6 sets of revision cards on the following 6 themes in Macbeth:
Macbeth’s fears
Blood and violence
Each set has 6 key quotations analysed in detail to meet the requirements for A01, A02 and A03.
6 sets of revision cards on the following 6 themes in Macbeth:
Macbeth’s fears
Motif of blood
Each set has 6 key quotations analysed in detail to meet the requirements for A01, A02 and A03.
Includes a version in pdf and editable word format.
6 revision cards containing detailed analysis of how Macbeth’s fears are presented across the play. Ideal preparation for both the 2022 and 2023 AQA exam questions about Macbeth’s fears and about how Macbeth changes during the play.
We are still waiting for the theme of kingship to come up. When it does, here are 6 key quotations that are useful for analysing how this theme is presented in the novel. Each quotation is analysed in some depth to meet the requirements for A01, A02 and A03.
A large collection of my post popular revision cards and sheets for A Christmas Carol collated into one bundle.
Top 20 quotations
Top 50 quotations
Top 100 quotations
Effects of greed - top 6 quotations
Poverty - top 6 quotations
Supernatural - top 6 quotations
Joy and happiness - top 6 quotations
Isolation - top 6 quotations
100 comprehension questions (with answer sheet)
Comprehension questions on all staves.
Check out the previews.
6 quotations exploring the effects of greed in A Christmas Carol based on the May 2023 AQA exam question.
The revision cards are aimed at students look to develop grade 7-9 comments about the key quotations which meet the requirements for A01, A02 and A03.
A Grade 9 (or close to grade 9 response because examiner marking is always highly subjective) to a range of typical exam-style questions. There are 9 responses in total. This will be be a useful resource for students preparing for mock exams in 2024 or as a tool for teachers to use to help plan follow up tasks and walk-through mocks.
Topics include:
Also contains a 9th grade 9 response answering what I predict will be the topic for May 2024: places and settings.
All the responses are between 800 and 1250 words in length and were completed within 50 minutes to replicate actual exam conditions. All are consistently thoughtful and, for me, demonstrate sufficient examples of assuredness and conviction to reach level 6 in the mark scheme.
All have been adapted to fit snugly onto one page for ease of printing/downloading. You might decide to increase the font size to improve readability with some classes or print A3 rather than A4.
Also includes:
A timeline revision activity for A Christmas Carol that asks students to offer 3 layers of analysis for 13 key Scrooge quotations to help track his transformation in the novel from a solitary miser to a redeemed philanthropist.
A01: What is the meaning of the quotation?
A02: What is the impact of words/methods?
A03: What is Dickens’ message in this quotation?
Comprehensive answer sheet is included. I give this out at the end of the lesson so students can compare their answers to it.
Ideal revision activity in the run up to the May examinations.
A grade 9 response on the theme of greed in A Christmas Carol.
It includes a thesis style introduction.
Point 1 explores the Marley’s Ghost section.
Point 2 explores the Belle section.
Point 3 explores the criminals stealing Scrooge’s possessions in Stave 4.
Also presented in the form of 6 revision cards.
Some templates and ideas for making marking more time efficient for teachers.
It includes generic targets that can be set for any creative writing or any reading analysis task.
Also contains a writing wheel which is useful for self, peer or teacher assessment.
Also includes a literacy tracker that can be used by all departments across a school to check that students are maintaining high standards of literacy across all the different subject disciplines.
I have carefully selected 25 key quotations from A Christmas Carol from across the novel. . Each card contains detailed notes linked to the three assessment objects A01, A02 and A03. The notes are colour-coded to help with this. Also methods are underlined to help students see how they meeting the requirements for A02.
There is also a blank template which I give students first to see how much they already know about these top 25 quotations.
Also contains analysis of the 10 key words to analyse in the text.
Also includes:
A timeline revision activity for A Christmas Carol that asks students to offer 3 layers of analysis for 13 key Scrooge quotations to help track his transformation in the novel from a solitary miser to a redeemed philanthropist.
A01: What is the meaning of the quotation?
A02: What is the impact of words/methods?
A03: What is Dickens’ message in this quotation?
Comprehensive answer sheet is included. I give this out at the end of the lesson so students can compare their answers to it.
Ideal revision activity in the run up to the May examinations.
This resource carefully selects 20 key quotations from across the play (that link to multiple themes so could be used to suit a range of questions) and provides analysis linking to the A01, A02 and A03 objectives. There is also a blank template for students to see how much they already know about the quotations before going through the model explanations.
Also contains a top 30 quotations aimed at lower ability.
A 44 page revision booklet which brings together my best selling Animal Farm worksheets into one easy to print/download document.
