Health & Social Care Shop #HSCresources #tlevelhealth
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Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
SEVEN PowerPoints covering the spec areas below:-
5.5 Structure of kidney
• cortex
• medulla
• calyx
• ureters
• renal artery/vein
• urethra
• bladder
* kidney nephron (role in osmoregulation)
5.6 Functions of kidney
* osmoregulation (balance of fluids in the body and blood pressure)
5.8 The concept of homeostasis
• principles of homeostasis (monitoring, feedback mechanisms, effectors) and its importance
5.9 Malfunctions of control and regulatory systems – possible causes and effects
eg. Kidney failure and endocrine, i.e. diabetes
There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-)
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
For more CTEC or BTEC Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, free and small charge, visit my shop to find the full range, all in the same place with a handy search facility :-)
Seven PowerPoints for delivery and four activities for you to use or adapt, to your style of teaching
There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-)
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
A 24 page word booklet for students to make notes and record findngs and activities which coveres the whle of the Learning AIm B part of the BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 11 Psychological Perspective. There are seperate cae study activities and lots of reference to the assessment criteria for pass, merit and distinction.
The spec content covered, in detail is…
Learning Aim B: Examine the contribution of psychological perspectives to the management and treatment of service users’ specific behaviours
B1. Factors that affect human development and specific behaviours
• Physical.
• Social, cultural and emotional.
• Economic.
• Physical environment.
• Psychological.
B2. Contribution of psychological perspectives to the management of behaviours
• Cognitive behavioural therapy, e.g. treatment of phobias, mental illnesses, post-traumatic stress disorder, approaches to challenging behaviour, monitoring and improving behaviour.
• Social learning theory, e.g. use of positive role models, treatment of eating disorders. • Role of psychodynamic perspective in, e.g. psychoanalysis, exploration of factors influencing behaviour.
• Humanistic perspective, e.g. person-centred counselling.
• Biological perspective, e.g. drugs, biofeedback.
B3. Contribution of psychological perspectives to the treatment of behaviours
• Interventions: use of perspectives to inform development of therapeutic practices.
• Therapeutic practices as relevant to behaviour, e.g. group therapy, family therapy, addiction therapy, behaviour modification programmes.
• Ethical issues.
• How the therapies work.
• Reasons for attending therapy sessions.
For more Level 2 and Level 3 BTEC or CTEC resources, follow me on TES to find them all in the same place with a handy search facility, to save on time. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
A 17 slide presentation that covers administrating medication process and the Levels of Administration as well as an overview of storage of medicines.
For more Health and Social Care resources packages, have a look at my TES shop to find the full range, all in the same place with a handy search facility.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
This resource package is an educational opportunity for children and young people to learn about what goes on inside their body. There are engaging activities in a booklet form, for two age groups; 8-11 year-olds and 11+, which can be printed off back to back or alternatively, completed on screen.
Children will learn the location of internal body parts and what each bit does, to keep us healthy. They can build an internal organs structure, so you can either print these off in colour or black and white (to colour in) or draw them. Cutting and sticking is engaging and there’s a sense of achievement when completed, which can only be a good thing.
A printer is a distinct advantages but you could improve your drawing skills to still enjoy this activity, with your children. For the card, you can use cereal boxes, to give the overall activity strength.
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PowerPoint about the thermoregulation process with embedded video and activity to check understanding. Additional PowerPoint to explain both hypothermia and hypothermia.
For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Presentation on Glucose Homeostasis and a flow chart activity to check understanding.
Presentation about the pancrease, alpha/beta islet cells and diabetes
For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
This is a GCSE level revision activity which is engaging a fun.
A presentation and worksheet to complete before making menstrual hormone bracelets.
You will need 9 X 6 mm beads from Amazon, see image in thumb nail pics.
