4 Biology Y10 Practise Paper

The attached document has got 4 exam-style questions, all from past exam papers. This practise paper is for the AQA exam board, and all questions have been taken from their past papers. The topics assessed in this paper are: Cell biology Organisation Infection and Response This is a very useful resource for revision and classroom assessment. The paper has been designed so that it should take students 55-60 minutes to complete. Students with extra time can have 10-15 minutes more to complete the exam. The marking schemes have been attached for each question (which has been directly copied from AQA’s website). Sources: Q1-3: AQA past paper - Paper 1 November 2020. Q4: StudyMind GCSE practise questions.
GCSE AQA Physics 4.1 Atomic Structure Revision

GCSE AQA Physics 4.1 Atomic Structure Revision

This mind-map is the perfect revision tool for upcoming tests on 4.1 Atomic Structure. The branches of the map have every lesson in the unit, so there is maximum amount of revision happening in one sheet. This is best to be printed out on an A3 page, but A4 works just as well. Hope you find it useful!
Charge of the Light Brigade -  Extended Writing Question

Charge of the Light Brigade - Extended Writing Question

For this assessment, you must have with you a pen and a copy of the poem, ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’. This assessment will be testing your knowledge of the poem as a whole and will be testing your ability to critically analyse the meaning of certain phrases in the poem. This question paper consists of one extended-writing question to answer, and this question will be out of 30 marks. You will be assessed on your quality of writing and content, each contributing to 50% of your total mark. You will be allowed to spend 35 minutes on this assessment. Should you require more paper to write on, please let your exam invigilator know.
Y10 Mathematics Term 2 Assessment

Y10 Mathematics Term 2 Assessment

This assessment examines students’ knowledge on Trigonometry, Angle Facts and using the Sine and Cosine rules to solve problems and calculate are. This resource is best used as a formal assessment for teachers to understand how well their students can apply their knowledge to real exam-style questions. Mark scheme for this ssessment will be attached soon.
Year 10 Biology Assessment: Organisation (Humans and Plants)

Year 10 Biology Assessment: Organisation (Humans and Plants)

This test covers all of the Organisation unit in the GCSE AQA Biology Spec. There is also a PowerPoint attached, which includes an ‘Exam Conditions’ slide and the Mark Scheme for the whole exam. You can use this to go through with students the correct answers, or you can mark the answers yourself with the MS.
Poetry Comparisons: Charge of the Light Brigade & Exposure GCSE

Poetry Comparisons: Charge of the Light Brigade & Exposure GCSE

The attached resource is an example essay answer to the following question: TO WHAT EXTENT DOES BOTH ‘CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE’ AND ‘EXPOSURE’ EXPLORE THE HORRORS OF WAR? This is a useful resource to use with your GCSE English Literature classes, especially if you’ve just finished the two poems above.
Y10 Chemistry Assessment: Bonding & Structure

Y10 Chemistry Assessment: Bonding & Structure

The topics included in this assessment are: Electronic Structure of Elements Particle Models Ionic Compounds and Electronic Structure Structures of different compounds Alloys, Allotropes and Bonding Structure of Diamond Nanoparticles
End of KS3 Science Test - HIGHER LEVEL

End of KS3 Science Test - HIGHER LEVEL

This test combines every topic of Key Stage 3 Science (including Biology, Chemistry and Physics) all into one. The test is out of 76 marks, and there is a maximum time of 55 minutes to complete it. Please feel free to edit the timing and questions. This is recommended for HIGHER LEVEL students, but this may be a good resource to use if some students are struggling with certain topics.
GCSE Religious Studies - Muslim Beliefs Exam Q's

GCSE Religious Studies - Muslim Beliefs Exam Q's

These are practise questions relating the Muslim Beliefs unit. This follows on from the Christian beliefs unit (you can find the Christian beliefs test here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12607210). It follows the Edexcel Exam Board (Religious Studies B). These can be used as a revision tool or assessment for the whole class.
GCSE Religious Studies - Christian Beliefs Exam Q's

GCSE Religious Studies - Christian Beliefs Exam Q's

These are practise questions relating to Christian Beliefs. It follows the Edexcel Exam Board (Religious Studies B). These can be used as a revision tool or assessment for the whole class. You can find the practise questions for the next unit which is Muslim Beliefs here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12607553. Practise questions for later units will be out soon!