Questions to encourage students to annotate Act 1 Scene 4 from Romeo and Juliet.
Also an activity analysing the 3 key moments from Act 1 Scene 4:
1. Romeo and Mercutio’s witty exchanges
2. Queen Mab speech
3. Romeo’s premonition of death
15 exam style questions (one for each poem) for the Power and Conflict section of the AQA examination.
If you would like to purchase the revision grid as well as the questions, follow the link below:
Structure for responding to AQA Eng Lit Paper 1 Shakespeare/19th Century fiction.
Two versions. One for Section A (Shakespeare) one for Section B (19th century fiction).
3 lessons building students up to compare Prelude and As Imperceptibly as Grief for the WJEC comparative poetry question.
Lesson 1. Teach Prelude using PowerPoint lesson and worksheet.
Lesson 2. Teach As Imperceptibly as Grief using PowerPoint and worksheet.
Lesson 3. Write a comparison. There are two versions. One version is very structured; the other version gives higher ability students more scope for structuring their comparisons independently.
2 differentiated planning sheets with writing frame for writing an essay exploring who is responsible for Macbeth’s downfall.
Stronger students can use the version which explores how Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and The Witches are to blame.
Weaker students can use the version that only focuses on how Macbeth is responsible.
Includes an accompanying PowerPoint.
Also includes a model 4 person discussion about who is to blame to showcase the way students should respond to each other’s points.
Now we are several years into the new syllabus, I predict they might go for a more obscure extracts.
I have been through the text and come up with 6 predictions about extracts that might come up in 2025.
Students read each extract and complete the planning grid for each. Ideal to use in a final revision lesson.
Also includes a planning resource which offers 3 levels of differentiation to help guide students on how to structure a full length response on the following 4 themes/topics: children, materialism, ghosts, Christmas.
Tier 1 difficulty (I do): Big idea, topic sentences and quotations are provided. Students add the analysis of the quotations.
Tier 2 difficulty (We do): Students must choose 2 quotations to support each topic sentence and analyse the quotations.
Tier 3 difficulty (You do): Students have to generate the big idea, the topic sentences, 2 quotations a paragraph and the quotation analysis.
Lesson along with planning sheets to help students to plan and write an AQA exam response on the character of Mr Birling.
Sheet 1: Listening activity with youtube link
Sheet 2: Find quotations
Sheet 3: Exploratory questions and useful sentence stems/writing frame
Sheet 4: Grade 6 exemplar response with examiner comments
Sheet 5: 10 quotations explained in detail
A differentiated introductory lesson to Victorian context in A Christmas Carol. Also includes an independent research task.
Includes a handy revision sheet with answers on the powerpoint.
Worksheets with questions and extracts to help explore how Shakespeare presents Juliet as an unconventional woman.
Students will be expected to explore how…
In Act 1 Scene 3 her rebellion is passive and implicit and shown through her vague answers to Lady Capulet’s questions.
In Act 1 Scene 5 and Act 2 Scene 2 her rebellion is more implicit and is shown through her love for Romeo.
There are also comprehension questions based on what is a conventional Elizabethan woman.
Useful when teaching sentences within a wider Romeo and Juliet SOW.
The worksheet looks at how to use embedded clauses, subordinate clauses, semi colons and colons.
3 lessons exploring Chapter 3.
Lesson 1: A differentiated comprehension worksheet to help students of different abilities engage with Chapter 3 of Steinbeck’s novel.
Tough: Storyboard
Tougher: Comprehension Questions
Toughest: Analysis Questions
There is also a differentiated writing task included on the PowerPoint:
Tough: Lennie wanted poster
Tougher: Diary entry for girl from Weed
Toughest: Newspaper report of what happened in Weed
Lesson 2 involves analysing the language to describe the fight between Lennie and Curley.
Lesson 3 is a skills lesson which looks at how to deliberately use a combination of simple, compound and complex sentences in paragraphs.
Three revision lessons for the 15 mark a) question in the Eduqas 9-1 Romeo and Juliet exam.
Exam 1 is from Act 4 Scene 1
Exam 2 is from Act 5 Scene 3
Exam 3 is from Act 3 Scene 1
All include a powerpoint with annotations, a planning sheet and there is also a writing frame of useful sentence stems.
Also includes grade 9 model answers which students can compare to their own work.
Includes powerpoint and planning resources for an assessment analysing Crooks in Chapter 4.
Also includes a model essay to help with responding to feedback.
Also includes 6 tasks based on Chapter 4 that works well as an independent learning task or as a cover lesson.
Full lesson and worksheet for analysing the setting at the start of Chapter 6. The focus is on commenting on the impact of word choices and the impact of the cyclical structure.
Teaching instructions:
There are 20 key extracts from the novel grouped into bronze, silver and gold for difficulty.
Give each student an extract to focus on.
Each student completes differentiated questions based on the extract.
The next step is to carousel and share answers.
Students then jot down notes for all characters on the graphic organiser which is also provided.
A detailed A3 revision sheet containing key quotations in short easy to remember chunks for the following 4 supporting characters in Romeo and Juliet: Mercutio, Capulet, Nurse and Friar.
There is a differentiated activity to encourage students to use the revision sheet effectively:
Bronze: AO1 explain what we learn about the character in each quote.
Silver: AO3 link each quotation to context
Gold: AO3 link each quotation to a theme
Diamond: AO2 Identify language features in each quotation
Also includes a follow up lesson revising the key quotes and testing understanding.