Thank you
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,000+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
48 slide editable presentation with an A3 work sheet and homework exam question. Engagement assured and I suggest the use of a laptop charger to explain some points eg.myelin sheath is the equivalent of the plastic around the cable carrying electricity,
Good luck in your teaching :-)
This a 36 slide presentation with guidance throughout for completing the accompanying A3 worksheet. This is good for a delivery lesson or revision recap and is suitable for GCSE Science
Good luck in your teaching :-)
1 hour lesson GCSE breathing in and out with some interesting facts about colds and flu to engage students
Good luck in your teaching :-)
This a 35 slide presentation with guidance throughout for completing the accompanying A3 worksheet. The start is about the metabolic rate and it continues to explain the flight or fight response. In addition there is a resting pulse and fitness level optional activity too.
This is good for a delivery lesson or revision recap and is suitable for GCSE Science
Good luck in your teaching :-)
39 slide presentation and 2 worksheets covering transpiration and translocation to engage even demotivated lower level learners.
To make it even more memorable, give the student a leaf, the images on the presentation are ivy leaves.
Good luck in your teaching :-)
33 slide presentation which is adaptable and two worksheets
Good luck in your teaching :-)
This is an A4 size game board which requires a dice to engage students and test their learning about Anti-Diuretic Hormone controls and urine production, aimed at Level 3’s.
Print off back to back and preferably laminate the cards. The instructions are included, working in pairs.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Good luck in your teaching :-)
Booklets for students - tick off checklists, self-monitoring and plan your revision
Use a revision timetable - PLAN don’t revise when you’ve got a min, self-discipline is a skill you need to develop before you become a trainee nurse… start now.
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package for B1.31, B1.32, B1.33, B1.34 and B1.25 . If you are following my SoW it is for week beginning 24th March 2025.
There is a 36-slide presentation with discussion points, embedded videos and guidance and a 24-page student booklet for notes. The booklet has a focus on radiation treatments; chemotherapy, radiotherapy and radiation iodine and an alament of maths as 6-10 marks on the Core B exam paper will be mathematical.
The content of these resources covers the below;
B1.31 The types and properties of ionising radiation:
• alpha particle
• beta
• gamma
B1.32 The definitions of half-life
B1.33 The use of the international system of units (SI):
• kilogram (kg) – mass
• metre (m) – length
• second (s) – time
B1.34 How to convert units of measure:
• metres to millimetres
• millimetres to micrometres
• litres to millilitres
• millilitres to microlitres
• grams to milligrams
• milligrams to micrograms
B1.35 The importance of using significant figures and science notation:
• makes calculation with large or small numbers less cumbersome
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package for B1.29 The normal expected ranges for physiological measurements, how to identify when physiological measurements fall outside the normal expected ranges in adults, including factors that can contribute to measurement outside of usual parameters, If you are following my SoW it is for weeks beginning 26th February 2024.
Please read carefully - This package covers physiological measurements which are not in the first year Core A or B spec. The aim is to give students a broad understanding, cover some 2nd year teaching and prepare them better for work experience placements. There is a printable NEWS2 chart in this package.
If you would prefer to stick to the spec the resources are editable, delete what you feel is appropriate.
Included is a 104 slide presentation which you can stop-start, set slides as homework, encourages class discussions and has embedded YouTube clips to engage learners. Exam practice is embedded in the 30 page booklet with guided for note taking.
This package covers the below spec content;
B1.29 The normal expected ranges for physiological measurements, how to identify when physiological measurements fall outside the normal expected ranges in adults, including factors that can contribute to measurement outside of usual parameters:
• normal expected ranges for physiological measurements
Physiological measurements Average range for an adult Physiological measurements Average range for an adult
blood pressure systolic mm/hg:90–120 diastolic mm/hg:60–80
heart rate 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm)
respiratory rate at rest 12 to 20 breaths per minute (bpm)
Temperature 36 to 37.5°C
• factors that contribute to measurements outside of normal parameters:
o age (variations in expected measurements for infants and children of different ages)
o weight
o exercise
o gender
o overall health
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresource #tlevelhealth
T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package for B1.30 Classifications of disease and disorders If you are following my SoW it is for week beginning 3rd March 2025.
There is a 30-slide presentation
Topographical, anatomical, physiological
30-slides, visual for class discussion prompts and 4 page booklet.
Booklet to apply classification to disease and disorders
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresource #tlevelhealth