It includes character revision cards, theme trackers, quotation knowledge organiser, chapter questions, 5 graded exemplar responses, 14 sample GCSE questions, essay plans, writing frames and lots more.
Here is a lesson that offers a step by step guide on how to plan and construct a grade 9 response on the theme of kingship.
Many teachers are predicting kingship may be the theme this year due to the recent coronation.
Also includes an aspirational high grade response for students to read which has been written specifically in the wake of the 2022 examiner report to ensure I am hitting level 6 for A03.
Also presented in the form of 6 revision flashcards to assist with revision.
7 attractive and informative literature revision booklets covering the following 7 popular GCSE texts. I have compiled my most popular resources for each set text into 7 easy to print pdfs. There are also word versions if you wish to edit and add to the booklets yourself.
The 7 texts that are covered should hopefully cover the 4 set texts you will be studying or teaching:
Romeo and Juliet (98 pages)
A Christmas Carol (56 pages)
Power and Conflict (51 pages)
An Inspector Calls (43 pages)
Lord of the Flies (46 pages)
Animal Farm
All the booklets contain knowledge organisers, revision cards, plot/knowledge tests, high grade model exemplars, writing frames, support with planning and much more.
Please look at the previews to sample the wide range of resources on offer.
Can be printed in A4 or A3. Some pages may benefit from an A3 print out.
7 attractive and informative literature revision booklets covering the following 7 popular texts. I have compiled my most popular resources for each set text into 7 easy to print pdfs. There are also word versions if you wish to edit and add to the booklets yourself.
The 7 texts that are covered should hopefully cover the 4 set texts you will be studying or teaching:
Romeo and Juliet
A Christmas Carol
Power and Conflict
An Inspector Calls
Lord of the Flies
Animal Farm
All the booklets contain knowledge organisers, revision cards, plot/knowledge tests, high grade model exemplars, writing frames, support with planning and much more.
Please look at the previews to sample the wide range of resources on offer.
Newly updated 46 page revision booklet for Lord of the Flies which my best selling resources into one easy to print/download document to aid with revision.
The booklet includes:
Plot recap questions
Cloze plot summary activity
Chapter questions
Storyboard plot summary
Theme quotation revision cards
Knowledge organisers
Top 10 quotations for each character posters
Blank templates to test understanding of key points
High grade model responses on Ralph, Piggy, Jack and Roger
Sample GCSE questions
Contextual revision notes
Writing frames (differentiated)
Notes on topic sentences
Extension links to Freudian analysis
Also now includes 6 extra character pages with more detailed quotation analysis on the 5 main characters and the island setting.
A lesson that revises 16 key quotations each linked to 4 big ideas from the Power and Conflict collection: nature, identity, abuse of power and memory.
Students then move on to complete revision on two further concepts linked to war.
Also contains ‘because, but, so’ summaries of every poem.
‘A thesis-style introduction that demonstrates your understanding of the question can be a really helpful way of starting your answer. It shows that you are ‘in charge’ of your essay and that you know what you think. It can provide a strong foundation for the rest of the essay. Keep referring back to the introduction to create a coherent response.’ AQA examiner’s report 2022
Creating a thesis-style introduction is a challenge for many students but is essential in helping students to reach levels 4-6 in the mark scheme. I have produced a simple 3 point structure to help students quickly generate a thesis statement in timed exam conditions. There is an example of the 3 point structure being used and then students attempt to imitate the structure for 4 other exam-style questions.
Examples apply for Lord of the Flies, Macbeth and A Christmas Carol.
A worksheet that encourages students to develop their A03 analysis in A Christmas Carol.
Students are provided with partially completed high grade analysis of 14 key quotations from the text. The A02 analysis of methods is already present. Students must then complete the table by adding in the A03 analysis.
The following prompts are provided to help students come out of the text to explore A03.
A03 – Zoom out of the text. What is Dickens’ authorial message/big idea for his 19th century reader? What are the relevant 19th century contextual factors?
A03+ What makes the ideas in this text relevant to human beings NOW? What key concepts or universal truths about being human, or part of society, or a part of a relationship, or alive in the world, are being presented in this text?
Also contains a revision sheet on the 12 moral lessons in the book. Answer sheet included.
Also includes:
A timeline revision activity for A Christmas Carol that asks students to offer 3 layers of analysis for 13 key Scrooge quotations to help track his transformation in the novel from a solitary miser to a redeemed philanthropist.
A01: What is the meaning of the quotation?
A02: What is the impact of words/methods?
A03: What is Dickens’ message in this quotation?
Comprehensive answer sheet is included. I give this out at the end of the lesson so students can compare their answers to it.
Ideal revision activity in the run up to the May examinations.